16 Chapter 0 Part 2 Welcome to a New World” (1/2)

New Game (+?) | Cyber World | Dawn of Magi

As Luosa exited the cave, she enters a lush green wilderness, full of wildlife and captivating scenery. She covered her eyes as the sun trying to blind them.

”Where in the world I spawn into… I wish the Map function would unlock right away. I don't like playing the game with my eyes closed. Though, I did enjoy doing it, but still…”

Stretching her thin arms to the back, the sound of cracking bones can be heard coming from her stiffed body, she sighed, ”Haa… and why do I feel like this avatar is not an avatar”

”… Eh?” A sudden chill crawling up her spine as she thought of the possibility that is true, so she decided to drop it off and move on.

Walking through the forest in happy notion, she lifted her hand and went to inspect the dagger that she has, muttering, ”Appraisal ~ Item Identification”

'Unlike the Active Skills, the Passive one does not have an incantation. Good, I guess it still works the same as in Normal Mode.'


Luosa tilted her head in confusion, this has never happened before. 'Hmm… why did it fail… Passive Skills should have no limits or any restrictions whatsoever. Maybe it needs some Mana Potency or something?'

She pondered about it for a while. The potency of Mana is a scaling power of a skill. The more Mana one pours into the skill, the better and stronger its effects. One could even evolve them into higher-level skills or spells at a certain threshold. There is a limit to it, however, which is the tier of +11, the maximum level of one can achieve is by reaching that tier, and beyond that is a Transcendental tier, which in itself has its own separate ranking.

”But how do I give Mana into it though? There is only Mana Potency adjustment when someone configures them, but I have to Rank up in order to use it. There should be another way, right?”

She holds her chin with her finger as she walks in confusion, ”Hmm.......”

It feels like her face spiraled.

(Reference to Felix— I mean, PewDiePie. You know what it is, and yes, I'm a Floor Gang. You're a ceiling gang? GET THE FLIP OoUT oF HeRE, no wait, I didn't mean to \u003e,\u003c n-no please stay, w-w-w-wait, senpai, please don't goooooo!)


Luosa noticed something, there is a number-like counter on her upper right vision, it's small but it's there. ”Geh, I've spent a month in that place!?” her eyes and lips wiggling in sync, ”No wonder I feel so weird now. I guess Avarice really did take her sweet time to 'Torture' me. Mm, oh yeah, remembering it again, I can feel my pussy getting wet. Soaked, baby.”

An hour later of doing absolutely nothing.

”Hrmmph, I have to log out, but… I really want to explore the area first. Hmm… well, it's not like I really HAVE to log out, but it would take a longer time to charge the capsule again if I don't leave now. Hrmmmph…” after a pause, she shook her head, ”I suppose I can take a look around for a bit. This place… even though it's not the same, many memories were made here. I should take my time and enjoy them.”

Luosa referred to the game itself, she — along with her companions — have made not just memories of killing monsters, no, but many other things as well… normal things. It can be said that Ekolia itself… is the birthplace… to the current Siola herself. It had helped her, shaped her into the woman she is now.

Even though right now, the body of her avatar — and also, the body in the real life — is that of a young woman… her age is not, and for sure, her mind too has surpassed that.

Her looks is innocent, her body is small, her skins are delicate. If anyone didn't know her well enough, they might think that she is weak and helpless but in reality, she's not.

A few hours later.

The sky is blue, the grass is green, ”Why the fuck, this happened to me…”

Luosa is sweating herself a bucket even though she's under the shadow of the trees. Her breath can be seen coming out of her mouth, ”Bah, why this place is so cold, and HOT at the same fucking time. This is torture! Who designed this game!”

She has realized that Realism Mode indeed added many things the Normal Mode doesn't, but she didn't expect the weather would change to this degree.