C9 (1/2)
The sun shines brightly in the east,
The rain and dew nourish the earth;
The hot-blooded men of ambition,
Wearing thorns and chopping thorns would not fall behind.
Since the sixth of February, Wang Zipeng had held an extension committee meeting in the village, and started working on the Party affairs. He wanted to get the Party affairs in order as soon as possible and then fight alongside the branch committee members. In fact, the ”end-of-year assessment index” issued by the Rural Party Committee was not very complicated. As long as one was able to comprehend the essence of the technique, they would be able to quickly comprehend its true meaning. The most important ones are just a few: developing the three-meeting one-class system of party member management; developing the files of non-party activists, identifying the three types of development, key points and general, identifying the people who have been trained in that year; developing the Party member procedures; contacting the family of Party members; publicizing and educating the work, giving prominence to the radio station and the newspaper in the publicity project; completing the task without any impunity; deducting points from the task, exceeding a single award; and examining a total of 100 points. With regards to these important contents, Wang Zipeng read them more than ten times. It took him half a month to familiarize himself with the Party's work and get on with it. During this period, another party congress was held, the Party Group was redivided, and the ranks of non-party activists were reorganized, from the original 10 activists to 15. As a result, the pressure on his shoulders lessened and his work improved.
On the 25th of February, Branch Secretary Wang Peng, Village Head Deng Chunming, participated in the meeting on agriculture organized by the two Rural Government s. On the 25th of February, Branch Secretary Wang Peng participated in the meeting on agriculture held by the two Rural Government s. Among them, eggplant 75 thousand pounds, green pepper 48 thousand pounds, late head 105 thousand pounds, Chinese cabbage 600 thousand pounds; grain and beans planted area 1517 mu, production 5.75 million Jin; vegetables irrigated area 150 mu. The animal husbandry indicators are: 575 live pigs out of 575; 100 cattle out of 100; 30 sheep out of 30; two dairy cows in the cages, 10 thousand poultry in the cages; 400 rabbits out of the cages. Vegetable mulch 130 mu; Large field mulch 10 mu; Protected area 16 mu. The index of various management is: ginseng 250 curtain; grape 10 mu; hawthorn 200 plants; asarum 1 mu. The forestry index is: 50mu broad-leaved forest; 300mu coniferous forest; 5mu seedling cultivation; 200mu foundation reform. The value of Village enterprises was 630 thousand yuan, with a profit of 55 thousand yuan. The value of individual was 530 thousand yuan, with a profit of 40 thousand yuan. After giving out the targets, the deputy mayor, who was in charge of agriculture, said: Vegetable production is 100 points, 10 mu less is deducted by 1 point.
Cui deputy mayor was 38 years old and was 1.75 meters tall.
Finally, the Chihuahua emphasized: One catty of vegetables minus one catty of food; one cart of feces minus, plus ten yuan. In addition, the village is scheduled to train the ginseng technician on 26 February. Taoyuan Village's training target was Zhou Li Gang. He was twenty-one, eight years old. At this point, the meeting on agricultural work ended in the middle of the morning.
On March 31, a rare spring snow fell for a day and a night. The snow on the ground melted down. Even so, it was still 31 centimeters deep by the next morning. This has caused losses and inconvenience to agricultural production and transportation. In this extraordinary spring snow, two plastic sheds from Taoyuan were crushed by the snow; the steel sheds of Yang Anli from Taoyuan's three teams were crushed by the snow. For this reason, on the 1st April, when they went to work, the Taoyuan Village called for an emergency meeting. Participating in this meeting were: Branch Secretary Wang Peng, Village Head Deng Chunming, Vice Village Chief Wang s, agricultural director Ma Jianli, Industry Director Hu Wenzhang, accountant Wang Xingbang, security director Cao Guoli, Director of Women's Affairs Ding Qingzhen, three teams of village leaders Yang Anli, a total of nine comrades. Based on research decisions:
1. A team shall invest 1,250 yuan for oxygen, acetylene, welding rod, iron wire and labor fees. In the village field, 46 poles were cut down, and 24 poles were followed. Ma Jianli had full authority over this task.
Second, Yang Anli's view on the treatment of the large shed: because the span of the steel frame is too large, it cannot be repaired. Another three 0.5 mu of wooden poles, bamboo poles and plastic sheds were built. Chop down 600 poles from six teams of mountain fields, 100 poles. Yang Anli is personally responsible for the completion of this task.
After the meeting, the members of the Taoyuan Village split up to observe the situation. Fortunately, apart from crushing three large sheds, the spring snow did not cause much damage to the other sheds.
On April 6th, Wang Zipeng participated in the Secretary of Branch's regular meeting for the first time since he had assumed the position of Secretary of the Party Branch. There were a total of six natural villages in Erdaojiang Village: Erdao Village, Changsheng Village, Taoyuan Village, Three River Villages, Sampling Gully Villages and birch village. At 8 AM, the Secretary of Branch s from the six villages all arrived at the secretary's room of the Rural Party Committee. Deputy Secretary-General Zhou Hui Lin took the Chair.
Deputy Secretary-General Zhou, 1.8m tall, with a handsome face and gold-rimmed glasses, spoke slowly and gracefully. He said:
”The main purpose of this meeting is to carry out three questions: one is the Party's work plan; the other is the documents of the organization department of the District Committee:” How to strengthen the Party organization at the grassroots level ”; the third is to train the activists to participate in the Party's basic knowledge learning; to participate in the Party's basic knowledge competition through training;
Zhou then read out the 1987 Party work plan. Then, deputy mayor Liu Wan Cai passed down the documents of the organization department of Erdao District Committee.
deputy mayor Liu, 36 years old, medium build, slightly long face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, elegant demeanor.
The document mentions: first, purpose and purpose, second, content and methodology. The main contents are as follows: firstly, to break out the idea that the Party organization is of little use in the new period, to establish the idea that the Party organization should be strengthened continuously and that the role of the military fortress should be played; secondly, to break out the idea that the contracting responsibility system should be implemented, each of them should be responsible for their own work, and the Party members should not be able to play a role. To establish the idea that Party members should play a role model in the production of commodities; to break down the narrow concept of small production and the concept of commodity economy; to break down the traditional concept of economy, to establish the idea of open and active, and to develop a variety of business. After returning, he would use the branch as a unit, study and discuss with them, write out the written documents, and report it to the Party committee on the 25th …
On May 20, Wang Zipeng finished his breakfast and pushed his bicycle to the village to work. When they arrived at Yu Lixia's house, she was already waiting outside. Seeing that Zi Peng had come over, he walked up and said:
”second brother, I thought you had left. I finally didn't wait in vain. I've finally waited for you. ”Hurry up and enter the house, I beg of you to help me with something.”
”little sister, what is there to be so secretive about? ”Let's talk here. Do I still have to go to work?”
”second brother, can I still eat you after you enter the room? Look at how scared I am of you. What kind of person do you think your little sister is? ”
Zi Peng had no choice but to leave his bicycle by the side of the road and follow Lixia into the house. After entering the house, she poured a cup of water for Zi Peng and passed it to him.
”second brother, drink a mouthful of water first. I want to trouble second brother to go to the post office and order a copy of 'Family' magazine for me.” Zi Peng sat on the edge of the brick bed, drank some water and asked, ”little sister, is Gui Hong not at home?”
”He went to seven shovels.”
”little sister, you need to book a 'Home' magazine. This is very good, reading at home when you have nothing to do, so as to avoid loneliness.”
”second brother, I heard that 'Family' magazine has some ways to gain experience. I'm thinking of reading a book to maybe learn something useful.”
”That's a good idea. A cultured person is not the same as an uncultured person. I'll help second brother with this. ”
”second brother, ever since that time you bought me a thermometer and walked with me all the way back, I have no idea why but I just can't sleep. Do you think it's strange? Close your eyes, they're all your shadow. second brother, do you think I am stupid? ”
After she finished speaking, she looked at Zi Peng affectionately. Zi Peng avoided her affectionate gaze, took another sip of water, and said:
”little sister, like you, I didn't sleep well that night. However, it will be fine in a few days. ”Look, I'm fine now, aren't I?”
”second brother, actually, I can do the subscription magazine myself. Today, sorry for troubling you, but I just want to meet you. I don't know why, but I keep thinking about you in my heart, but I can't let you go. That, is why I was able to meet with second brother; have a few words with him; have a good look at him; and let him come home for a while. ”
Her sweet smile spread across her face. Zi Peng looked at her sweet smile and smiled back. He said:
”little sister, we are all people with families and businesses, don't let our imaginations run wild. It is more important to finish off our families than anything else.”