Part 17 (1/2)

The High-Gerh-Gere of Geres Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch, Old Friesian, and Old Saxon, and the living languages of England, Holland, Friesland, and North of Germany (Platt-Deutsch)

The Scandinavian Branch consists of the dead language Old Norse, and the living languages of Denical Table of the Sees

The Semitic Family Family consists of three Classes: the Arabic or Southern, the Hebraic or Middle, and the Aramaic or Northern

The Arabic or Southern Class consists of the dead languages Ethiopic and the Hies of Arabic and Amharic

The Hebraic or Middle Class consists of the dead languages Biblical Hebrew, the Sainian, Phnician Inscriptions, and the living language of the Jews

The Araes Chaldee (Masora, Talum, Biblical Chaldee), Syriac (Peshi+to, second cent

A D), Cuneifore Neo-Syriac

No 3 Genealogical Table of the Turanian Faes, Northern Division

The Northern Division of the Turanian Faolic, Turkic, Sausic Class consists of two Branches: Western and Eastern

The Western Branch consists of the languages of the Chapogires (Upper Tunguska), Orotongs (Lower Tunguska), and the People of Nyertchinsk

The Eastern Branch consists of the languages of the Laolic Class consists of three Branches: Eastern or Mongols Proper, Western Mongols, and Northern Mongols

The Eastern or Mongols Proper Class consists of the languages of the Sharra-Mongols (South of Gobi), Khalkhas (North of Gobi), and Sharaigol (Tibet and Tangut)

The Western Mongols Class consists of the languages of the Chosot (Kokonur), Dsungur, TorGod, Durbet, Aimaks (tribes of Persia), and Sokpas (Tibet)

The Northern Mongols Class consists of the language of the Buritas (Lake Baikal)

The Turkic Class consists of three Branches: Chagatic, S E, Turkic, N, and Turkic, W

The Chagatic Branch consists of the languages of the Uigurs, Koatais, Usbeks, Turkomans, and People of Kasan