Part 19 (1/2)

Of course, we do not claiht to study, any more than sick boys, or that there are, at the present tiirls who can endure hard study, either spasmodic or continuous, as boys We accept the fact, that Aainst the false theory that her schools responsible for the fact

In Dr Clarke's chapter upon co-education, we read that ”this experi co-education--”has been tried in soh to show much more than its first-fruits, viz, its results while the students are in college; and of these, the only obvious ones are increased emulation, and intellectual develop it must be tried before it ceases to be an experies, e are told that ”two or three generations, at least, of the feraduates of this sort of co-education, o before any sufficient idea can be forerous to wait two or three generations for the result of an experiment, when it affects so important a question as our national life? But what if the experiures that, in addition to the increased intellectual development and attainments, tith ”to stand the wear and tear of woman's work in life?” If we can have intellectual develop to be devoutly wished? If there is any other conclusion to be truthfully reached, than the one which obliges a woood of the race, she e with only a few cruly before her, why put her faith in the justice of God to such a test?

It is this conclusion, and conclusions like this, spoken in the tone of authority, which have soanization with half-smothered anathemas,” and led the, and, let us also add, an all-wise Father, has built for theainst which all a woman's instincts rebel, we onisood of the race, she ought syste blocks frohten her burdens, we s correspond with all her preconceived ideas of justice and benevolence

It was this view of the subject, rather than any belief in the modern theories of woe to open her doors to woenerations Her last annual catalogue contained the names of over one hundred students, whose fathers' or ue Let us see hat results; for these are the data which Dr Clarke says we must have, before we can reach any definite conclusion

Oberlin has graduated, as shown by her last Triennial Catalogue, published in 1873, 579 men and 620 woical Seraduated froree in the arts, 525 from the ”Women's Course” But lest some should conclude from this name, that it stands for a diluted curriculum, suited to the weakened condition of woman's brain, or rather, her body--since we have it upon the best authority that her brain, under the most powerful microscope, shows no inferiority to e, at their last annualthe na this course, as Michigan University confers a degree upon those co its Latin Scientific Course The subject was referred to the Faculty, to be reported upon at the next Commencement

Nohat of these 620 woher intellectual development? How have they stood the ”wear and tear”? Surely they have been put to the test, for few of them have led inactive lives Their names are to be found as teachers in our coh-schools and seminaries, from Mexico to the woods of Canada; from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic; in our lists of n field; as professors in Fees; as founders of asylue, and as leaders in all benevolent enterprises

Now it is a law of nature, that where there is an imperfect development there is a tendency to early decay If, then, the evils of continuous education for girls be as great as Dr Clarke thinks, we should naturally expect to findthe Aluain to the Triennial, and count the starred na the latter, raduates, 967; for the raduates, a little over 10 But it should be mentioned that there were no women in the first class, so that, as near as may be, the rates ofthe 95 woraduated fro the per cent 95

We see nothing here ”to excite the grave alar ”to demand the serious attention of the coirls can endure continuous education--which really means whether they shall be educated at all beyond the s--is to be decided, such facts as these, to those who are honestly looking for the truth,

But some one says, tell us of the health of these 620 wo out ”tedious days and still hts”? The li the individual history of each, even if it were known to us; but because facts here are worth so eneral statements, and because Dr Clarke says it is data that ive the individual history, so far as known topeculiar in its history, but because it is my own class, and I therefore know more about it I take the names in alphabetical order, and call the roll:

The first answers from Buffalo, where, as a minister's wife, she finds aood health

The second is un a the freedmen's schools at the South When I last saw her, soood cheer and sound nerves

The third was for eleven years a teacher in a private seminary in New York A part of that ti the whole tiood health, and enjoying home life

The fourth does not answer to any roll-call here She ca Consumption had robbed her of a mother and sister, and ays felt that her hold upon life was slight The years added soainst hope She , and moved to the South When the war opened, she and her husband were obliged to flee; hunted from county to county and from State to State, they at last crossed the Ohio No sooner had her feet touched her native soil, than, turning to him as her all, she said--Go She lived to see the war closed; but the watching and the waiting had been too much for her The old family enemy claimed its victim

The fifth, in reply to the question, ”What are you doing?” answers: ”Bringing upto ho out large sueneral city missionary without pay; that, when there was no man to fill the place, she was Sabbath-school Superintendent, church organist, or leader of the choir, and that htened through her timely intervention I need not say that she is not an invalid

The sixth, a dignified wife and mother, I have not seen for three years

At that time she entered no complaint of poor health

The seventh has been constantly e the seventeen years the state of her health deave herself to out-door exercise, and, when able to walk ten miles with perfect ease, she returned to the school-room

She reports herself to-day as well, and offers as proof, that during the last year she has not lost a single recitation frohth I have heard from, from time to time; first, as a successful teacher, then as a successful housewife, never as an invalid

The tenth was for many years a most earnest teacher It is over a year since I heard from her She was then well

The eleventh is Preceptress of the Norhout the State as one of its successful educators I heard her read last week apaper, before the State Teachers' association She looks as if continuous education and continuous teaching had both been good for her When asked what she thought of Dr Clarke's book she laughingly answered, ”Look at ood health, and so are e They will, of course, go where their mother went I am daily thankful I studied at Oberlin”

Away fro words of the thirteenth: ”A troop of ood health, and a happy home”

The fourteenth writes: ”Why do you ask if I am sorry that I studied at Oberlin? It is the subject over which row enthusiastic at any tihter soon”