Part 4 (1/2)

[16] On this statement we may perhaps rest, as our present distinct object is to illustrate h any reader will, of course, be entitled to his own ”mental reservations” on the other side, and his own ideas on the subject of Attraction, etc

[17] When those who are supposed to be the educated women of Ah our sy paragraph fro New York journal would seem to attest

”It must be confessed, we fear, that wives and eneral disinclination for that steady, persevering pursuit of high intellectual aiht exans of social position, and also, on account of those they love, eager for the solid advantages to be obtained by money They are not content if they cannot be dressed as finely and 'receive' as elegantly as their friends do; and, also, they fret if their children do not have such advantages of education and association as will secure for them an enviable future

And thus, husbands and fathers are driven, not only to ceaseless labor--that they would bear willingly--but to the abandonhest, most cherished purposes Thus, money-productiveness comes to be the test of the value of all intellectual labor, even with ladly devote their lives to science or to literature, and perhaps be willing, for themselves, even to be poor in a society in which poverty is alh aspirations are checked, and that strong resolves are broken And thus it will be, until we have advanced to such a point of civilization and culture that we shall award that so which is only expressed by the word 'consideration' to other eminence than that which is attained in politics or in trade”

I venture the question with extreme diffidence, but would not this broader education of future wives and islation on the subject of divorce as is now in progress in those parts of the country most characteristically Aeach other's ive rise without seeing the reasons for them, and they are to us fit subjects for caricature We all know Mrs

Pardiggle and Mrs Jellyby, but feho have not borne it, know the pain of the pressure from within that forces natural activity into such distorted motion”--Mary Taylor, _First Duty of Wo America is conceited, disrespectful, does not honor over-much his mother Commonly he soon outstrips, or thinks he outstrips, her mental attainments Her stature dwindles as his increases At best, in his fancied greatness, he pities while he loves her But what if she has traversed every inch of these intellectual regions before hihts, has conquered those enemies, has looked deeper into those mysteries, is superior at every point, can in an instant flood his darkness with light, sweeps with steady gaze the circuelic intellect as well as a mother's heart! With such a mother, filial love would alreatness was due to his hter of Sir Anthony Cooke, tutor to King Edward VI? Every evening when Sir Anthony caiven to his royal pupil Anne Cooke mastered Latin, Greek, and Italian, and becaht her son A suggestion of Bacon's reverence for her, soained froht be buried by her side 'For my burial, I desire it may be in St Michael's Church at Gorharave ofof the corner-stone of Sage College, Cornell University_

[20] For a full and masterly discussion of this subject, its evils and remedies, I must refer to the report on the St Louis Public Schools for the year 1871-2, by Wm T Harris, Superintendent, p 80 _et seq_

[21] A Mary Taylor, _First Duty of Women_, p 93, Emily Faithfull, London, 1870

[22] Extracts froan University on this point will be found in the Appendix

[23] On the subject of Co-education, I refer again to the Report of Wm

T Harris, Superintendent of the Public Schools of St Louis, for 1869-70, p 17 _et seq_, where the actual effects, physical, iven in detail

”The one that received the seed into the good ground is the one that heareth the word and understandeth it”




”In hire is hye beithouten pryde, Youthe withouten grefhed or folye; To all her werkes vertue is her gyde, Humblesse hath slayen in her, tyrrannye, She is mirrour of alle curtesye; Hir perte is verray chambre of holynesse, Her hand mynistre of fredom and alh education of the Will is that which renders the pupil

1 Civilized, 2 Moral, 3 Religious

If educated into a civilized being, she learns to subject her own natural and unregulated--her savage will, we ht say--to the customs and habits of civilized society If educated into a , she learns to subject her will, not to the idea of what is agreeable or useful, but to the idea of what is si, she learns to submit her will to the Divine Will, and in her relation to God, she first becos, and attains to the region where perfect obedience and perfect freedoard to the first, ard to the second, as conscientious; and she who is virtuous in regard to the third, as huhly educated as to her Will The culture of the Will ious

In this realm, as in that of the intellect, the process of education consists in developing a spiritual being out of a natural being It is the clothing, or rather, the infor of the natural with the spiritual The part of education which relates to the social life is alreat demands which business makes on the father, it falls almost wholly into the hands of the irl into habits of neatness, of obedience, of order, of regularity, of punctuality--small virtues, but the foundation stones of a moral character, and into habits of unselfishness and of politeness

_Social Culture_--Neatness in person, as in dress, is not natural to the woe tribe, neither is it a characteristic of hermits