Part 19 (1/2)

However, a couple of boats full of young et, so as to be ready to take up the unsuccessful adventurer the es froe and the balconies on the banks are filled with spectators, whose business is to laugh On holidays, in summer, the pastime of the youth is to exercise the of stones, and flinging to certain distances, and, lastly, with bucklers

In the winter holidays when that vast lake which waters the walls of the City towards the north is hard frozen, the youth, in great nu a small run, place their feet at the proper distance, and are carried, sliding sideways, a great way; others willone of their companions upon it, they take hold of one another's hands, and draw hi so swiftly on so slippery a plain, they all fall down headlong

Others there are who are still more expert in these a bones of so the a pole shod with iron into their hands, they push theainst the ice, and are carried along with a velocity equal to the flight of a bird, or a bolt discharged froree to start opposite one to another, at a great distance; they meet, elevate their poles, attack and strike each other, when one or both of them fall, and not without some bodily hurt; and even after their fall they shall be carried a good distance fro or the arht upon thelory, fond and covetous of victory, and that in future tie and hunting were sports only for persons of quality, and woe be to the unhappy ed in either of these sports If caught he would be severely punished and ht have his eyes put out


After breakfast, knights with their ladies ride out, each bearing upon his wrist a falcon with scarlet hood and collar of gold As they near the river a heron, who had been fishi+ng for his breakfast a his wings flies upward A knight slips the hood from the falcon's head and next instant he sees the heron Away he darts, while knights and ladies rein in their horses and watch Up, and up, he goes until he passes the heron and still he flies higher Next instant he turns and, with a terrible swoop doards, pounces upon the heron and kills it

The knight sounds his whistle and instantly the falcon turns and darts back to hiood hunting Then he is chained and hooded again till another bird rises So thedown before the knights and ladies return to the castle for ”noon-meat”


And He that doth the ravens feed, Yea, providently caters for the sparrow, Be coe!



Sing reat Do out boldly the well-turnedyour notes that the worldaside where the Nations throng; Proud as the proudest !

Singtheir brows in the dazzling blue; Changeless alone, where all else changes, Eles around the; Fair, as they rose from their Maker's hand: Shout, till the snow-caps catch the chorus-- The white-topp'd peaks of ourme the calm of her tranquil forests, Silence eternal, and peace profound, In whose great heart's deep recesses Breaks no tempest, and comes no sound; Face to face with the deathlike stillness, Here, if at all, reat peace leads us Thither, where solace will never fail!

Singtheir way to the far-off sea; Glory of strength in their deep-lee

Hark! 'tis the roar of the tuht calls; Truly, I hear but the voice of Freedo ue of the golden grain: Co ho wain

Land of Content on your plains be unfurl'd; Only the blessings of ry world!

Singme the quiet of her happy homes, Whether afar 'neath the forest arches, Or in the shade of the city's do me her life, her loves, her labours; All of a mother a son would hear; For when a lov'd one's praise is sounding, Sweet are the strains to the lover's ear

Sing me the worth of each Canadian, Roamer in wilderness--toiler in town-- Search earth over you'll find none stancher, Whether his hands be white or brown; Coood stock to start with, Best of the world's blood in each vein; Lords of ourselves, and slaves to no one, For us or fro, then; sing it bravely; Put your soul in the words you sing; Sing lorious country-- Clear on the ear let the deep notes ring

Here is no starveling--Heaven-forsaken-- Crouching apart where the Nations throng; Proud as the proudest !