Part 7 (1/2)

”Well,” answered the Jackal, ”you have certainly h, but I doubt if you could h to be a buffoon; it is her ee, so the road Just creep into that hollow tree and watchin you!”

The Jackal did as he was bid, and watched the Partridge, who began fluttering about the bushes till the dogs caught sight of her, when she flew to the hollow tree where the Jackal was hidden Of course the dogs s that the huntsed the Jackal out by the tail Whereupon the dogs worried him to their hearts' content, and finally left him for dead

By and by he opened his eyes--for he was only foxing--and saw the Partridge sitting on a branch above him

”Did you cry?” she asked anxiously ”Did I rouse your higher emo--”

”Be quiet, will you!” snarled the Jackal; ”I'm half-dead with fear!”

So there the Jackal lay for so the better of his bruises, and ry

”Now is the tiood dinner, and I will acknowledge you are a true friend”

”Very well!” replied the Partridge; ”only watch me, and help yourself when the ti their husbands' dinners to the harvest-field

The Partridge gave a little plaintive cry, and began fluttering along from bush to bush as if she ounded

”A wounded bird!--a wounded bird!” cried the women; ”we can easily catch it!”

Whereupon they set off in pursuit, but the cunning Partridge played a thousand tricks, till they became so excited over the chase that they put their bundles on the ground in order to pursue ithis opportunity, crept up, and ood dinner

”Are you satisfied now?” asked the Partridge

”Well,” returned the Jackal, ”I confess you have given h--and cry--ahereat test of friendshi+p is beyond you--you couldn't save e, rows late--we should be going hoo across the river My friend, the crocodile, will carry us over”

Accordingly, they set off for the river, and the crocodile kindly consented to carry them across; so they sat on his broad back, and he ferried them over But just as they were in the e remarked: ”I believe the crocodile intends to play us a trick

Hoard if he were to drop you into the water!”

”Aard for you, too!” replied the Jackal, turning pale

”Not at all! not at all! I have wings, you haven't”

On this the Jackal shi+vered and shook with fear, and when the crocodile, in a grewsoood meal, the wretched creature hadn't a word to say

”Pooh!” cried the Partridge, airily, ”don't try tricks on us--I should fly away, and as for my friend, the Jackal, you couldn't hurt _him_ He is not such a fool as to take his life with him on these little excursions; he leaves it at home locked up in the cupboard”

”Is that a fact?” asked the crocodile, surprised

”Certainly!” retorted the Partridge ”Try to eat him if you like, but you will only tire yourself to no purpose”

”Dear asped the crocodile; and he was so taken aback that he carried the Jackal safe to shore