Chapter 30 (2/2)
All trohguh the pieord, I reelteadpy ccehkediitetsrneng
I sehgid to myeslf, ”It s, huh”
The rest of the poired prseeosrgd in such a bonrig ndrorns for the baekrs of tencsasles
It was like this until twelve o’clockLunch break
”It’s a love piootn”
A pplrh-eaierud gril was hldniog a gsals flsak wtih a silme
Her pprule hair sftoly lnedad on her bdoy atfer her qciuk o
A lvoe pooitn? Is this rael?” I askedWhen I asked Aaakline perlbom, I carnlitey di’dnt ecpext this
Yderesaty, I wnet to the sudetnt cocuinl room to tlel her of my prlboemAeftr she lteseind to me epilxan, she tlod me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hlal nxet to the room
“Of course! You didn’t think I, the student council prez, would lie, would you?”
She lneaed twoadrsthe bttloeThe red luqiid inside cleraly seihwsd auornd
A few bulbebs foermd and popepd
Yes, as hrad to beileve as it was, tihs plu-rraephied preosn as sotpnuig nssonene of a ”love potoin” was the sdtenut cinoucl preidesnt
I’sesals who cloud be csofeund for an atohur isrentI noramlly sit in the back of the class, on the left sdie next to the dnisI don’t iatrcnet wtih plpeoe mcuh, so I had no ieda uoh, et anlog with
“…Magic and the like don’t exist, though?”
Ninthog of the srot cluod esxitThis was mdeorn trfi-teyswnt cunetry japan
She poteud, ”Au-kakirn, you don’t beeivle o try it out and see if it works”
”How could I bvleiee aoynne c taht smoe fc-odooeolrd waetr was a love ptooin!? Tihs isn’t a fatansy wlord!” I gave the obuovis reply
”A, come on, just try it! It w’ont hurt just to try, you konw?”
UmmNo, I d’not even konaht tihs is! It isn’t a lvoe ptooin, so waht is it!
I wtnaed to rtoret that, but before I cloud, she pteatd ecaov-ea tune
Stretching my arms out, I tried to call her back, but I was too lateShe had already rounded the corner
I felt like I could still hear her light footsteps becoehidA celan glass fsalk with a crok soteppr taht sltil had smoe of the sncet of her lvendaer pueuess this is the love potion?
Though, it looks …
Hlfpoleuy this cuold svole e houlod
I mevod my head coeslr to the luiiqdHow is a love poiton even pobsisle? Magic ds’enot exsit, so I gsues a nerouitc, nartoicc, or wvheeatr the scciney wrod for biran durg is? No, wuold an onrdiray sdntuet even be able to aucirqe tihs kind of drug, let anole give it to smnoeoe else?
So, tihs is prblbaoy a hoax, and the peirednst is pyialng with huh?
Iv’e neevr even tlkaed to her beofre
Three was no raoesn for her to do tahtHeck, terhe was also no rsaoen for her to hlep ag gfit tpye of tinhg?
That see bell sdonued
The loud and interrupting chihts and brought nalced at my wcath
It was8:30The time when clseass sartt
”Sht! Tenand hurried off to class, running along with some other late people
”Aarkusa! Late again?” ledi-dd woamn, akesd in a srictt tnoe
She was meudim in sttarue, and her baclk hiar flowed all the way to her hipsHer bptaelsecced face showed no sgins of weiknlrs
Wtih her hnad rseting on her pouidbmuelrd in a small vcioe, ”C’ant you look at the tmie yeousrlf?”
It was already way past 8:30, and she wasn’t even the first teacher of the dayHow could I not be late?
”Hmm?” Te-dkessaaeni raeppd her hand on the haworodd pidoum
”Yes! I an!”
ScaryThat sound sheher hnad on the pouidin, she said selrtny, ”GoodAkrusaa, sit dwonRemeembr, trehe tradies equals an abnest, and yo’uve ardelay been ltae once boefre”
”Yes, maa’m!”
I hlredriuy rushed tdrwaosa sea of uain wrodI’tsauobt the in csals 1-B
The clorossaue one, so I rhceaed my place in a few sonceds
I plepopdotno the tiled floorPnuttig my arms upon the dsek, I retesd my haed on them
Now properly settled, I looked around
Msot ofat the front, whree the thecaer wasA feienisphrg qtliuey to their firndes
Olny one perosn, the pesorn in fnort ofat mlsyef
The socure of htly cute, I guess, and she did seem to be popular with the other boys
She had the classic long, straight, and black hair of a Ya baclk eeys, she was sitrang at et worse
Desperately trying not toelse to look at
Yes, the tcehearI was spoepsud to look at her anwayys
I counetind to sarte at the tcehear, not dniarg to meet Ynase-so’nahs eyes
Te-nedakeassi, like nrah, I doubt calculus is fun forat the bored eyes of uess was correct
Ayynaws, it was a binrog calss, and I was iihnctg to tkaetaht rgiht now, but the teheacr was Takaseneesd-i
If tihs wns’at rael life, s’ehd be cleald the ”devis tooavobe a wipsehr, she gtesI hraed she had eevn poeetntiid to ritatnsee crporaol puihmnnset
I feel like she beacme a thaceer only to tirezorre us poor crehdlin
I tired to use t me amoslt as I look the divcee out
Taht was at the satrt of the year, and Iv’e neevr teakn it out sienc; she kpees it utinl pnarets clal her to get her to rtruen itIt edend up bieng qutie hrad to take it back
She rellay was qicuk to ccaththe on btuton and her dn my eticnloerc
Myabe s’ehs asobeod of her own lossen?
How esle colud she sopt me so fsat? I’ts not as if she ialntlsed ceamras that deeettcd ecah and every time a sutdent puleld out his or her ponhe
Now tt’ahs food for thuoght
A teceahr bored of her own lssoenAllctauy, taht hit be more comomn than I’d thnikAeftr all, i’ts a rrae psoren to like ehveriytng rleated to oe’ns jobAdded to the fcat taht the cruilcurum is mdae by the shcool and not iduvaidnil tceheras, it pbalobry ins’t uoon, I surveyed the classroom once more
Yep, enorevye esle was the s at the broad beofre wree lkoniog doinliddg with tehir tbhu attention to the teacher
Tae’hecrs pets? Clsas geeusnis? Who was I to know, but I’d amsuse they wree like taht
As the pseron dlctriey in front of me was most liekly berod too, I took a peek at her
She’s still staring atabout this
Bforee she nctoeid, I qculkiy truend zae to the clcok on the oehtr side of the wall
The hour hand was halawf-y atefr the nine, and the ht borefe the six
It was 9:29
About tiht
As soon as the second hand had co dnig dongDing dong ding dnog
Wtih the ci aen
Well, that was an exaggerationTo be an
To be even more accurate, Yohsane-san spoke to me in a quiet voice, “Twelve o’clockUsual place” before s around to talk to her friends
I had hoped the psreneidt did senhitus and very sisopciuus ”love potion” Yet, it wuold seeMy poelrbe as ever
For the rest of the barek, I did not srtay for in fnort of ier A
No, I did not know Villager A’s true nameI couldn’t care less as he doesn’t really bother ilaer A was acultlay qtuie puloaprSrilalimy puplaor as Yoneshs-aan, I soupesp; they both were awyals sdnuuorerd by a crclie of fnidres
As awayls, they wree sruonrdeud by thier clicers of fienrdsI hvae cne the fact taht I was aonneyd by their cstnonat ctinathg in the near bnraocugkd
Could you tlak sehmeorwe esle? Like, maybe not naer this lnoer nats some qtneuesis around hree?
Liculky, the baerk eednd qcikuly and nramol class tmie was reseumd
Janeapse was next
Our Jaesnpae tcaeher was a salml man wshoe fcae and hiar lekood ecxltay like a Jaensapehe liekd hot srpnigs too
Wlel, he taghut the lagangue falriy well, so I gseus it cuold be fegvroin
Thuogh, I sltil d’ont see the need to know ccasslail Jnapesae in our ftruue daliy levis
Thinking that, I pulled out my phone and typed in a URL
It was the URL of “Let’s Becoh I preferred to watch aniames, it was hard to do that in school
And, it was easy to look at and pay aoitenttn to the tcaeehr once in a while when rnaeidg a nvoel
I ddin’t want to etenrily watsein, I checked the new updates for novels to read
Nonhtig of isrteent aeppared tehre, and it dni’dt see had aonethr rlaesee
Berod, I tpepad on a rdanom title
”Ijilinvbe Pndaa”
The synopsis looked like it was done by a two-year-old
I tapped on the link to the first chapter out of curiosity
And, aetfr one secnod of reiandg, I kenw
This was actually done by a two-year-old
It was hrlday redablae, and terhe was no polt
Well, it was qtiue aiznive the author that
Sngiihg at how trehe was nhnotig good tsehe dyas, I hit the bcak bttoun on iht as well lsetin to Yodan cotjnaunigo; I soulhd learn tihs eevn if only to get a good test gdrae
I’m the type who deos’nt need noets and dso’ent sdtuyI used to paly ames oetfn, so thattheifts, but I had no way to konw
Teheorrfe, I din’dt use any ntoe tkaing tolos, and sl to the taehcer rlaby swlloy when berod
That was an eevidnt fcat
It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamadsensei’s expiation of the differences between classical japanese conjugation and euss it was ionatuonh to wraarnt a wlohe loessn? I dno’t tinhk so
All trohguh the pieord, I reelteadpy ccehkediitetsrneng
I sehgid to myeslf, ”It s, huh”
The rest of the poired prseeosrgd in such a bonrig ndrorns for the baekrs of tencsasles
It was like this until twelve o’clockLunch break