C211 (1/2)

Around here, people have been observing themselves!

But he was not allowed to speak. Flowers were falling all over the sky. There were so many flowers falling from the sky, even beautiful.

However, there is a murderer hidden inside.

Flowers suddenly send out petals, seven kill petals appear, quickly to Lin Jue body condensation.

”Bang bang!”

The petals touched the fog around linjue, began to wither, and then fell. Lin Jue gave a cold smile: ”you dare to attack me even if you haven't arrived at the attack of star level combat skill?”

He had just finished talking when his face changed.

”Ancient town, nine mysteries, nine questions!”

A powerful voice condensed from all around and directly shrouded Lin Jue's body.

”Planetary combat skill!” He suddenly felt that a force of star fighting skills began to lock on himself.

”First question, who is in charge of the ups and downs of the earth?”


The earth trembles, as if afraid of the awakening of some being.

Lin Jue's whole body aches suddenly, and he feels an invisible thing tearing himself.

The roots of the trees began to thicken, and they, which were rooted in the earth, were also affected.

Ye Feng stands on the earth, a king's domineering spirit is sent out, and the earth's atmosphere constantly comes out, covering Lin Jue's body, trying to tear him.

”Second, what's the use of floating and sinking air?”

Lin Jue's heart twitched suddenly, and then his lungs began to expand, and then contracted rapidly.

His air was cut off, unable to absorb it.

Ye Feng's face began to turn pale.

The last form of Guzhen nine is nine questions, which has never been used by anyone. When he was on the earth, he just had a short period of enlightenment.

Now, the strength has come up, he began to use the final version.

However, even with today's strength, it is very difficult.

It seems that the final form of Guzhen nine is not simple, it can send out such a powerful force.

But when he saw his master fighting, he pressed the impulse to ask, but his resentment was even more.

Well, you master, you still have this kind of planetary warfare skill. Wait and see!

”The third question...” Ye Feng began to frown. Just as he was about to start the third question, the strength of his body suddenly began to be evacuated.

In the eyes appears decisively, said directly.

”The third question, sun Yao earth, burning its body!”

The dark attribute generally doesn't like light.

The appearance of the third question made Lin absolutely unbearable.

His face was purple and blue, because he could not breathe and could hardly use his strength.

Coupled with the appearance of the third question, a hot light began to appear inside the body, which seemed to melt his internal organs.

A lot of blood from the body, and also exudes a trace of dazzling light.

At this time, Ye Feng sat on the edge of the swamp, looking at the man with both eyes, and then ran the level script.

Double absorption begins to appear!

Lin Jue finally saw who was attacking him. He turned out to be a young man with panic in his eyes and then turned into despair.

Before he died, he said: ”you It's Who is it? ”

The whole body suddenly burst out a dazzling light, fell to the ground and died.

The queen of water, the queen bee, is still entangled by the black light and is powerlessly falling into the swamp, starting to struggle.

The woman has been shocked to see the young man on the bank. This guy is so powerful that he can kill Lin Jue in a short time.

Lin Jue is the third level strength of the planet! The young man killed him with one move!

Ye Feng took a look at the woman who was gradually trapped in the swamp, and a dragon scale gun appeared in his hand.

The pale gold dragon scale gun is king like.

”Dragon strike!”

The colorful light comes from the dragon scale gun, turns into a golden dragon, and rushes into the queen bee who is entangled by the black light.


The queen of water and the queen of bee's body stiffened for a while, then lost its vitality and died.

Finally seeing the end of the battle, Zhizhi came out and asked, ”master!”

There was a murmur in her voice.

Ye Feng also knew why she had such a tone, but he didn't even think that Guzhen nine style had such great power.

Moreover, even the power of his own dragon god has the power of this kind of planetary combat skill. Of course, he won't say this, but he is more sure that the power of the dragon clan is not simple.

”Well, we'll talk about it later. It's very dangerous here!” Ye Feng casually Tang Sai, and then to the queen of water queen.