Chapter 124: The Unreasonable Sister-in-law (1/2)
“You’re completely right,” Sang Wan was feeling both bitter and angry. Her hands were held tightly together as she trembled slightly, but she smiled gently and said, “Located in a remote area, the villagers in Sihe Village are not particular and are contented with chicken, duck, and fish! Next time when Brother-in-law Zhixian becomes a top escorted examinee, Sister-in-law can consider inviting the head chefs from Yuhe Restaurant to Mengxian to throw a grand spread! Sir will be delighted to help as well! I’m also sure that Brother-in-law Zhixian’s relatives and friends are all cultured people who will definitely sing praises for all the sea cucumbers and abalones served!”
“You!” Shi Yumei’s expression changed and she said coldly, “What’s the meaning of that! Are you looking down on us?”
For the past few days, Shi Yumei and Ren Zhixian had listened to the household praise the Sang household without an end. Even Second Uncle Shi was telling everyone about how Official Jin, who was competing with him for the golden long-tailed rosefinch, let him win after knowing that the brother of the Shi family’s eldest daughter-in-law had come in first place in the township exams. Shi Yumei and Ren Zhixian’s hearts were full of thorns since then. Added on with Gu Fangzhi’s occasional gossip, the resentment accumulated in Shi Yumei was so much, it was like a volcano that was about to erupt at any moment. When she saw Sang Wan, she felt that Sang Wan’s face had pride and self-conceit written on it the more she looked at her. The anger within her just ballooned and all she’d want to do was to humiliate woman who was the thorns in her heart… Who knew that Sang Wan would retaliate so well and make her lose her face instead?
“Sister!” Sang Wan’s expression changed and she stood up immediately. She crossed her arms loosely in front of her body and lowered her head submissively while she stood, throwing a fearful glance at Wang Shi.
“Yumei, what’s wrong with you!” Sang Wan’s words sounded so genuine and gentle, and her expression was soft and calm. In the ears of Wang Shi, who was not directly implicated in this conflict, Sang Wan’s words did not ring with another meaning. Shi Yumei was the only one who sensed the personal attack behind her words. Wang Shi creased her eyebrows and glared at her daughter for throwing a tantrum. She chided, “Why did you suddenly speak to your sister-in-law in such a manner! Sang Wan is right, if your husband becomes a top escorted examinee, I’ll definitely have Fengju go to Mengxian to throw him a spread and earn you some face! Sang Wan, quickly sit down, sit down! Your big sister’s personality is like that, don’t take it to heart!”
“Why would I?” Sang Wan bowed to give her thanks and sat down again.
Shi Yumei was flustered and scolded, “Mother, am I still your daughter! Why would you talk to me in such a manner in front of the outsider! You are so biased!”
“Quiet! I think you are getting more and more unruly!” Wang Shi was upset too.
“You are just being plain biased, forgetting your daughter after getting yourself a daughter-in-law!”
Nanny Jiang signalled at Sang Wan with her eyes and Sang Wan hurriedly got up, “Mother, there are still matters to handle in Ning Garden so I’ll head back first! I will come again tomorrow to give Mother my greetings!”
“Please do, please do!” As Wang Shi bickered with her daughter, she really couldn’t ask for more.
Sang Wan bade farewell and hurriedly left.
After the doors were closed, Shi Yumei’s resentful voice, mixed with sobbing tears, trickled to her ears, “Isn’t it just a brother becoming a top escorted examinee? Now, she’s using that to ride above me! That kind of family, even when one of their family members got first rank in the township exam, they’re still a filthy poor family who needs to rely on our family for money to throw a banquet in their village. What a joke! Yet you and Fengju are still hoping to rely on them in the future!”
Sang Wan bit her lips and held back the tears that were already in her eyes. She quickly blinked away her tears and took in a few deep breaths.
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“All of you, please leave! I wish to have some time alone!” After returning to Ning Garden, Sang Wan chased everyone out, including Liu Ya.
Alone inside the chamber, her tears filled with humiliation finally gushed out.
She was properly married into this household with all the necessary ceremonials done to become the eldest daughter-in-law in the family. But right now, she had to swallow down the tantrum of a married daughter who returned to the Shi Household even after getting married. There was no one whom she could complain to to vent the plain humiliation she had suffered just now.
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She wished she could return all the silvers back to Shi Fengju and she wished the Sang household would never have to receive help from the Shi household anymore. But, she could not possibly make that happen! Where could she get that much money?
Sang Wan cried for a long while before finally calming down. She wiped her tears and let out a long sigh.Luckily, big brother, big sister-in-law, and second brother did not know about this. They would surely feel bad if they knew! She, alone, was enough.
When Shi Fengju returned, Sang Wan was still in a daze in the chamber. He saw how all the servants’ expressions were a little off and was perturbed. Liu Ya explained softly and Shi Fengju finally understood. He sighed softly and walked in.
“Sang Wan!”
Sang Wan raised her head. Seeing it was him, she quickly stood up and gave a reluctant smile, “You’re back!”
“Sang Wan,” Shi Fengju held her hands and said softly, “Don’t put my sister’s words to heart, you know I don’t think of it that way at all!”
Everything would have been fine if he had not mentioned that again. When he spoke about it, Sang Wan felt bitter again. She took her hands away and lowered her head, “Actually, she was right, we shouldn’t have spent your family’s money!”
“You are wrong!” Shi Fengju grabbed her shoulders and smiled, “What’s with your family and my family? You are now our family’s daughter-in-law! People have to call you Ma’am when you’re visiting! Don’t think about this anymore, alright?”
Sang Wan remained quiet.