Chapter 92: The Impolite Brother-in-law (1/2)
“That’s very thoughtful of Sister!” Gu Fangzi said gratefully, but she was secretly mocking Sang Wan deep down.
“That is a given, of course. Younger Sister, please take good care of yourself! If there’s anything you need, do tell me!” Sang Wan smiled.
Shi Yumei grunted coldly, “What’s the use of telling you? She might as well tell my second brother! Oh right, don’t forget to tell him that Fangzi is ill when he gets home. He should at least come and see her once in a while!”
Sang Wan felt slightly unhappy. “Big Sister, don’t worry. Sir will surely know of it!”
“I’m telling you to inform him!” Shi Yumei said. True enough, her true face was exposed and could no longer hide her jealousy ah!
“That is your duty as his wife!”
“Alright!” Sang Wan nodded.
“Sister, I think you should go back. I’m fine here! I can’t always bother Sister and delay Sister from your work!” Seeing that Shi Yumei finally said something that was spot on, Gu Fangzi was extremely pleased deep down, and her eyes glistened beautifully.
“Yes ah! Younger Sister-in-law, you should hurry along with your work! I’ll accompany Fangzi!” And Shi Yumei inadvertently asked, “Oh yes, would Younger Sister-in-law mind telling me the preparation status for Banana Courtyard? I still have to trouble Younger Sister-in-law about it!”
Sang Wan almost wanted to burst out laughing. It hasn’t been a day since the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Big Sister is already in such a hurry!
“I’ve already passed the instructions to the servants. They’ll begin tidying the place tomorrow! After that, I’ll have to invite Big Sister along to have a look!”
“Is that so? Younger Sister-in-law sure is capable! Big Sister shall give her thanks to Younger Sister-in-law!” Shi Yumei was somewhat startled. She had not expected Sang Wan to be this effective in her work.
“Big Sister, you’re welcome!” Sang Wan smiled before taking her leave.
“Cousin Yumei, you’ll be moving in? Congratulations ah, congratulations!” Gu Fangzi quickly smiled, but then sighed all of a sudden, “A pity. If only I could gift Cousin Yumei things to put on display like the past, but…”
“Shi Yumei smiled coldly. “You don’t have to feel remorseful. You may not have much, but that certain someone is sure to have a lot! Let’s see if she even looks up to me and is willing to part with some of her things!”
Gu Fangzi earnestly wished Shi Yumei would empty the small garden, and she smiled and said, “That goes without saying! Big Cousin has always cared for Cousin Yumei the most. You can just go over and take whatever you want! Big Cousin will surely give it to you!”
“Oh, but that won’t be good, right? The one managing the household isn’t Fengju!” Shi Yumei smiled.
“So what! Big Cousin is still the true head of the family!” said Gu Fangzi. The two laughed as their eyes met.
At night, Sang Wan briefly told Shi Fengju about Gu Fangzi during dinner, “Younger Sister has a cold because of yesterday. Today, I had a doctor diagnose her. Your sister was also around, and she asked why you didn’t go there to see her.”
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Shi Fengju frowned, and he asked without even raising his head, “What did the doctor say?”
“He said it isn’t serious. He prescribed some medicine, and I assigned Lan Xiang to be the one responsible in serving the medicine.”
“Oh.” Shi Fengju then went silent.
After a short while, Sang Wan smiled again and said, “Oh right, I’ve already instructed the servants to tidy up Banana Courtyard. I think that since Big Sister and Brother-in-law will be staying there for long, it has to be up to their standards. I’ve already invited Big Sister to come along with me the following day to say her opinions on how she would like the place to be decorated before I have the servants do as follows. But after some thought, asking Big Sister for her opinions might cause her husband to have second thoughts. So why don’t you come along with me tomorrow, and we’ll have Brother-in-law come, too! That way, the two of them can discuss among themselves!”
Shi Fengju raised his head to look at her before smiling and saying, “That’s very thoughtful of you. Okay, I’ll be home the following day!”
Sang Wan secretly let out a sigh of relief. It’s good to have you around. At least you’ll be there to make sure they don’t step over the line, and I can just stand at the side and remember all the preparations needed!
Recalling how Shi Yumei was inexplicably hostile towards her, Sang Wan’s head ached.
“Then that’s settled!” Sang Wan smiled. “Big Sister also requested for me to treat them to a meal once they’ve moved into Banana Courtyard! I don’t know what she likes to eat, but I said that I’ll be sure to do so. Still, she’s your sister, so I should still find out what she likes! I think that you might know what her preferences are.”