Chapter 67: Drunkenness (1/2)

“Nanny,” Sang Wan sighed before smiling, “I know you treat me really well and I’m really grateful for that! You may have said so, but there’s still a need to take Sir’s feelings into account when the time comes. If Miss Gu were to complain to him or become erratic in front of mother-in-law, those who don’t know might think the two of us had colluded to bully an orphaned girl!”

Those were exactly what Nanny Li would like to hear and she smiled heartily, “An official wife remains an official wife and a concubine is just a concubine! That has already been decided by the heavens! A mind like Ma’ams is definitely not something a concubine could compete against! Just look at that, laonu hasn’t even thought of that and you’ve already spoken it!”

Sang Wan was startled and she froze.

I’ve only wished to live the rest of my life peacefully and not have him look down on me. I, Sang Wan, is righteous and do not wish to seek revenge!

“Ma’am,” Seeing Sang Wan remaining silent, Nanny Li sighed again, “Listen to Nanny, don’t look so dispirited anymore ah! The young master’s heart, is definitely leaning towards you. At such a crucial time, you shouldn’t treat him so coldly ah! I don’t wish to brag, but he’s someone whom I single-handedly raised; his character, laonu is clearer about it more than he does!”

In the end, isn’t she just wanting me to take the initiative to fawn on him, to take this chance when his feelings are at their weakest?

Sang Wan shook discreetly. Regardless whether it was going to be useful or not, Sang Wan was not one who’d be bothered to do such a thing.

“Nanny,” Sang Wan knew she could not say it bluntly to Nanny Li, so she spoke bitterly, “I really am tired today so I won’t be going!” After brainstorming for a while, she spoke thoughtlessly, “Nanny, why don’t you go ahead! Sir might actually want to see you instead and speak to you! With my current mood and complexion, it might affect Sir’s frame of mind! Nanny, what do you think?”

Only allowed on

“Really, Ma’am!” Nanny Li smiled and joked. Thinking yet again that her heart felt comfortable and composed, she smiled, “Alright! Then laonu will head over there! Ma’am, since you’re tired, do go to bed early!”

Sang Wan intended to do so and she smiled gratefully, “I will! Nanny, please go ahead!”

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Not long after Nanny Li left, Sang Wan took a bath before getting into bed. Her mood was extremely poor and she did not wish to meet with Shi Fengju.

When Shi Fengju returned quietly on his toes to the small garden, Sang Wan had already gone to bed. It was just like what the maidservants described, and Shi Fengju felt secretly relieved as he took a bath before going into the chamber.

As usual, he quietly took a mattress from the cupboard and carefully lay it on the floor. He glanced at the tightly closed bed curtains for a moment before lying on the mattress gently.

From the moment he came in, Sang Wan could feel his presence and she subconsciously controlled her breathing as she quietly laid in bed. Once everything returned to silence, she gently opened her eyes. It was pitch black, just like her mood at this moment.

The next morning when Sang Wan got up, Shi Fengju had already left. Sang Wan did not ask about it and went for a bath before having her breakfast as per normal.

“Ma’am, laonu has already arranged for the preparations to be done for the Peony Garden. Would Ma’am want to take a look whether it’s appropriate or not? Or if there’s anything to change?” After breakfast, Nanny Li asked.

Nanny Li was never half-hearted in the task at hand, but Sang Wan understood where she was going at; she was thinking for her. Going there would make it seem like she was the one who arranged which she could generously announce to Wang Shi.

“Alright! We’ll go after a few of the maidservants, who’re about to arrive, exchange the tablets!” Sang Wan did not wish to brush aside Nanny Li’s good intentions and smiled as she nodded.

“Yes, Ma’am!” Seeing that she understood, Nanny Li agreed with satisfaction.

After finishing the household affairs for today, Sang Wan, accompanied by Nanny Li, Liu Ya, Zhide and a few other maidservants, went to the Peony Garden.

The bright potted plants that were arranged in front of the yard were all moved away; even the two large blue and white porcelain vase by a pomegranate tree were all replaced with potted cypress with its imposing dark green leaves.

The red lanterns hanging in front of the gate were replaced with white. The vibrant decorations outside were all changed to plain and white ones.

Entering the room, it was like a deserted snow cave. Although it was bright and sunny outside, Sang Wan could not help but feel a sudden chill.

“This, isn’t it too white and plain?” Sang Wan could not help but ask.

“It’s not yet to there, this is already quite mild!” Nanny Li spoke bluntly, “For people who are going through the mourning process, not a single decoration should be kept. Just look, that porcelain vase over there is still there, laonu hasn’t had anyone remove it! The curtains are also not changed to white! Laonu feels this is simple enough to change to mood to display the kind of mood Miss Gu should have at this moment!”

Nanny Li spoke with facts to back the speech which made Sang Wan’s jaw dropped. Increasingly, she realized that she had lived her previous life in vain!

There are thousands of laws governing this world. For an official wife to dispose of a concubine, there were so many she could use so why was she so useless in her past life to get eaten by Gu Fangzi as a whole?

“The bedding and cushions are all with a suitable thickness? Although she may still be mourning, she mustn’t end up freezing in the cold” Sang Wan said lightly. Disciplining her was one thing, but giving others a reason to criticize was not something Sang Wan could afford to bear.