Chapter 37 V2 : Why Does The Heart Still Feel Aggrieved? (1/2)

Second Old Mistress was not awkward when communicating with them, and she greeted them courteously before diving straight into the purpose of inviting them over. Sang Wan also did not hold back and instructed Liu Ya to teach Rou’er earnestly. At the same time, Sang Wan smiled at Second Old Mistress without giving much thought, “That servant has a good memory, and happens to take care of a white cockatoo when she was serving another master in the past. As she served, she also learned how to take care of the bird! But who would have thought that what she learned there would be useful here?”

Liu Ya arrived at the Sang house at the age of ten, but it was true that she had a master previously. Since she came from a foreign place, Sang Wan mixed a little false into the truth as she believed that Second Old Mistress was not interested.

There was only one meaning behind Sang Wan’s words, and that was: Liu Ya only knows just that and nothing else! Do not take her as one who knows all! Just for this, she was only following the little knowledge she had stored in her memory. If anything went wrong, do not blame her!

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Having said, the incident had come to an end and Sang Wan could finally be relieved. Liu Ya had no need to repeat the tragic past and the two, master and servant, were able to escape from the disaster.

But it seemed that Rou’er truly was a clever child, and maybe even a little talented. After the several pointers given by Liu Ya, she was able to successfully tame that arrogant and tough Xiao Bai!

Second Old Master was elated and he dotted Rou’er more.

That should not have hindered Liu Ya in any ways, but there was always this saying that ‘an enemy of my enemy is my friend’ and likewise ‘a friend of my enemy is my enemy’.

Rou’er being greatly favored had led her status to rise above her fierce competitor, Huan Qiuju, who was of a higher standing than her previously! Qiuju was originally Concubine Fang’s personal maidservant, and the two were extremely fixated on seducing the second old master. When the master gets dotted on, their esteem would naturally rise.

Still, Concubine Fang’s status was still higher than that of Rou’er so she was not very concerned about Rou’er basking in the limelight. However, Qiuju was extremely unhappy and deliberately brought trouble for Rou’er out of jealousy. But how could Rou’er willingly let her do so? With just a sentence of complain, Qiuju ended up being the one getting scolded!

Filled with both hate and jealousy, anxiousness and anger, Qiuju dared not touched second old master’s most dotted maidservant and could only bottle those feelings up like a child as night passed. Afterwards, those bottled up feelings were transferred onto the next person-in-line who resulted in Rou’er’s status to rise, and that was Liu Ya. On one of the days, she found a reason to harshly scold Liu Ya and gave her two tight slaps.

Liu Ya kept her young mistress’s words to heart. Added with her fear towards the second old master, she dared not return the favor to one of his closest maidservant and could only cry when she returned to Ning Garden.

Shocked, the members in Ning Garden asked with concern, and were furious at the treatment after knowing the details. However, they were unsure as to what they could say in such a situation.

Sang Wan was especially shocked and angry. She was furious to a state that her whole body was shaking slightly.

Rou’er was one of the second old master’s closest maidservants whereas Liu Ya was her own personal maidservant. However, in the eyes of the public, Liu Ya belonged to Shi Fengju. In short, her status was no lower than Rou’er’s.

Deep down, Sang Wan knew that she was living her life now too blissfully that others would treat Liu Ya like a raft and test her; which in this case was a hit on her face.

Although Qiuju was insensible, her master Concubine Fang, on the other hand, was an intelligent person. Otherwise, she who was not the most beautiful in appearance and had no son unlike Second Mistress and the two other concubines would not have been the most doted by the second old master. Even the daughter whom she birthed, Miss Wu, was the most doted child of the second old master. What was even more amazing was apart from the many maidservants who was promoted to become the closest to him, there was none who became a concubine after her. That in itself confirmed her prudence.

The act of Qiuju hitting Liu Ya, her backing definitely played a role in it.

Sang Wan’s heart fumed, just who did she think she was provoking? Concubine Fang went overboard with flaunting her status this time around!

Then again, she understood. What Concubine Fang was doing was to make an example to the rest of the maidservants in the household, to warn them that they should erase the idea of seducing the second old master to obtain a higher status! Otherwise, just look at Liu Ya; she was about to enter his domain and become his concubine, but that ended up into nothing but airs, and even received a punishment from her own maidservant!

Sang Wan’s mind had been set. She reached her hand out to Liu Ya and pulled her to sit next to her side. Smiling, she ordered someone to fetch some water for Liu Ya to have her face washed and ordered someone to bring in a bottle of anti-swelling ointment. Sang Wan then went to personally wipe Liu Ya’s tears with her handkerchief and spoke gently, “Enough, don’t cry. Next time, just do a good job then others won’t be able to pick on you!”

As Sang Wan spoke, she quietly pinched Liu Ya’s palm slightly and her eyes gave a quick glimpse at where Nanny Li stood.

Liu Ya had already rehearsed the tactic with her for quite a number of times and was able to read the signal. Reddening her eyes, she voiced her grievance, “Young Mistress is right, this servant wouldn’t dare to break any of the household regulations in fear of bringing shame to Young Master and Young Mistress! But if others insist on creating trouble out of thin air, finding fault of others on purpose, and being too far-fetched, what ways does this servant have…”

While voicing her grievance, she went on to speak of what had happened prior to the slaps before letting the tears of injustice flow down her eyes.

As Sang Wan listened, she let out a sigh and spoke gently, “So to speak, you were definitely wronged! But that Qiuju belongs to the second old master and is one of his closest maidservants. After all, Lord respects his elders the most, and for the second old master’s sake, we should let it go this time! Don’t keep those slaps to heart! Just next time when you see her again, try to keep a distance from her to avoid any trouble for Lord!”