Chapter 25 V2 : Teaching Literacy (1/2)

But at the very least, Wang Shi would have known that the fault was not just on Sang Wan alone but was a result of another factor should she still be angry towards her.

“Mistress, you’re back!” Liu Ya had already finished writing the characters and was glancing at the door once in a while as she quietly read the literary work which was taught to her yesterday. Seeing Sang Wan enter, she placed the book down and immediately went to fetch a cup of tea.

“Not able to sit still?” After receiving the cup of tea, Sang Wan gave Liu Ya a glare.

Liu Ya rubbed her hands together nervously and smiled at Sang Wan foolishly.

Sang Wan understood that she could not be too hasty. Changing a behavior was not something that can be accomplished overnight. With that in mind, Sang Wan shook her head, “Enough. Let’s call it a day! You may keep the book, but let me take a look at the characters you’ve written!”

“Ai!” Liu Ya’s eyes glistened and she nodded gleefully. Immediately taking out a paper which was once blank, she showed it to Sang Wan in fear of her going back on her words. “Mistress, have a look at them! This servant’s writing isn’t too bad, right? This servant isn’t lazy and has written every single stroke!”

Hearing her serious tone, Sang Wan could not help but giggle before taking a quick glance at the characters. There were some that were crooked, some that were big and some that were small, and some that were thick and some that were thin, but for those that were too rigid, the strokes looked like branches. The more Sang Wan looked, the funnier it was.

“How is it? This servant isn’t lying, right?” Seeing the smile on Sang Wan’s face, Liu Ya could not help but grin and asked complacently.

“Better than yesterday and the day before!” Sang Wan contained her laughter and placed the paper aside. Smiling, she praised, “Very good! You’re getting better and better with each passing day.”

After hearing a compliment, Liu Ya’s grin broadened. “Then, please have a rest, Mistress. As for what Mistress would like to have for dinner tonight, this servant will go to the kitchen and ask for them to be prepared!”

Sang Wan could not help but sigh. Truly, a landscape is easily changed but the behavior is not. Even in the Sang household, Liu Ya could not stay put. To have her remain in the Shi household’s Ning Garden would nevertheless prove to be difficult for her! Just like this, the moment she placed her books down, she was eager to go elsewhere.

“Go then!” Sang Wan smiled helplessly. “Do not stray from the task and do not delay. Return early once you’re done!”

“Yes, this servant understands!” Liu Ya promised before rushing off excitedly.

Sang Wan lifted her gaze and saw Zhide staring at Liu Ya’s masterpiece that was left at a side with a vague smile on her face.

Aware that her behavior was ill-mannered, she immediately retracted her gaze and smiled. “Mistress.”

“Can you read?” Sang Wan asked.

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Zhide’s eyes turned gloomy and she shook her head before forcing a laugh. “I am nothing but a servant whose life isn’t good enough to learn how to read!”

Sang Wan laughed, “Reading isn’t something extraordinary. Aren’t you and Liu Ya similar? Keke, although she may not be as fortunate as you!”

A sudden jolt of desire ran through Zhide and her eyes glistened. Nervously, she stammered, “Mistress…if possible, Mistress, could you maybe…”

“Would you like to learn to read too?” Sang Wan finished on her behalf.

“Yes! This servant is uneducated and hopes Mistress would teach this servant too!” Zhide immediately fell on her knees in front of Sang Wan and lowered her head onto the floor.

She was a maidservant who had more insights compared to the lower classed maidservants. In the past, she had witnessed the power of literacy after seeing Gu Fangzi providing lots of help to Shi Fengju as a result of knowing how to read. She could not help but have a thought that if she were able to read, she might have greater opportunities to be in a relationship in the future. And after marriage, she might be of help to her husband and would gain even more of her husband’s respect.

However, she was just a servant in the end. There was no way she could take the initiative to request being taught how to read. Otherwise, others might think she was harboring evil intentions especially since she was tasked to serve by Young Master Shi’s side. If a string of selfishness were to even be exposed and cause suspicions among others, Miss Gu would definitely not let her off.

“Quickly, get up!” Sang Wan hurriedly leaned forward to help Zhide up and smiled, “There’s no need for you to kneel! Teaching a student is just about the same as teaching many. If you’re willing, why don’t you learn together with Liu Ya?”

Hearing so, Zhide was overjoyed and nodded eagerly. “Thank you, Mistress, for your kindness! Thank you, Mistress!”

“Good, good!” Sang Wan smiled and waved. Seeing Hong Ye standing restlessly at a side, she laughed, “Would you like to learn too? One more wouldn’t matter, but any more may be too large of a group for me to handle myself!”

This was an opportunity that could not be missed! Hong Ye’s eyes glistened. Following after Zhide, she kneeled in front of Sang Wan and lowered her head onto the floor before thanking her.

Sang Wan nodded and smiled, “Then it is said! From tomorrow onward, the two of you will learn together with Liu Ya! Knowing how to read a few words, or even how to write your own name would be good enough. Otherwise, someday in the future, you may be exploited by someone without even knowing it!”

The two could not help but giggle.

“That’s enough.” Sang Wan continued, “In any case, there isn’t anything that needs to be done at this time, so I’ll give you both half a day off. The both of you will have to get a scholar set prepared by then! But if that is not possible, then tomorrow, you’ll first begin learning how to read instead of write!”