Chapter 8 V2 : A Misunderstanding (1/2)

Sang Wan was already on the bed, and she had been quietly looking at him as he hurriedly laid a mattress on the floor. Upon seeing him gaze directly at her with an unenergetic face, she suddenly felt uncomfortable and her face flushed slightly. Luckily, the lights were dim; Shi Fengju was not able to see her expression clearly.

“I… I do not usually wake up in the middle of the night to use the washroom…” Sang Wan said shyly.

If she were to wake up in the middle of the night to use the washroom, the maidservants were bound to want to help her in any way they could. If they happen to have a glimpse inside the chamber, her life would crumble!

Shi Fengju felt a little self-conscious after hearing what Sang Wan said. Lowering his head and nodding a few times, he murmured, “If you ever wake up in the middle of the night, just give me a nudge.” That would provide him with enough time to return the mattress into the cupboard.

“En!” Sang Wan whispered softly. Gently, she pulled the bed curtains before lying on the bed.

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After hearing the rustling sound of the bed curtains, Shi Fengju followed and lay on his mattress.

At the corner of the chamber was a crimson red oil lamp, emitting dim orange light. The chamber was now quiet and at peace…

In actual fact, such a life was still great. Sang Wan tightly wrapped her body in the warm brocade blanket. A touch of fragrance filled her nose, and before she knew it, she had fallen into a deep sleep.

Shi Fengju woke up early the next morning, and naturally, Sang Wan could not remain in bed. Once she heard Shi Fengju getting up, Sang Wan followed and sat upright on the bed. Snatching a gown from the edge of her bed, she dressed casually before getting out of bed. With a smile, she greeted him, “Good morning!”

“En, morning!” Shi Fengju was caught off guard and was slow to react.

“Young Master! Young Mistress!” Zhide’s voice was heard outside, followed by the faint sound of the maidservants’ light footsteps.

Zhide had served the Shi Family for many years and was familiar with Shi Fengju’s daily routine. She had guessed that Shi Fengju would be awake by now, and thus knocked on the door gently to gain entry into the chamber to begin her tasks.

“Wait! Wait!” Panicky, both Shi Fengju and Sang Wan cried out at the same time.

On the floor, the mattress stood out. If they were to barge into the chamber, the mattress was not something that could be turned a blind eye to. When that happens, no words could reason it out.

Only allowed on

Shi Fengju retrieved the quilt frantically and messily pushed it into the cupboard. Seeing the messy state of the quilt in the cupboard, Sang Wan signaled him to stop and whispered, “I’ll do it!”

With that, she got busy. Grabbing the quilt, she jerked it a little to make it straight before using her palm to flatten and fold it. She then placed the quilt neatly inside the cupboard before moving on to the mattress.

The mattress was rolled and placed inside the cupboard, but only God knew if a maidservant would open the cupboard to see the mattress and quilt not in the position they once were!

He knew how to lay the mattress, but not how to do the opposite? Even though she had been taught since young to be independent, such labor was not what most women from other families were willing to do.

Once Shi Fengju saw her clear the mattress away neatly, he nodded towards her and smiled to show his gratitude. Immediately after that, the couple searched high and low. Finding no fault in the scene, their minds finally relaxed.

“Come in!” Shi Fengju shouted faintly.

“Yes, Young Master,” Zhide replied softly and gave the door a light push.

The atmosphere inside the chamber was somewhat strange this morning. Once in a while, the maidservants stole glances at her and Shi Fengju and giggled amongst themselves.

Catching wind of the strange atmosphere but unsure of its origin, both Sang Wan and Shi Fengju felt uneasy.

Only after everyone left, when Liu Ya was unable to contain her curiosity and asked Sang Wan enthusiastically, did Sang Wan understand the cause of the strange atmosphere she had experienced just then.

To her surprise, the maidservants were shocked when the couple chorused a denial together and their thoughts drifted; they had thought Sang Wan and Shi Fengju were doing something indecent inside!

With mixed feelings, Sang Wan was speechless and unable to express her emotions accurately.

This day, a man from the Shi family’s business rushed in and took the helpless Shi Fengju away. Once he had left, he would only return when the day was no longer young. It was as if his act yesterday was to compensate for today; he had left his newlywed wife and indulged himself in his own personal life. Well, at least the maidservants did not ridicule her behind her back because of this.

After greeting her mother-in-law, she returned and slowly enjoyed the breakfast prepared for her. Strolling in Ning Garden and gossiping with the maidservants, her day passed leisurely. Her position in the Shi family was now considered somewhat stable.