47 Chapter 8: Civil War (1/2)

It isn't every day that you have to deal with the prospect of not being anything special. Getting a second chance in life was what made him stand out among the crowd. Now to find out there were people who through some means could do the exact same thing… Well, let's say that it is not so comforting.

Pivoting his attention back to Soykan who tore the scroll in his hand, Magnus watched out for the next phenomenal. He did not have to wait long as right before his very eyes a giant ball of blazing fire appeared in mid-air and headed towards the small chunks of ice which was the Alpha creature.

Magnus had to take a few steps back as some of the flames capered of the ground when it struck the frozen remains of the Alpha creature.

It was only after the fire fizzled out, that he was able to get a good look at what was left of the hybrid.

The answer to that was nothing, the ice must have sublimated into steam with how hot the flames were. Plus, the small chunks of flesh must have smoldered into a pile of ash and taken by an updraft. Even his tomahawk which was already ruined thanks to all the spells it received was no more.

”There, it is as dead as it could be,” Soykan declared.

Magnus couldn't agree more, the hybrid creature was dust in the wind.

”Ah, if you are wondering what that spell was, it was…”

”A Fireball,” Magnus completed for Soykan. How couldn't he not know about the go to spell in all fantasies! The fireball.

”Alright then,” Soykan said as Magnus notice a hint of dejection on his face. ”Let's get out of here now.”

Magnus did not need to be told twice on that matter, this place was going to the dogs!

Still wanting to make Soykan feel a bit better and also having ulterior motives. ”Come on Soykan there is no need to feel down,” he remarked as they went down the stairs by twos and threes.

”I have a better idea, why don't you teach me how to make these Magical Scrolls?”

Soykan shook his head as he alighted on final landing, and then turned to face Magnus, ”No can do that kid, sorry.”

”Why?” Magnus asked, trying to gain a clear understanding of his reasoning. He hoped the man was not like the Matron who refused to teach him because of personal reasons.

With a deep sigh, Soykan answered back, ”First of all it is not so simple as you think. It will take years for you to get a basic understanding of the Craft of making Magical Scrolls. Moreover, this Profession is one that you pursue for your entire lifespan.

Anyways, I just literally can't!

I signed a magical contract with Greybrows stating that I can not teach anyone the Art without their express permission. And let's just say the Greybrows and I are not on speaking terms.”

Although Magnus was saddened with not being able to make those Magical Scrolls of tremendous power. Soykan had a reasonable justification for why he couldn't teach him, and Magnus did not want the man to break his contract thanks to his own selfish reasons.

However, Magnus caught on to something, Soykan had a connection with The Guilds. Magnus always did think of him as a high born, the tutelage that the man gave him said it all. But who knew that he was actually part of the Guilds.

Also Magnus was curious about the other things that Soykan said, namely Art and Profession. The way he said, it was like they meant something and had a higher meaning.

But before Magnus could raise his question they were out the back entrance. Then they were greeted to the sight of a few survivors milling about and Bulut leaning over the carriage.

The relief on the survivors were palpable once they saw both thieves come out of the building. They came over and started to yammer away with dozens of questions; asking what held them up, are they okay, and so forth.

Magnus smiled as a twinge of contentment passed through him, it felt good to be the heroes once in a while, and be appreciated by the masses.

However, Soykan was having none of that, he held out his hand to silence the crowd and said to them.

”That will be enough!” he shouted to the survivors, then his voice took on a much warmer tone.

”I know this must have been a terrible night for every single one of you, plus you must be bone tired. Hence I would recommend that you all go home, see your loved ones, hug them, let them comfort you if you will, and rest.”

With that Soykan turned his back on the crowd and walked over to Bulut, who unlike the survivors had a tranquil expression. ”I see that you took care of that hybrid monster!” Bulut stated once they closed the distance towards him.

”Yea, it was easy to handle once it did not have those faceless things as a back up,” Soykan replied.

”Shit,” Magnus swore out loud.

”Language, kid,” Soykan warned as he did his best to put on a strict face.

”Fuck that,” Magnus said as he ran back into the tavern.

”What do you think is up with him?” Bulut asked, ”and where the hell is he running back to?”

”No idea,” Soykan replied with a shrug. ”But I will tally that with the insubordination of tonight.”

”Could you fault the kid on that? We were gone for quite a while there, and he started to get worried.”

”He wasn't ready for the field…”

”Ow, please,” Bulut said stopping Soykan right there. ”If tonight proved anything then it is he is ready! He did superb, beyond superb, actually!

The way he thought quick on his feet and came up with all those bright ideas, how he saved those people and lead, how he stood his ground against me, and most importantly how he got rid of all those creatures!”

”It doesn't matter,” Soykan said with a shake of his head. ”He should have done as he was told and stayed back.”

”What did you expect, he got that from us. Do you see us obeying the laws?”

”If we let him off like that, then we are…”

”Soykan,” Bulut said, interrupting the man mid-sentence. ”We all know what this is about.”

”What is it about?” Soykan asked as his schooled his face.

With a deep sigh, Bulut answered, ”You are projecting your son upon him.”

Silence greeted the area around the two men, with each saying nothing at all.

”I am back,” Magnus shouted as he slammed the door open, breaking the oppressive silence. He did not come alone as slung over his shoulder was the middle-aged woman he ran into.

”What has you two in a dour mood?” Magnus asked as he looked at each man in turn.

”Nothing,” Bulut quickly answered back, too quickly in fact to be genuine at all.

”Well,” Magnus said waving off their weirdness. ”Do you recognize this woman?”

The two men looked closely at her, then recognition blossomed on their faces and they both said, ”Ahh!”

”Yes, ahh,” Magnus said in a sarcastic tone. ”You were about to leave that poor woman behind in that fire.”

”Please,” Soykan said with an eye roll. ”That woman was the gang leader's wife.”

”And?” Magnus asked as he waved over one of the people still remaining, then tasked them with set down the woman down some were, away from the fire. He saw no reason to discriminant against the woman, what her husband did was all on him, not her.

”Plus, she is the left hand woman of the gang,” Soykan finished with.

”Well, I hope all of this was worth,” Magnus said, now feeling awfully tired as his adrenaline started to wear off.

”Of course it was,” Soykan declared as he held out the back of holding and shook it. ”We cleaned the whole treasury from top to bottom.”

”Alright that is enough of that,” Bulut pronounced, ”let head out.”

”Sure,” Magnus said, ”but I have a question that has been bothering me.”

”Could we please do this, back in the hideout?” Soykan asked. ”Even with the slow response time of the guards, they will be here at any moment, now.”

”Okay,” Magnus said as he hopped into the driver's seat. ”I was just wondering about you said; you and that creature were at the same rank. Yet, you were able to handle it with ease and no difficulty. Why is that?”

Instead of Soykan answering, it was Bulut who replied, ”Well the answer is simple; practitioners don't have magic. They only focus on strengthening their body, mind, and spirit. While magic users do that and then some; which is control the elements and create items of magic.”

”Well then,” Magnus mused out loud while he whipped the horses, to move forward as everyone was inside and ready to leave. ”If magic gives you that good of an edge, why doesn't every practitioner learn a spell or two?”

Soykan snorted in amusement inside the carriage.

”What so funny?” Magnus asked. He thought, that he raised a good question. If his memories served him well, even that fanatic bozo of a priest was able to do a spell.

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