44 Chapter 5: DIY Bomb (1/2)
Sorry I couldn't get a chapter out on Wednesday, I had this terrible cold all week and could barely get to writing. I hope you understand and enjoy the chapter for the day.
Magnus clearly understood what Bulut meant, this was the end of the line for him and all these remaining survivors. They had only two options left to them was to go down fighting or get torn down by these bloodthirsty creatures that clearly didn't understand the concept of surrender.
That was not going to happen on Magnus's watch, he needed to find another way to get them out of there.
Those two exists would not work, one would have to retaken from those monstrous and that can not be achieved since the survivors were barely holding out, forget going on the offensive.
The other remaining door had a giant boulder blocking it. Once Magnus traced its path, he summed it up that somehow it got tossed up from down below, creating that gaping hole in the center of the common room and flew through the air until it landed at the exit.
Magnus came to his decision, if there was no path of escape then he had to create one. He surveyed his surrounder, gazing up and down, looking for something, anything to work with.
Suddenly his eyes landed on the white, pristine silken table sheets, he stared at it and then an idea started to form inside his head.
”Ax wielder,” Magnus shouted as he dropped his now useless bow since it ran out of arrows. ”I might have a plan to get us out of this mess.”
Without even looking up, Bulut responded with, ”Then do it!”
Magnus nodded his head and rushed over to the tables, he grabbed the sheets and started to tie them up.
It took awhile but in the end it was worth it, in his hands were three hand tied sheets that made up a rope. There were plenty of sheets reminding but he didn't have all day to tie up. Every second counts here, and the survivors can't hold out forever.
Thus as quickly as he can, he ran over to the railing edge, tied up the handmade ropes to the railing bar, and then tossed the sheets over.
”Climb aboard,” Magnus shouted as he waved the survivors over.
The few remaining survivors looked up to see what Magnus was talking about, and then when they saw their escape route laid before them, hope blossomed in their eyes.
”You heard the man,” Bulut shouted. ”Go, Go, Go!”
Without needing to be told twice, the survivors clambered up the hand made rope. Magnus helped those he could come over the edge, but what was of foremost concern to him was Bulut, who stayed behind.
”What are you doing?” Magnus shouted down at the man as he did his best to hold off the encroaching tide of teeth and claws.
”What does it look like,” Bulut replied as he jumped back from a claw which almost split his stomach open. ”I am holding them off while these people escape.”
Magnus wanted to scream that it wasn't their concern, that they have already done more than enough for these people. He knew that was callous and selfish, but he had to get his priorities straight, friends and family came first.
At the same time, he knew the man could be as hard headed as he could be, to be exact; everyone that makes up the Infamous Manence can be like that.
At any rate, he knew Bulut won't listen to him, therefore he had to come up with some way to lend him a hand.
He knew jumping into the fray would be the height of idiocy, he might be good with a blae and can stand his ground, but he can't handle that onslaught down below. In the end, he will only be slowing Bulut down and would be putting him in a tougher situation, which is something he does not need at the moment.
Doing covering fire was not possible as well, he was out of arrows, couldn't recover the ones he already shot out, meaning that path was cut off.
Magnus then glanced around the area, looking to see what he has to work with, he was of the mentality that if he has nothing then he will make something.
His eyes landed on the tables and chairs, he rubbed at his chin and mulled it over, he really could think of anything else besides throwing them at the monsters. Although barbaric and couldn't end lives, it will distract the creatures and better yet, it might hurt them.
Coming to a decision he turned to face the people that made it over to the second floor, he quickly took charge of them-- which was an easy matter since they were as docile as sheep. That might have been the trauma at work, not every day do you come face to face with a nightmarish, bloodthirsty creature out for your soul.
Even Magnus who died and came back to tell the tale, felt uneasied by them.
In any event, Magnus had the survivors split into two groups, those that helped everyone come over the edge and those that threw tables and chairs at the monsters.
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Still it wasn't enough! Things turned out to be exactly as he imagined, the tables and chairs might harm or in one case crush the creature's head, but more often than not it was only as good as a distraction.
With all the survivors fleeing up the handmade ropes, Bulut was all on his own and he was fighting a losing battle. Every second he lost more ground to the creatures as he was pushed further and further back.
Magnus knew he had to do something else, something that would give Bulut a surviving chance.
There was really not much to work with, once he gave the order for the survivors to start hurling things at the creatures they took to it with great vigor. Anything, and he meant anything that they could get their hands on which could cause any sort of blunt damage they threw it.
All that they left behind were the silken sheets, scattered on the floor and now they were making their way over to the bar, to start throwing the liquors, plus two were even trying to roll over a large barrel over the railing.
Silken sheets and liquor, what the hell could he even do with that?!
Magnus paused mid-stride, and repeated what he just said, silken sheets and liquor.
Then comprehension and realization struck him like a sledgehammer, he had the workings of a poor man's grenade!
”Stop, stop,” Magnus shouted, drawing everyone to a pause. At first, their efforts to give it to the monsters were cute but now it just looked audacious. These bottles they were about to throw were literal gold in his eyes, these were the things that would send these creatures to kingdom come.
”Bring me all those bottles here,” Magnus commanded as a handful of the survivors jumped right to it. ”And do not drop it or even think about throwing it at those creatures,” he shouted after them
”You lot,” he said as he pointed to another group. ”Tear me those sheets into handkerchief sizes.”
”The rest of you, keep helping everyone climb up,” he ordered to his last group. There were still some people left who climbing up the handmade ropes he made, tonight must have been a full house because there were a lot of people here.
Though there were more who were lying dead down below and getting feasted upon those creatures.
Magnus's stomach turned as he looked upon the monsters ripping and tearing into the dead corpses. He quickly turned his gaze from those appalling sights, best not to dwell upon things he can't do anything about.
All he could do for those poor souls is to give these fucking creatures hell and turned those creatures back into the abyss they came from.
However before Magnus could even get started with his plan, the situation down below took a turn for the worst.
With nobody left to stand with him, Bulut was all on his own and he was on the losing on.
Even with the help everyone was offering him-- throwing everything they could at the creatures, still, each second he was in the fight his life was in danger and each swipe or chop of a creature cut closer and closer.
It was only thanks to his skill with his axes and the superior stats he had that he was even standing against this onslaught.