33 Chapter 22: Nightmare (1/2)
Chapter release rate increase?
1) Aye! Put all your time into it, my sweets, my precious, or else.... (P.S. This mean I can't get started on my other works. I have a lot of fanfiction in the works ranging from young justice, harry potter, dc, marvel, frozen, game of throne, how to train your dragon, and so forth.)
2) Nay! Take it easy author-- chill, relax, and do other things. (P.S. This mean I can get started on my other works.)
3) Don't know? Don't care? Can't decided? Or Meh, Shrug?
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The doorbell rang and the sound of it echoed all across the house. His father who was an adamant job helping around in the kitchen stuck his head and shouted, ”Magnus could you get the door.”
”Okay,” Magnus shouted back as he paused his holo show and got up from the couch. He walked passed the kitchen on his way to the door, and say his parents arguing.
”Why don't you be a dear, sweetie, and go watch the holo with Magnus, huh?” his mother asked. Her long silky smooth black hair was tied in a bun, and her amber eyes were filled with irritation and exasperation.
”I am only trying to help,” his father said as he held up his calloused hands up in surrounder. ”You can't blame a man for wanting to make up for lost time. I don't get to come home much thanks to those dogs working me to the bone.”
His father stood at a grand height of 2 meters with those military boots adding even some more, he was a well-built man with lean and compact muscles. His skin tone was the same as his son, caramel and he also had long black hair except it was braided like that of a pony's.
He was sporting a light stubble on his strong jawline and in between his upper full lips and wide nose. His onyx colored eyes were filled with amusement as his much more petite and delicate wife took a spoon to him to chase him out of the kitchen as she shouted after him. ”This is the second dish you ruined, Anata wa bukiyōdesu! Anata wa kuso ttare….”(You clumsy oaf! You shit addled...”
'And his mother wonders where he got that bad habit of cursing in Japanese,' Magnus thought in amusement.
His father caught up to him as he got to the door, ”It seems like us gentlemen are resigned to the couch and menial labor, aye?”
Magnus snorted at his father's flippant attitude, ”I am a fair hand in the kitchen, but you old man. Ha! It like you have been cursed by the universe to not be allowed near the kitchen!”
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His father feigned a hurt look as he placed his hand at his heart, ”My son, do you know how deeply your words cut?”
Magnus wanted to pat him on the back, but since he couldn't reach hit he patted him on the arm, ”I'm sorry, old man, did I say you were terrible?” He asked as he plastered on an apologetic look. ”Well, I meant you are god damn awful in the kitchen!”
Before they could continue on with their back and forth clowning, Codex spoke up from the door pad holo. ”The both of you are truly like father and son,” she said as her virtual head sadly shook its head.
”Who's at the door,” Magnus asked, as he ignored Codex and her disappointed remark.
”Yes,” Codex replied, ”It's your guest.”
”Well, come, let him in,” Magnus's father said.
Then Codex did so, on the other side of the door, standing on the front porch was Magnus's grandpa. Even though he was in his late sixties, he looked healthy and prime. He stood at his full height of 2 meters, was fit as an athlete, and suffered no ailments.
Though that does not mean age did not catch up to him, his bronze skin was lined with age, his hair was near to grey, and he had on a pair of glasses to help with his failing eyesight.
Once his eyes locked on to his grandson, Clade Wilson's face light up into a smile. ”Ohh, if it isn't my young little man!” He said as he bear-hugged his grandson.
Magnus returned the hug, best to pay back it back or he will keep you at it all day. But what caught Magnus's attention was the woman at the side of his grandpa, ”Who is she?” he asked, cutting to the chase right away.
'This meeting likes strangely familiar,' Magnus thought as he looked the red-headed woman up and down. 'Am I having deja vu?'
Before his grandpa could give a response, the woman cut in, ”The name's Avril kid,” the woman replied with a grin on her face. Then she smacked his grandpa on the back and added, ”I'm your grandpa's friend.”
”Urgh,” Magnus said as he faked vomiting, ”You're his girlfriend.”
His grandpa turned to face her and shrugged, ”I told you he was a clever little bugger. Hahaha!”
Then his father messed up his hair, and Magnus turned to look up at him. He had his thick eyebrows arched which was the only thing that indicated his mirth but right now he was trying to be serious. ”Magnus don't be rude, okay.”
”But…” Magnus said, wanting to voice how icky it was, but his father got down on his knees and faced him fully.
”How old are you,” his father asked.
”I'm ten,” Magnus replied as he squared his shoulders showing how proud he was of his age.
”Well, there will come a time when you have your own girlfriend and you won't find it disgusting.”
”No I won't,” Magnus shouted, appalled at the very idea of that.
”Trust me, you will,” his father stated as he got up from the floor. ”Go help your mother set up the dishes,” he added, concluding the discussion at that as he turned to hug his father and greet Avril amiably.
'Did I not have this conversation before with my father?' Magnus asked himself as looked back.
The five of them sat around the table with numerous dishes set out before them and the cornerstone of it all was the turkey at the center.
”You have truly outdone yourself this thanksgiving, dear,” his father said to his mother as he piled food onto his plate.
His mother sniffled like some highborn woman and said, ”Well it was no thanks to you, tht for sure!”
Avril chuckled, ”Clade told me how bad Angelo was in the kitchen. I thought he was joking.”
”His father has the truth of it,” his mother said with playful deadly seriousness.
”Yea, dad is cursed!” Magnus added, cutting himself into the conversation that got a good round of laughter from his grandfather.
”Alright, alright,” his dad said. ”Easy up on me folk, okay?!”
From there they small, little family carried on with their merriment, conversations, and playful banters.
However, midway into the meal things took a turn for the strange.
”Aunt Avril,” Magnus said in a worried tone. ”You are bleeding!”
”Oh, am I?” Avril asked as she placed her thumb at the edges of her lips which were indeed bleeding.
”Yes,” Magnus replied as he nodded his head worriedly.
”It is alright, sunny boy,” Avril said as she smiled for Magnus. ”This happens sometimes when you get your lips pierced.”
Magnus looked around, nobody seemed to be worried at all, so he nodded his head and said, ”Okay.” Then he got back to his meal, putting that worry out of his head.
Yet when he got back up from food, his gaze landed on his father, ”Dad!” he shouted.
”Yes, Magnus?” he answered back, putting down his drink and turning to face him.
”Your bleeding from your nose,” he cried out as he pointed with his finger.
”Oh, am I?” his father said as he wiped at his nose, drawing blood away.
”Ye-...” Wasn't that the same question that Avril asked him as he paused mid-stride. That got him a little exasperated so he replied. ”Of course, can't you see it yourself!”
”It's alright kiddo,” his father said, ”It must be the heat.”
Magnus spun around to face each person seated on the table in turn, just to get one person on his side but nobody seem to find anything amiss.
”Magnus,” his mother pronounce. ”If your father says he is alright then he is alright. Now sit down and stop throwing your chair back.”
Magnus looked down at his upturned chair, he must have tipped it over in his shock and didn't realize it.
Nevertheless, Magnus did as he was told and picked up his chair and seated himself. If the adults say there is nothing wrong then there is nothing wrong.
They know best!
But then the most baffling thought struck him, 'aren't I'm an adult too?'
'What?!' Magnus asked himself. He looked down at his small delicate hands and his short legs. 'I'm not an adult!' he stated to himself hesitantly, which he had no clue why he hesitated at all. Isn't this supposed to be clear cut?
However, before he could put any thought into this conundrum his grandpa's voice interrupted his turbid thought.