30 Chapter 19: Monsters in Human Skins (1/2)

Happy New Year!

Well, here is your rewards, for reaching the 100 power stone mark!

Though let's not stop there and try to reach for greater heights.

Anyways give a review or just put this novel into your library, it would mean the world for me. Though, if you wouldn't do it for poor little me, then do it in the spirit of the New Year!


Magnus made his way into the secret hideout, where everyone was waiting for him. Now he looked at the place in a different light, who would have guessed that this place used to be a smuggling ring. However, once he carefully looked at the place, it was apparent it could have been only one thing, a smuggling point.

Nevertheless, Magnus made it to his lessons on time and quickly got into it, just like yesterday, he started off with his training exercises with Wang Shui. There were none of those grandiose and valuable lessons, nor was there any need for explanations about what they would be covering, immediately they jumped right into things.

Everything was the same as yesterday though Magnus could have sworn that Shui had slightly up the intensity of the training. Not only was he supposed to bend and twist into more bizarre shapes, but he also had to lift more, run faster, and further, balance himself on more dangerously unstable surfaces.

Everything was the same as yesterday for the upper half of the training, only more difficult, but during the vigor training, when he had to cross the deadly course, some change happened.

As he was ducking under a rotating dummy, he hadn't noticed a sandbag pendulating towards him from behind. So he ducked then wanted to weave to the left from a swinging board, but the sandbag came at him and hit him fully on the upper part of the back, completely knocking the air out of him and sending him a meter up into the air.

He laid there dazed and disoriented for a long while, trying to comprehend what happened, the only saving grace was that he did not land in the way of anything.

In a matter of only minutes, Shui quickly came to his rescue. He crossed the course like it was nothing as he ducked and weaved, did flips and mind-boggling bends, and jumped high into the air like a soaring bird. Magnus watched all of this from his resting spot with mouth hanging open, and his breath held in open suspense.

He wondered when he would ever reach that kind of level of pure awesomeness, where he would be an absolute badass with some cool ninja moves like that. However, what Magnus cared for above all else was if he could do a Perception check, and when he thought it, Codex responded like a genie.

[Name: Wang Shui Highest Stat: Perception(19.56)]

Before Magnus could try to wrap his head around that high and lofty stat, Shui made it to Magnus's side and asked, ”Are you alright?” As he explained Magnus up and down, looking for any bumps and bruises.

”Yea, I think I will be fine,” Magnus said as he tried to get up from the floor.

”Woah, slow down, let me carry you back,” Shui said as he rested a palm on Magnus's shoulder to steady him. ”You do not look like you are in any shape to make it back.”

Then with a single word more, Shui easy haul up Magnus like he was a small sack and traveled out of the course. Even with a second occupant, Shui easy crossed the course without breaking a sweat.

Once they were safely out and back on land, Shui sat Magnus down on a chair and said to him, ”Wait here, I am going to get my bag.” Then without waiting for a reply, Shui was gone and out the door.

As Magnus waited for Shui to come back, he tried to inspect his wound and see the damage done, it was difficult to get to since it was on his back, but Magnus was finally able to get a hand to it.

Immediately when he touched it, he took a deep intake of sharp breath as a tingle of pain coursed through his body. Nevertheless, even with the pain burdening him, Magnus felt along his back; nothing felt out of the sort or shattered, but Magnus was no doctor, and if he wanted a clear diagnose, he would need to ask an expert.

”Codex, scan my body, and see what sort of damage was done!”

”Scan Complete, you only have a minor bruise on your upper right back. It can heal on its own in a couple of days just make sure to keep pressure off of it.”

”That is good news,” Magnus said, ”because I wouldn't know who to go to to get it fixed if it was broken or worse yet, shattered. I don't even think medical science has reached that level.”

Codex snorted at Magnus's remark, ”These people are not cavemen, they know how to set a bone. And I should remind you, stop underestimating these folk, it will get you killed one of these days.”

”Hey, you can't blame me for having a lower opinion of a civilization thousands upon thousands of years old but still shoveling in their shit. This world is stagnate, we are four thousand seven hundred and fifty years into this time period, but there are no technological advances, and there has been none in the dozens of time periods before, all the way leading up to the founders' age.

So please excuse me for having the opinion that Earth is higher and mightier than this world.” Even though Magnus has to live in this world, it doesn't mean he has to like it one bit, his soul always goes out to Earth, and that is truly his home, deep in his heart.

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”Hey, you can't blame this world for not advancing much. It had magic ever since the start, so there was no reason to explore other fields when you have great power at their fingertips.”

Before the two of them could get right into their argument or more likely break down into a shouting match, Shui walked back into the training room carrying a black leather boiled bag.

He bent down to over to Magnus's level and opened his bag; it was basically a medical bag with all sorts of medicine, concoction, and equipment. ”Alright, let me see where you got hit,” Shui said.

Magnus showed him where he got bruised, and Shui looked it over, carefully touched it, causing Magnus once more to take in a sharp breath. ”How is it,” Shui asked, ”does it hurt, is it painful, or does it sting?”

”It stings and mostly just burns,” Magnus replied.

”Well, it looks like its only a bruise,” Shui said, coming to the same conclusion that Codex made. Magnus was astonished. With one look and a single question, he came to the right conclusion. The man really does look like he knows his stuff.

Shui took out a wrapped up piece of cloth. He opened it, and inside of it was a smelly wab of black-green mushy dirt and grass.

”What is that,” Magnus asked as he held his breath, trying not to breathe in the scent of the thing.

”This is a healing ointment,” Shui simply replied.

”Do you have something else besides that,” Magnus asked, not wanting to put that mush anywhere near his skin.

”Stop being a baby and let me put it on,” Shui said as he used his three fingers to gather a good chunk of the ointment.

”Fine,” Magnus said as he turned his back to the man letting him get at the bruise and trusting him not to kill him with his so-called medicine.

Shui rubbed the ointment on to his bruise, and Magnus clumped down as pain coursed through him at the touch of the bruise. ”All done,” Shui said once he finished putting the ointment all over his bruise.

Magnus turned to face the man and asked, ”Do you have anything to cover it, or else my tunic will wipe the whole thing away?”

”No,” Shui replied, confusing Magnus, ”The bruise will heal in a few moments, so stay still like that.”

”Ahh, what do you mean?” Magnus asked, however, Shui did not need to answer since he got the answer he was looking for. The area with the ointment started to turn cold and numb, Magnus started to get worried, but the pulsing pain started to disappear like a fresh breeze.

Shui voice roused Magus up from his dumbfounded state as he said, ”Alright, it looks like it did its work, here let me wipe it off.”

”What the hell just happened?” Magus asked, not heeding Shui's instruction as he was more focused on the healing ointment than his now newly healed injury.