11 Chapter 10: Whisked away (1/2)
A big shout out to Dan Chekanov! Thank you very much for the support; it goes a long way in helping me and this novel. So once more, thank you! Also, could I get a round of applause from the reader.
”I am really disappointed in you little brother,” a voice said which came from inside the little forest, and it was as if the winds themselves were carrying the voice. ”Where is your dignity and pride, little brother? Giving up that easily, are you now?”
Magnus wildly looked around, searching for where the voice was coming from, but he came out empty-handed since he could not even catch a whiff of the speaker's coattails.
”Big Brother!” Michael shouted with pure happiness and joy, Magnus quickly had to restrain him at once since Michael started to have some funny ideas-- namely, resistance.
Then seeing that defiance was quickly put down by Magnus with a smack right across the head, Michael once more began his shouting, ”Big brother, you have to save.” he wailed. ”This savage miscreant wants to kill me, just like he did to my two followers, which mother gave me.”
”Will you ever grow up, Michael.” The speakers said in a displeased voice as he finally appeared in his full glory, right out of the treeline.
Magnus blinked his eyes a couple of times, not believing what he was seeing…. Where the fuck did he come from, he asked himself. I swear I just looked at that area a few seconds ago, and he was definitely not there.
Still, though, that made one thing perfectly clear-- Michael's big brother is gifted.
This fella looked exactly like Michael with his blue eyes, blond hair, pale complexion, slender frame, and sharp, pointy features. But the main difference was that he was a few years older, much more mature, and stood a good 2 meters, just like Magnus. Also, instead of that ugly sneer, that Michael always has on his face, this guy walked in with a cool, aloof, and blank look on his face, making it absolutely clear that his disposition and temperament is on a whole nother level than Michael's.
Not letting his guard down for a single second, Magnus stood his ground and continued to point his gun at Michael's temple. From what Magnus could pick out from this guy's personality, this hostage he has in his hand is the only thing that is keeping him alive.
Michael's big brother completely ignored Magnus and turned to face Michael, asking him in a bored lecturing tone. ”Look at yourself, Michael!” The man started off with, as he looked at Michael up and down, with unconcealed distaste in his eyes at what he saw.
”You let this plebeian,” he said, as he indicated at Magnus with a flick of his hand, while not even looking at him, ”get the better of you, for the second time, I would believe.”
Michael's mouth hanged open, once he heard his older brother's final comment, and asked in a startled tone, ”How did you know?”
Michael's older brother sniffed in contempt at his younger brother's question, but still, he answered the question. ”Mother knew that you did not get those injuries by accident, so she guessed that you went out to settle some score once you took out the Mech suit from the manufacturing workshop.
As the eldest, she sent me out to tail you. I had to make sure that that this insult was paid back in blood. Even though you are useless, you are still blood. Oh, yes, and I had to make sure that nothing unexpected happens.” At that, Michael squirmed a bit in shame, but his brother carried on, as if not noticing it or not caring at all.
”Good thing I did,” he said with a contemptuous laugh, ”or else you would have ended up like your two followers.”
Magnus silently shook his head to himself in disgust, not only because of the way this fella is treating the honorable sacrifices that his families' subordinate made, but also because of the way he is treating his younger brother. In Magnus' books, that is no way, at all, to treat a blood-related kin.
But what surprised him the most was Michael's reaction, not only did he tremble with embarrassment... but also anger.
Michael's older brother saw that too, and looked at his younger brother with a scornful smile, ”Oh, does my little brother hate it when I speak ill of his dead lackeys?”
Magnus couldn't stand this any longer, so cut into the conversation, Magnus started off with ”Mr. Sawyer,” since he did not know the man's name. ”Do you want to come to some sort of agreement about the release of your younger brother?”
Michael's brother spun around to face Magnus for the first time, and looked at him with the most aloof and iciest look possible and said to him. ”You will remain silent as I converse with my brother, are we clear?
A lesser man might have recoiled back in fear and shock, but the only response Magnus gave was a surprise raise of his eyebrows.
”Wow,” Codex said from inside Magnus' mind, ”what a fucking prick, huh?”
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Magnus chuckled inside at that, and added with a hint of amusement, ”And here I thought that you couldn't get any worse than Michael. Ha!”
At his question, Michael's older brother did not even wait for a reply from Magnus, immediately he went back to face his younger brother and went back to ridicule him.
”Hey, Magnus,” Codex said as all laughter was gone from her tone, leaving nothing else except deadly seriousness.
Magnus turned away his attention from the conversation going on between the two brothers, and brought his full attention to Codex and asked, ”Yes, Codex?”
”Listen, Magnus,” Codex immediately started off with once he had Magnus full and undivided attention, ”It is clear that this guy, here, will not be negotiating with you. You got to come up with some other plan to get your ass out of here.”
”What do you expect me to do, Codex?” Magnus defensively asked in a sulking tone. ”Should I fight him, huh? Because news flash, he is gifted, and he could wipe the floor with me, with his powers. The only thing I could do is treat with him. That is the only option we have here! Still, though call the cops, if we do not end up coming to an agreement, ending up in their hands for murder is a much better option.”
”Okay,” Codex said, ”Already done, the cops are on their way but it would take a while since we are out in the middle of nowhere. Anyways it would be good to have a plan B, or you are toast.”
Magnus grumbled under his breath, since he knew what Codex said was right, then turning to face Codex, he asked in a hopeful tone. ”So, what should be my plan B?”
”I do not know,” Codex simply responded, then seeing that was not going to cut it out since Magnus was glaring down at her, she then added, ”Why don't you use the Mech suit to get yourself out of here?”
Magnus looked in the direction that Michael threw the virtual headset when he surrendered. ”That is not going to work. This is an Ultralight classification. The only thing it is good for is dealing with angry crowds. Not some gifted person.” Magnus started off with on a gloomy tone, but then he started to think about it, and ideas and thoughts raced through his mind.
”But if I can get close to him, then I might be able to…” Magnus said as he went off thinking out loud to himself.
However, those thoughts were cut short, as it would seem that Michael's older brother found it in himself to once more speak to Magnus. ”Well, then,” he said to Magnus as he smiled at him, in a not so friendly manner. ”We must be on our way.”
Magnus did not let himself get fazed by that look. He actually even went on to plaster the exact same kind smile on his face and said to Michael's brother in a very calm tone. ”Well, I also do not mind being on my merry way, but I need your guarantee that I can have safe passage, and you will not be coming after me.”
”Hahaha,” Michael's brother quickly broke down into laughter as he heard what Magnus said, Magnus looked on in confusion at him, but Michael…. he had a look of absolute terror.
Magnus, who was very confused at what was going on, couldn't help himself, asking, ”What do you find so funny?”
”Well, you,” was Michael's brother simply response once he finished with his laughter. He peered at Magnus and asked him, ”You really believe that you are walking out of here, alive?”
Magnus's eyes immediately squinted together in anger and asked in an icy tone. ”You do know that I have your brother at gunpoint, huh?” And to emphasize his point, Magnus shook Michael a bit, causing him to yelp in fright.
Still, with that amused look on his face, like he was watching some ant struggle right before his eyes, Michael's brother responded by saying. ”That can be easily solved.”
Then with a flick of his hand, Michael's brother propelled some sort of blade made out of thin air.
With a Woosh, the windblade flew towards Magnus, and before he could even process what was happening or even say a pip, the blade stuck him. It hit the midsection of Magnus' arm, cutting right through it like a slice of cheese.
The arm that held the gun fell to the floor with a solid thump, and Magnus just stared at it, too shocked and amazed to even notice the blood gushing out of his stump.
Then the pain hit, it was like a truck coming in at 100kmh, and his now slashed arm felt like it was on fire. The pain coursed through him like boiling lava, and Magnus dropped to his knees as a scream of pure agony escaped his mouth.
The only reason why Magnus was not out cold, on the ground, was because he knows that if he passed out, for a single second, it would be game over for him.
Michael watched all this unfold, with a controlled expression on his face, all that was left now, was for his brother to deliver the killing blow-- like he did so many times. Deep inside, Michael asked himself, how many times has it been now since I watched my brothers and mother kill people who stood in their way?
Then shaking his head, he answered, Ahh, too many times to even count, now I guess.