2 Hungry? (1/2)

Ezlynn frowned. She had been quite thorough with the fact that all the last Werewolves were in her gang. Collin's parents, who were the previous leaders of the gang, had ensured that all the last Werewolves joined their gang, searching around the world for more than a decade.

The 11th text read,

”His name's Kieran. 19 years old. He asked to be in our gang this morning.”

Ezylnn's eyes focused on the letters of his name. Kieran. Kieran. Kieran. It seemed to reiterate in Ezlynn's head. She shook it off, but could not avoid the feeling of plummeting into a dark, inescapable abyss--beautiful but somehow dark and foreboding. Ezlynn tried to ignore such predilection and scrolled down to Embry's texts.

The 12th text read,

”He's unbelievably perfect, Boss. Our girls r already in love with him;)”





Ezlynn quickly scrolled through all of Embry's desperate calls for her. Ezlynn sighed deeply, and texted,

”I would like u 2 make sure that he isn't one of those filthy Venandis that disguise themselves as Werewolves to attack us.”

Embry rejoined, almost automatically,

”Where were u, Boss?! And ofc I made sure! U weren't there to test his abilities and identity so I tested them myself! That's what I was trying to tell you.”

Ezlynn texted impatiently,

”My clear orders were to notify and attend for my orders before you make such a significant decision, Embry. Anyway, don't allow him in our gang yet. I am going to officially see him 4 myself 2morrow. TTYL.”

She was abruptly reminded of the steamed shower that now was heated to the point it fogged the whole bathroom. Ezlynn gently laid her phone on the marble floor next to the shower wall and entered the shower. It welcomed her, as the blood from the Venandi was drained from her slim, diaphanous figure and her snowy hair that undulated with the water. She eradicated all her fatigue away, releasing a soft sigh and proceeded to wash. The previous dignified, perspicacious version of herself was replaced by an average 18-year old as she pondered about her new member.

Ezlynn was in perfect peace until her phone sent incessant notifications. Ezlynn had tried to ignore it, but with her Werewolf senses, the alerts of her phone sounded like a fire alarm. Finally, she sighed as she cleansed her hair and skin for the last time, turned off the water, and exited out of the shower, slightly dripping water over the marble floor as she reached for her phone.

”6 more messages from Embry.” it read.

”Boss, u don't need 2 be so skeptical of me. I even asked him to transform into his complete Werewolf form, and he did, perfectly.”


”R u gone again???”

Werewolves could transmute their figures to counterpart humans, but their complete form was their original figure; the graceful creatures that looked like wolves, however in enormity compared to them.

Ezlynn's long, wet fingers glided across the screen,

”I still want 2 meet him. There's something about him. Tell him to come to our headquarters tomorrow.”