328 Vol. 6 pt. 14 (1/2)
Once Fenrir was done having his fun teasing Azalabulia about her toys and their names, they spent a while just talking about life. They talked about their favorite colors, movies and music, their history and their dreams – everything that he had already talked about with his other girlfriends but never got a chance to repeat around Azalabulia was repeated. She was brought up to date and given every single last bit of information regarding him that his other girlfriends already had. In exchange, he learned more about her than what the others knew, so it was clear that she would have to have such one-on-one dates with their girlfriends, too.
That line of thought led Fenrir to imagine how a date would go between her and Serra.
He would want to watch that date.
Once Fenrir and Azalabulia were out of things to talk about and too tired to do anything else as lewd as what they did earlier, but still wanting to spend more time together, he came up with an idea.
It was time to do the number one thing that he joined the game for while on a one-on-one date with Azalabulia.
”There you go! See? It's not that hard once you get the hang of it,” Fenrir said, standing behind Azalabulia.
The lure attached to her line flew through the air before landing in the ocean's gentle waters.
”Slowly reel it in now.”
Azalabulia hesitantly begins to reel in the lure. ”Why reel it in?”
”Uhh, because you're supposed to when using lures.”
”You… don't know, do you?”
”I know that you're supposed to reel them in. Look, as much as I love fishing, I've never really done that much research into properly doing it. Most of the time in games, it's either automated or simplified and it doesn't teach you why you do things. But, I'm over ninety percent sure that it's because of how lures tend to mimic fish and other things that bigger fish like to eat. Reeling them in makes them seem alive – like they're swimming. That makes them more appealing to other fish. Now, if you were using live bait, you could just let it sit out there since they'd be moving around all on their own and grabbing attention, but you'd still have to reel them in every now and then since they'd eventually – you know, cease living.”
”Explosions would be faster.”
”You're not going to explode the water.”
”Explosions ruin all the fun and destroy and sense of sport that there is.”
”I'm disappointed in you. I would have thought that my general would realize the true, awesome power of explosions and how they make everything better! It destroys any sense of sport there is? Wrong! The size of the explosion, its color, how much destruction it causes – now that is sport!”
Azalabulia then felt a tug on her line.
”A-ah! Fen! I – I think something's hooked! What – what do I do?”
”You've fished with us before.”
”B-but not with a lure!”
”It's the same thing. Once it's hooked, reel it in like you normally would.”
Supporting her the only way that he could think of, he prepared the net in one hand while his other hand held her side.
She definitely hooked something but, going by the light bend of the rod, it must have been pretty weak.
”I can see it. You've got this,” Fenrir said, both hands on the net now. Though, really, it was small enough that she could easily bring it onto the deck without any struggle.
Azalabulia's shaking hands struggled to keep the rod still. Then, as soon as the fish was close enough, she lifted the rod up and back to pull the fish out of the water! It flew up through the air, hooked by its mouth, and Fenrir swung the net to try and catch it! Only, he ended up knocking it out of the air, sending it flying doward directly toward… Azalabulia.
Azlabulia's chest to be more specific.
Fenrir knew that this would normally be when a girl turns bright red, screams, and desperately tries to remove the fish. Instead, when he looked at his girlfriend, all he saw were dead eyes as the fish's tail flopped around above her cleavage. The rest of the fish had been securely trapped between her breasts and, the more it wiggled, the farther down it slid.
”I don't know whether to appreciate this fanservice or be jealous of the fish,” Fenrir said before reaching out to grab the fish by its tail. ”I guess I can't be too jealous after what we did.”
”Don't – don't bring it up so suddenly. And now I'm all slimy,” Azalabulia whined.
As for the fish, it was small in size but had a beautiful, almost-rainbow shine to it when the sun shone onto it.
It didn't take much for Fenrir's tail to wag. ”I wonder how it tastes.”
”You – you can't just eat it!”
”Why not?”
”It's cute!”
”But the whole point of catching fish is to eat them.”
”I don't want to catch fish to eat! They deserve to be released so that they can—”
”You wanted to explode them.”
”I – gr-granting them a beautiful death with an explosion is something else that they also deserve!”
”Don't you think it'd be more humane to eat them? So that they're not being wasted?”
”Explosions aren't wasteful.”
”Aren't explosions kind of the definition of overkill and being wasteful?”