312 Vol. 5 pt. 20 (1/2)
”Yo, onii-wan.”
”Yo? What, are you a rapper now?”
”More people than just rappers say 'yo,' yo.”
”Yo-yo? I tried playing with one of those when I was a kid. Ended up being horrible at it and hitting myself right between my eyes. That was one of the few times my dad actually cracked a smile and laughed at my pain. Mom laughed at me, too.”
”Who wouldn't laugh at you being in pain?”
”That's more sadistic than tsundere. Speaking of being in pain…”
Fenrir opens his eyes.
Rather than be buried underneath rocks with Eva, he finds himself sitting across from Saya at a table in a coffee shop.
”Did I die or just get knocked out?” he asks.
”You only passed out. Do you want spoilers? I'm allowed to tell you what happened,” Saya asks back.
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”You came super close to death and passed out, then Cass Cass got through enough rocks to reach you and started healing you before you could even be pulled out.”
”She's probably going to be pissed off at me for doing something stupid.”
”I can't really blame her, onii-wan. Even if it's just a game, no girlfriend wants to see their boyfriend get crushed under a bunch of rocks and almost die. Especially for another woman.”
”You didn't have to throw that last part onto there. That makes it sound like something suspicious.”
”You're trying to make it sound like it wasn't suspicious, you womanizer.”
”Hey, since when am I a womanizer?”
”Since I've said so.”
”So, since ten seconds ago?”
”Yeah – ow! Don't flick me! And reaching across the table to do that is rude! Weren't you ever taught any manners?”
”I don't know, was I? You have access to my memories.”
”You were, but it seems like you've forgotten them!”
”Or you just deserved being flicked on the forehead.”
”I would never deserve being flicked on the forehead.”
”Sure you wouldn't. By the way, you look cute.”
Rather than wear a sweater like Saya has grown used to wearing, she is currently sitting across from him with a dress and shorts combination that leaves her arms, shoulders, and legs exposed for once.
”Hmph. You're – you're only saying that so that I take back what I said about you being a womanizer.”
”Wait, wouldn't complimenting you on how you look right after being called that make me more of a womanizer instead of not one? Why would I bring up your looks if I was trying to convince you I'm not a womanizer?”
”I don't know. It's not like I'm in your head or anything. How am I supposed to know why you are the way that you are?”
”You are literally in my head though.”
”So? That completely discredits what you were just trying to say.”
”Don't try to be so technical, nerd.”
”I'm a nerd now because I pointed out the obvious flaw in your logic? Whatever you say, Pupaya.”
”I – I told you not to call me anything weird!” Saya pouts while kicking his shins underneath the table.
”Alright, I won't, Pupayawaya.”
”Please not this again! I take it back! You're not a womanizer or a nerd!”
”Good girl, Pupaya.”
”Just call me my normal name…”
”You say that, but your ears are twitching and I can see your tail wagging.”
”That's – that's not my fault! You're the one who called me a good girl and you know the sort of effect that has on girls with animal ears!”
”You're right. I do know what effect that has.”
”See?! You're horrible! You're not supposed to treat people like pets!”
”Oh, I'm not? I guess I shouldn't offer to give you headpats or anything. I'm sure you really wouldn't like me to scratch behind your ears. You would probably really hate me rubbing your belly while calling you a good girl,” Fenrir says with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed.
The next time he opens them, he finds himself sitting on the edge of a bed in a private bedroom with Saya laying down over his lap, facing up at him.
”I wasn't expecting you to give in this much.”
”Shut up. Yes you were.”
”I don't know what you're talking about.”
”Fine. Play dumb. Just – just do it.”
”Do what?”
”You know exactly what I want you to do, you baka onii-wan!”
”Wow, you're really bringing out the tsundere-weeb fanservice to make me do this.”
Rather than say anything else, Saya glares up at him with a mean pout and inflated cheeks.
”Alright, alright,” he says, placing one hand on the top of her head to scratch behind her ears while his other hand pats her belly over her dress.
Saya goes from pouting and angry to melting and blissful almost instantly.
”Who's a good girl?” he asks.
”I – I am!” Saya answers.
”I don't know. A good girl would go 'woof.'”
”What was that? I thought I just heard something but I'm not sure.”
”Maybe howling would be better.”
”Now that I think about it, dogs never just howl for a second and be done with it. They usually keep howling for at least a few seconds.”
The sheer amount of cuteness radiating from Saya – from Pupaya, is enough to make Fenrir go all out.
While his hand on her head treats her ears with the utmost care, delicately tracing his fingers along them whenever he's not scratching right behind them, his other hand slides her dress up just enough so that her abdomen is exposed.
She might blush at first and hesitantly try to push her dress back down, but she stops the instant his bare hand touches her exposed belly.
Then the rubbing begins.
Even if she has the appearance of a human girl with only dog ears and a dog tail, she can't help but to kick her legs and wildly giggle upon her belly being so intensely rubbed.
”There is no resisting the power of belly rubs,” he tells her.
She's in no condition to deny him nor does she care enough to deny him.
All that matters is that, in this moment, she is receiving an ultimate belly rub.
”Now, Pupaya,” Fenrir says, both his expression and voice far more serious than they probably should be in this situation, ”answer me: who's a good girl?”
Pupaya's eyes shoot open wide as stars spin within them.
The answer to the question is obvious.
She is the good girl.
The good girl is she.
Yet, receiving such a supreme belly rub in addition to receiving such wonderful head scratches and pettings while being asked that question has triggered something within her.
What does it mean to be a good girl?
What is good?
Is there something better than being a good girl?
As her sight turns into that of spinning stars, colliding galaxies, and the birth of the universe, she ponders such deep, philosophical questions.
She doesn't even notice the drool running down her chin.
Meanwhile, all Fenrir can think is that he may or may not have broken her. The look in her eyes tells him that they might not even be observing the same universe at the moment.
They may as well be on entirely different planes of existence.
That is the power of the belly rub, head scratch, ”who's a good girl?” combo.
”He-hey, you alright?” he asks after a few moments of suspicious unresponsiveness.
”Hu-huh? O-oh, yeah, onii-wan,” she answers in a drugged-like state. Her tongue is almost hanging out from her mouth, her speech is slurred, and her pupils don't know whether they want to take on the shapes of hearts, stars, or spirals.
”I… I think that maybe this much service might be a bit too much for you. Maybe I should calm down a bi—”
”You're not allowed to stop.”
”You sound like an addict.”
She turns her head away.
”Did – did you actually get addicted to this?”
”It's not my fault you decided to rub my belly directly while doing all that. You don't just introduce a cat to catnip and then take the catnip away!”
”I don't know whether to find you adorable right now or whether I should be concerned about your new addiction. You know I can't rub your belly twenty-four-seven, right?”
”All that matters is that you're thinking about it. If you're thinking about it, that's close enough until you can actually do it again.”
”What about when I'm sleeping?”
”Then you have to dream about it.”
”I can't just control my dreams like that.”
”I'll make you dream about it.”
”Wait, that's possible? You can control my dreams?”
”I don't know but I'm willing to try.”
”Wouldn't that probably break a user agreement somewhere or something?”
”What they don't know won't hurt them.”
”You're seriously addicted.”
”Just… rub my belly more.”
”Sure, sure,” he says, enabling her addiction.
Though, he realizes that there might be something else dangerous about this situation.
She is lying on his lap and squirming around quite a bit thanks to the pleasurable sensations that he is giving her. This means… that she's squirming around directly over his crotch.
Seeing as how he's still a man and still has a man's second-best friend—the first being dogs and little-sister-dogs—between his legs, the wiggling and squirming around that she is doing stimulates him.
He knows that she knows, too, which makes the situation both even more embarrassing and arousing. She is always aware of his thoughts and feelings, so she is aware of the fact that he's getting excited because of this. That results in even more embarrassment. However, she is also aware that he is getting aroused and isn't stopping at all. If anything, he can tell that she is purposely pressing her back down against him even harder so that he can feel even more as he rubs her. That results in even more arousment.
”O-onii-wan,” Saya whimpers as his hand rubbing her belly slowly starts to travel father up her body. At the same time, his hand on top of her head slides down to her cheek before letting one of his fingers touch the corner of her lips. ”It's – it's okay, onii-wan,” she whines, completely lost within the euphoric, belly-rub-induced state that she has already grown addicted to.
She even parts her lips for the finger near her mouth while placing both of her hands on his dangerously-close-to-her-breasts hand, gently holding it and helping to pull it up some more.
Fenrir was most definitely not expecting the situation to unfold like this.
Saya, essentially being part of him and having complete access to his mind, knows exactly how to make herself as appealing as possible to him. She is, quite literally, perfect to him. Her looks, her expression, how she's behaving and responding to him – everything is perfectly tailored to match his exact tastes. After all, those are her tastes, too.
The situation could not be any more perfect than it is.
Yet, as soon as he realizes what is happening, the temptation completely disappears and he pulls his hands away from her.
”Sorry. I was getting ahead of myself,” Fenrir says, helping her sit up on the bed next to him.
Saya sighs before saying, ”I knew that would happen.”
”Is that why you didn't stop me sooner?”
”Yeah. I guess. I wouldn't have let you go that far if I didn't know you were going to stop.”
”So, basically, you knew that I would stop but still let me blueball both of us? Why not just stop it earlier to save us both from being blueballed?”
”Because. I – I wanted to enjoy what I could.”
Fenrir gives her a gentle pat on top of her head and says, ”It's just that—”
”I know. You're not actually a womanizer which means you won't do things with me without your girlfriends' permission.”
”Yeah. I mean, even if you're my assistant, I still feel like that could cross the line into going too far and being unfaithful if they're not aware of it. I probably already went a bit too far since I was really getting into it there. Shit. Now I feel really bad.”
”I think you're fine. There's no way Serra and Nell would care. Cass Cass might pout a little bit, and I'm not sure how Azawaza would feel, but they probably wouldn't care as long as you still did stuff with them before or after.”
”But still. Even just flirting and touching this much shouldn't have been done without their permission.”
”Yeah… I guess.”
”Alright. No more belly rubs or anything else until I talk to them about it.”
”He-hey, maybe that's a bit too extreme.”
”No. Belly rubs lead into all that other stuff. Therefore, belly rubs are now banned until further notice.”
”Bu-but – but…”
”No more.”
”Maybe… maybe just a little? Just one? Just a gentle one?”
”What about a two-second one?”
”Not allowed.”
”A one-second one?”
”Maybe – maybe just a belly poke?”
Fenrir looks down at Saya and, for once, sees her with watering eyes.
”This is an intervention,” he says. ”You're addicted and need help.”
”But – oh. You're healed enough that you can go back now,” Saya groans, frustrated at the interruption – at having to actually do her job.
”Thanks for letting me know, and I'll talk to them about it soon. Probably sometime later today. I guess I better get ready for them to be mad at me.”
”Relax, onii-wan. They're not going to be mad at you for flirting with me.”
”Just because we want to think that doesn't mean it's going to be true.”
”Well… I know one of them is already mad.”
”What? Why? How?”
”Good luck, onii-wan.”