307 Vol. 5 pt. 15 (2/2)

The True Endgame AceArriande 118850K 2022-07-20

”I see. Well… perhaps more minds helping us think of a solution would be beneficial.”

”What's wrong?” Fenrir asks.

GG sighs before explaining, ”You see… our favorite fishing spot has been taken over.”

”I'm in.”

”I know that it sounds silly, but – wait, what did you say?”

”I'm in.”

”You are in? As in you wish to help us without knowing all the details?”

”You said your favorite fishing spot has been taken over. You guys are cool dragons, you seem friendly and trustworthy enough, and you like fishing. Anybody who likes fishing is worth helping.”

Unless they're in rowboats when a certain juvenile serpent comes around. In those cases, they're on their own.

”You have brought rather entertaining visitors,” GG tells Eva.

”Yep, and I'll help however I can, too. You guys have done so much for me lately that it would only be fair,” Eva says.

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”Thank you. Both of you.”

”No problem,” Fenrir replies. ”So, what's taken over your fishing spot? Where is it?”

”It is deep within the mountains at the bottom of a vast pit. There lies a subterranean lake that we believe leads to the ocean's depths. Since discovering the lake, fishing there has become our favorite pastime activity. But… two days ago, horrifying monsters came out from the lake's depths and ambushed several of our villagers who were fishing and unaware at the time.”

Fenrir has already started putting the pieces together. ”And what did they look like? The monsters?”

”Some have the heads of fish, others have tentacles for arms that may be covered in eyes, some simply look like shambling masses of scales, flesh, and bones… they are truly Heartcraftian creatures.”

”And you only encountered them for the first time two days ago?”


”Well, shit. Seems like I was right then.”

”You were right?”

”We've got ourselves a common enemy. The reason why we're here is actually because I thought it would be smart to ask dragons for help in defending against monsters from the bottom of the ocean. We know there's an army down there, and I've seen them, and they look exactly like what you just described. So, between knowing that they're messing with your fishing and that they're why we're here in the first place, we'll do everything that we can to help you out.”

”Please keep in mind that I cannot promise you any sort of compensation nor debt for your assistance if you choose to help us. We are very communal here and require a majority vote for all important matters.”

”Don't worry about it. I'd help you out just because I want some fellow fishermen to be able to fish in peace. Well, just not on rowboats.”

”Is there something wrong with fishing from rowboats?”

”It's uh… anyways, I think we're all ready to help out right now. Right?” Fenrir asks, looking back at the group.

The only one of them who doesn't look ready is Serra.

Serra being Serra, she has been staying close behind Rock and Shogun ever since she noticed GG and the other draconic people around them. Now, she's being asked if she's ready to fight when she doesn't even have a weapon and only did a little bit of training with Fenrir.

Fenrir says, ”You can stay with the horses if you want to, Ser—”

”No,” Serra cuts him off. ”I want to… fight, too.”

”Are you sure?”

”Yeah. I want to help.”

”Perfect. The more the merrier, right?” he asks, placing a hand down on top of Serra's head over her oversized hat to pat her. ”We'll just need to get you a weapon first.”

”I would be glad to assist you in that regard for helping us,” GG says.

”I thought you had to vote on it?”

”We do not have to vote on what I choose to do with my own belongings. Is there any weapon that you prefer?” GG asks Serra.

Serra shakes her head but then pauses, looks up at him, and says, ”I like… cannons.”



”Hmm. Well, there is a cannon that we have had no use for. Or rather, it is less of a cannon and more of a gatling gun.”

”Oh, the one Trismy gave you guys?” Eva asks.

”The very same. Only, I am not sure how we would prepare it to be of use. It would not be useful at the top of the pit nor is there any good, solid ground to place it at the bottom. Your space would be limited and fought over. Furthermore, without quick reactions and precise aim, you would be quickly overwhelmed by their numbers.”

”Wait, you guys have a gatling gun?” Fenrir asks.

”Well, that is what the wise Trismegistus would have us call it.”

”And it's allowed to exist? It didn't get broken or anything?”

”No. It has been allowed to stay given its unique conditions.”

”Now I'm curious. Serra?” Fenrir asks, turning his attention to her. ”Think you could kill a bunch of oversized fish monsters with a fantasy-appropriate gatling gun?”

Serra looked unsure before but now she looks excited. ”Yeah,” she answers.

”Then there we have it. We're just going to have to clear some space out down there for you to get set up and then we'll be good to go. You won't have to worry about getting overwhelmed as long as I'm there to back you up.”

”Hey, don't take all the credit,” Cassiel says. ”I'll protect you, too,” she tells Serra.

”Thanks, Cass Cass,” Serra replies.

”So, with Serra on the gatling gun, me, Cass Cass, and Rock protecting her, Shogun, Nell, and Aza working as our damage dealers, and Rao… Rao… hey, what can you do again?” Fenrir asks.

Rao shrugs and answers, ”I don't know. Just give me a spear or something.”

”You sound like such a confident fighter.”

”I'll try, bro.”

”Good enough. Eva, what about you?”

”DPS all the way. I can be my own tank, damage dealer, and healer if I need to be, so all I need is to know where to fight and I'm set all on my own,” Eva answers.

”Without any armor or anything?”

To answer his question, Eva activates one of her abilities that causes sharp, black scales to rapidly grow all over her body giving her a perfect coat of natural armor.

”Good enough. Are there any more dragons fighting down there already? Or anybody planning on it?” Fenrir asks GG.

”Yes. In fact, we are already preparing to send another force down there. There are only thirty of us who can safely fight without fear of losing all our progress, but we refuse to sit by and do nothing as they scare away all of the fish – ahem, I mean, as they defile our fishing grounds.”

”Alright. So, we've got our whole group and thirty of you guys. When are you going to be heading down next?”

”In an hour from now. We are currently busy preparing equipment, potions, and trying to come up with a plan that does not rely solely on brute strength for victory.”

”What about caving in part of the underwater tunnel? If you believe it goes out to the ocean, which it has to in this case, then we could try to collapse part of it. We could make it so that there is too much rubble for the monsters to get through, and I think that any fish would still be able to get through the small gaps in the rocks unless you only get huge fish coming through the tunnel.”

”How would you expect us to cave in a section of the tunnel without spending costly time mining it?”

Everybody other than GG looks at Azalabulia.

”Is – is it time for explosions?” Azalabulia asks.

”It's time for explosions,” Fenrir answers.

Azalabulia takes a deep breath, looks down at the ground, and reaches into her pocket. She then takes her hat off so that she can slip something around her head before putting the hat back on.

As for what that item is… they discover what it is when she looks up.

An eyepatch.

”With this, no foul creature could possibly resist any of my attacks! There is no chance for them! I, Dark Sorceress of Twisted Flames, the Breaker of Reality, and the One Who will Set the World Ablaze, the Wielder of the Cursed Flame of Bahamut, Azalabulia, shall accept your request and deliver unto you an explosion far greater than anything you have ever seen before! Naught will be left aside from ruin!” Azalabulia declares, getting fully into it.

”How long have you had an eyepatch for?” Fenrir asks.

”A-ah… I've always had it but I only use it when I get really excited. I – I mean, I only use it in order to contain the explosive power stored within me! My dark emotions would flow loose like a raging hurricane were it not for me covering my left eye! All of these mountains would be reduced to sand if I were to unleash the powers within both of mine eyes!”

”Woah, so this is what she's like when she's actually playing,” Eva says.

”You get used to it. I think it's endearing,” Fenrir responds.

”Hah!” GG laughs. ”Wonderful! If that is how it shall be then that is how it must be! I have heard you, Dark Sorceress of Twisted Flames, the Breaker of Reality, and the One Who will Set the World Ablaze, the Wielder of the Cursed Flame of Bahamut, Azalabulia! I would be honored to fight beside you in the name of Bahamut!”

Azalabulia lights up and almost looks like she's about to cry with her uncovered eye. ”Exactly! Together, fighting alongside dragons similar to that of Bahamut itself, there will not be any who can resist us! They will taste your claws and my ruinous spells!”

”Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! Come, oh dark and powerful Azalabulia, and meet the rest of our forces who would be honored to meet you!”

Together, GG and Azalabulia walk off sharing maniacal laughter.

”What?” Fenrir asks.

”I forgot to tell you that everybody here loves roleplaying,” Eva explains. ”My bad.”

”I mean… I just really wasn't expecting that. He seemed so proper and normal, but then it was like Aza flipped a switch in his head or something.”

”Well, yeah, they try to stay normal around visitors. Once they leave, that's when all of the flying-samurai-dragon roleplay stuff really starts. I may or may not have spied – observed them a few times after they thought I left and they always just… acted like a bunch of random flying-dragon-samurai going about their daily lives. Sometimes they'd train, other times they'd have tea breaks in the shade, stretched together – they're a seriously tightknit community here. For them to actually roleplay around visitors… they have to really like that girl.”

”But they're samurai. Shouldn't they be honorable and against working with somebody who tries to act and sound as evil and corrupt as Aza?”

”You have to give and take when it comes to roleplay, you know? They probably realize that it would be more fun to just play along with her instead of try to fight against her, especially when she's going to help them with their problem.”

”Yeah, that makes sense. But still.”

Fenrir looks at where GG and Azalabulia have gone.

The two of them are standing in the center of the village with the rest of the dragons gathered around them, and they are all cheering and shouting all sorts of odd things whenever they're not laughing.

”I don't know if it's good for anybody to let Azalabulia loose in such an environment,” Fenrir says. ”She might get really encouraged.”

”What's the worst that she could do?” Eva asks.

”A lot. She might seem shy most of the time, but she's crazy powerful. She's easily the most powerful one out of all of us. She really likes her dragon magic and explosions.”

”At least she's making friends,” Cassiel says.

”Now they're just going to have to hope that they can survive her. Anyways, I guess we should go over there and see what they're talking about if we're strategizing.”

With that, the group heads over to where Azalabulia and GG have gone to, but two of them fall behind when Serra grabs the back of Fenrir's shirt.

”What's up?” he asks her.

”I know I said I could do it before, but… are you sure?” she asks him.

”Sure about what? You being a badass with big guns and being able to kill a bunch of monsters while some of us protect you?”


”Then yes, I am absolutely, one hundred percent, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, sure. If there is anybody I trust to handle big weapons, it's you.”

”I'll handle your big weapon.”

”I trust you to handle that one, too.”

Serra snerks and then wraps her arms around him. ”Thanks.”

”Anytime, Serra Berra. We'll make sure to protect you so that you can have a ton of fun with the gun.”

”That rhymed.”

”Huh, it did. I wish I could purposely rhyme.”

Instead of say anything back to Fenrir that would be relevant to their conversation, she lowers herself against him so that her chest presses up against his crotch.

”What do you think you're doing?” Fenrir asks.

”Teasing you,” Serra answers.

”You know, we're going to be fighting soon. It's cruel to tease me before something like that.”

”I know. You said you're a masochist sometimes. Make this one of those times.”

”I might as well so that I can enjoy it better.”

Serra giggles and presses her face against his abdomen. ”Hey.”


”I love you.”

”I love you too, Serra.”

”I love you more.”

”I love you more.”

”I love your dick more.”

”Alright, that you do love more, but I love your body more.”


While Fenrir and Serra share in their own little romantic and lewd moment, a certain somebody listens in on them with her enhanced hearing while trying not to make it too obvious.


So far, what she has gathered is that Fenrir can be a loving and caring boyfriend who also knows how to easily talk with others, takes the lead when it's important, offers help at the drop of the hat even for people he's only just met, and is accepting of all of his girlfriends and their various personalities. Whether it is Cassiel's not-so-tsundere-ness, Nell's erotic and exotic fantasies, Azalabulia's extreme roleplaying, or Serra's lewd perversion, he expertly handles each and every one of them with the care that only a thoughtful boyfriend could give them.

But there's no way that's all there is to it.

He has a harem! He has four girlfriends who are not only super attractive, at least in game, but who seem to all genuinely love him!

Is he so rich in real life that he could buy genuine love?

Is he so famous that literally any woman in the world with a functioning mind would throw herself at him?

What if he's some sort of sex god?

Mind control? The drug dealer of an illegal drug that they're dependent on? Are they all actually sisters and he's their father who has groomed them into loving him unconditionally including in perverse ways?

Eva does not know, but she desperately wants to know.

This requires further investigation.