279 Vol. 4 pt. 82 Patch 14.0: An Explosive Date (1/2)

At least the red marks on Fenrir's face are gone once he's actually transported in-game.

Though, even if the red handprints on his cheeks are gone, he can still tell that Saya is pouting within his mind.

That was so worth it.

Now, Fenrir gets to give his actual virtual dog attention as Rock licks his face and lies down on top of him.

”You're making it difficult for me to breathe here,” Fenrir tries telling her, but she doesn't care. Instead, she just tries licking his mouth and nose which makes breathing even more difficult.

If it was one of his girlfriends acting like a dog wanting to lick his mouth, he wouldn't have a problem with that and would happily let them lick wherever they want, but Rock is not his girlfriend. Rock is a dog, and Rock is Shogun's girlfriend as much as admitting that might hurt Fenrir.

”Have you been a good girl?” Fenrir asks, petting Rock behind her ears. All he can do is rub her since he'd rather not scratch his nails against solid rock.

Rock barks and wags her tail even faster!

With how she's lying on him, her tail is right between his legs, and each wag of it smashes into the inner side of one of his knees.

Seeing as how her tail is every bit as solid as the rest of her body, it actually hurts a bit after being repeatedly smacked over and over again by her solid tail.

This just makes Fenrir think about how confusing her relationship with Shogun is. Does Shogun not get ever get hurt by being around her? If they're actually doing what he's afraid of them doing, wouldn't that really hurt? Fenrir might not mind the idea of a cute golem monster girl girlfriend, but if she's solid everywhere, then that would be really hard to work with.

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Then he gets licked from another direction.

When Fenrir turns his head to see just who exactly else is licking him now, he finds himself face-to-face with Shogun.

”Oh. Hey,” Fenrir says.

Shogun gives him one more lick before going back to lying down and waiting for Rock to finish with him.

”At least my future flying-fox-son-in-law likes me,” Fenrir says.

Rock is even happier now, and she shows it through an increased rate of wagging her tail and even more force behind her licks.

Fenrir can't help but to compare Rock to one of those big, muscular girls that he's seen in hentai before. They're the kind of girls who are unaware of their strength and end up hurting others by trying to shower them in affection.

That's what Rock is turning into, especially since Rock has been growing larger lately.

He remembers back when Rock was just a puppy.

She was so cute and tiny.

She's still cute because dogs are never not cute, but she was far less painful back then. She could climb all over him, smack her wagging tail against him, and lick him without ever even coming close to hurting him.

Now, her love hurts.

”Alright, I think that's enough,” Fenrir says, trying to nudge Rock off of him.

She sprawls out even moreso than before and nuzzles the side of her head up against the side of his own.

”Alright, seriously, don't you think this is a bit much?” As much as he might be complaining, he does love this. Who wouldn't love getting so much attention from a cute dog? Only a monster wouldn't enjoy this!

He just doesn't enjoy the pain aspect of it.