241 Vol. 4 pt. 44 Patch 8.0: (2/2)

But these cats, as soon as he crouches down and sticks a hand out to them, try to swipe at his hand as soon as it gets close.

”Don't mind them! They're just a bunch of little assholes,” a man says, his voice coming from the house.

Fenrir looks over at the house and sees a man a little bit shorter than him wearing… pajama pants, an opened robe that reveals his hairy chest, and a… beanie? Fenrir knows that the virtual assistants in this game are supposed to try and make people stick to more lore-friendly language and looks, but… they definitely failed in this case.

”You're some new faces. What brings you all here?” the man asks. ”Ah, and the name is King Cat. I'm the mayor here!”

Fenrir thinks about that for a second. He's the mayor, but he calls himself King Cat.

Well, it's better than having a guild named Stinky Garlic.

No matter how hard virtual assistants might try to make people stick to lore-appropriate naming conventions and the like, humans will forever choose silly names for themselves on the internet. This is just more proof than that. This man has an entire fantasy world to explore and be whoever he wants. Instead, he calls himself King Cat and dresses like a lazy, middle-aged dad in the morning who needs to drink coffee and read the newspaper.

”It's uh, nice to meet you, King Cat. I'm Fenrir. This is my girlfriend, Serra, and these are my friends and crewmembers, Oleander and Corwin,” Fenrir says.

The other three nod along at their introductions.

”I can see that Serra here is already popular with my peasants!” King Cat says. ”Can't blame them. You caught yourself a nice girlfriend there.”

”He has more,” Oleander says. ”I hope there aren't any single women in this village, because Fenny has a habit of somehow stealing their hearts with minimal effort.”

”H-hey now, I've only got three, and it's not like I try to seduce every girl I see.”

”Four,” Serra says. ”Aza.”

”Alright. I only have three girlfriends and one pending.”

”You trying to make us jealous?” King Cat asks with a smile. ”Well! If you've already got that many girlfriends, it means you're either a great man or some sort of sociopathic mass-murderer. Or a celebrity. Seriously, though. You ever hear those stories about guys killing hundreds of innocent folk, and then getting hundreds of love letters while in prison? I can't understand people.”

”Uhh, if I remember right, it's because they're attracted to the fame, taboo factor, and because they want to change them… or something like that. I think,” Fenrir says.

”Hybristophilia! I believe that's the right name for it.”

”That's… there's an actual fetish named after it?”

”Fenny, you should know that there's like, a name for every fetish,” Oleander says.

King Cat explains, ”I only know the name because I dated a gal obsessed with crime shows. Don't think she ever wanted to screw a killer, but she sure loved watching shows about catching them.”

Fenrir nods along at King Cat's words before realizing that… this feels completely natural. Something about King Cat just relaxes him. Fenrir feels like he can talk to the other man about anything as if they've been friends for a while. If these villagers kicked the founder out for being an asshole and voted somebody in on being kind and respectful, Fenrir understands why King Cat is their mayor now.

”So! Let's not talk about something so dark. We try to be wholesome around here. What're you all here for?” King Cat asks.

”Right. We're here because we figured we'd check the place out and see who our neighbors are going to be. We want to set up a town south of here,” Fenrir answers.

”Is that so? Well, we'll be glad to have some new neighbors! That is, as long as you're kind and respectable folk.”

”I like to think that we're pretty nice.”

”As long as there aren't any assholes!” Oleander adds on.

”Yeah, that. We're nice as long as people don't try screwing us, which from what I've heard, is similar to how things are here,” Fenrir says.

”You've got that right! Glad to know we're all on the same page. Now, how about you all come in and have some coffee? Guarantee you that I can brew the best coffee you've ever had.”

That confirms it. Fenrir is dealing with a dad.

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