229 Vol. 4 pt. 32 Patch 6.0: Hard Labor (2/2)

”Why? I'm your boyfriend and you're my girlfriends. This is uh… very important information to know.”


”Because why?”

”Because I recorded it so you can watch it later,” Serra says, looking at her boyfriend with a proud smile.

Fenrir is proud of her, too. ”You're the best,” he says, petting her on the top of her head over her hat.

”I know, but I keep forgetting to show you the video where you were sleeping and I…”

Fenrir gulps and asks, ”And you what?”

Serra looks him in the eyes, grabs his hand, and pulls one of his fingers into her mouth to suck on. She sucks on the very tip of his finger before slowly pushing her head farther onto it, taking his finger in until she's got the entire length in her mouth. Then she slowly – every so slowly, pulls back until the tip of his finger is left right between her lips. She plants a gentle kiss on it before pointing his finger upward so that she can lick all over it from top to bottom, never daring to break eye contact.

Then she pokes his erection through his pants and asks, ”Want me to demonstrate with this?” The tips of her fingers trace along his clothed bulge.

Neither of them is aware of a certain Azalabulia peeking at them from the distance, unable to take her eyes off of the erotic site.

She's also taking notes.

If this is how his girlfriend is treating him, then he must like it, so maybe she should try something like that?

Azalabulia imagines herself holding Fenrir's hand and sucking on his finger.

Serra might be lewd and know how to use her mouth, but Azalabulia knows that there is one thing that she has which Serra doesn't have.


Azalabulia looks at one of her fingers, then down at her cleavage, and then sticks her finger into her cleavage just to get an idea for how it might work when she potentially tries this on Fenrir.

”The heck are ya doin' now?” Tabitha asks Azalabulia.

Azalabulia face turns pure red as she hastily pulls her finger out from her cleavage, accidentally smacking herself in the face in the process.

”I – I was… te-testing a new spell!” Azalabulia tries explaining.

”Uh-huh,” Tabitha responds, the disappointed expression on her face piercing Azalabulia's core. ”And what kinda spell can ya do by stickin' your finger down your chest?”

”I was – I was… it was a spell to…”

”To seduce the wolf captain?”

Azalabulia's face somehow turns an even darker shade of red as she frantically shakes her head from side to side. ”I-I-I d-don-don't know wh-why yo-you would thi-thi-think tha-that.”

”Ya know, if you want to get to him, all you've got to do is go and ask 'im out. Just be like, 'oi, dog boy, let's be degenerates together,' and he'll be yours. Probably.”

”Bu-but what if – wh-what if he doesn't e-even like me ba-back…”

”You a fool? Him and all those girls can't take their eyes off of you. They look at ya like a pack of hungry wolves staring down an unsuspecting deer.”

Azalabulia's eyes go wide from the knowledge.

”Ya seriously haven't noticed?” Tabitha asks.

Azalabulia shakes her head.

”Can't ya tell whenever somebody's lookin' at you all dirty?”

Azalabulia shakes her head even faster.

”No wonder you're single. You're naïve and dense as can be if ya haven't noticed how they all look at ya. They don't even try to make it subtle!”

”Ah!” Nell says. ”What are we discussing?”

Azalabulia jumps around, causing her breasts to bounce in the process thanks to the still-damaged clothes she's wearing, and looks at Nell with a blushing, shaking head.

”We're talkin' about how you, the other shortie, blondie, and the dog all look at this girl like a bunch of perverts,” Tabitha says.

Nell giggles and says, ”It is a good thing that Fenrir was already talked to! We came to the conclusion that we would leave the progress up to him and her while we all watch and enjoy!”

”A bunch of sadists.”

Nell giggles and claps her hands together.

”Y-you mean, you…? Yo-you're fine with… me?” Azalabulia asks Nell.

”Of course!” Nell says. ”I could even help you if you would like me to!”

”He-help me?”

Nell excitedly nods her head. ”I know of the perfect scenario to make Fenrir yours! He will never be able to resist you.”

Azalabulia is worried, but she agrees to go along with whatever Nell's plan is.

As for Tabitha, she sighs and gets back to work.