222 Vol. 4 pt. 25 Patch 5.0: Building a Town and a Harem (2/2)

”Maybe. I don't know. I guess… it's also because I know I can trust him. I don't know if I can trust new girls, like her.”

”Hmm. Yeah, I can understand that. But, if she's going to maybe join your relationship square and turn it into a relationship pentagon, shouldn't you all be flirting with her and getting closer to her instead of just Fenny?”

”Yeah, but… I – I don't really know how,” Cassiel whispers even more quietly than before. ”Fen always took the lead, and if it wasn't him, it was Serra.”

”You're so pure, Cass Cass.”

”I'm – I'm not pure,” she says with a pout.

”Didn't you have boyfriends before Fenny? Did they all ask you out or something?”

”Basically… I had no idea how to flirt, and the only guys who would flirt with me and ask me out were the ones who didn't care who my dad was.”

”What's that about your dad?”

”He was the chief of police. Way too overprotective and he loved his job as much as he loved me. He lost his job because he abused his position to dig up information on one of the guys he found out I was dating, and then the guy's parents freaked out and went to the news about it, and then… yeah, only total shitheads who didn't care about my dad dared to date me, and they didn't lack the confidence to take the lead.”

”You had a tough time growing up, didn't you?” Oleander asks, patting her on her shoulder.

”Ugh, don't make me think about it anymore. I could go on for years about how stupid he was – is.”

”We'll change the topic! Uhh, what do Serra and Nell Nell think of Aza?”

”Serra is the one who brought up adding her to the relationship, and Nell is fine with it and was talking about how another girl means less love for her which is tragic and how wonderful that is, but said she seriously doesn't mind as long as she treats all of us fairly. So, yeah, we do need to work on her ourselves, I guess.”

”Where are those two anyways?”

”Playing with the ferrets we bought earlier.”

Meanwhile, back in reality, Serra and Alice are still behind closed doors with ferrets scurrying about and playing on their own.

Serra, being the mischievous munchkin pervert that she is, is ”playing” in her own way.

Alice has no escape from her since she's on the floor, but she doesn't want to escape in the first place.

Serra is holding Alice down by her arms as she places loving bites all over Alice's neck.

Alice, wanting more of the pleasurable sensations, turns her head to the side so that Serra has easier access to it.

Serra takes advantage of this by taking an even larger and stronger hold of Alice's neck than before, sucking and ”chewing” on it until she feels Alice squirming beneath her. That's how she can tell that she's been biting her long enough to pull away and look down at her work. On the side of Alice's neck is a large, bruised hickey now. Serra isn't done yet, of course. Next are Alice's breasts, and she'll continue working lower and lower on Alice's body until she's had a taste of her every inch.

Damian and Lily are up to no good in one of the nearby tubes as well.

”Ugh,” Oleander says, ”I totally need to visit soon! I want to play with all the cute smol babs.”

”They really are cute,” Cassiel agrees.

”Oi!” Tabitha shouts at them. ”Ya gonna stand around forever talkin' and whisperin', or are you gonna actually come and help me? And you two!” Tabitha shouts even louder to get Azalabulia's and Fenrir's attention. ”Everybody knows what you're doin'! Put those tits away and get over here!”

Azalabulia jumps and blushes from being called out, and that surprised jump of hers has resulted in just a tiny bit of pink showing. While jumping wouldn't normally cause this issue, it doesn't help that she's been purposely pushing her breasts up to show them off.

”Uh, you – you might,” Fenrir says, pointing at her chest. He hates how he feels like a flustered boy around her. Overthinking everything combined with the fact that she's older than him is throwing him off balance.

Azalabulia looks down at her chest and sees what he's talking about. Fortunately for Fenrir, she doesn't slap him like a traditional girl in an anime would. Instead, she looks like she's about to cry as she says, ”Th-thank you, mortal! I – I…”

She runs off to Tabitha to do as she was told.