210 Vol. 4 pt. 13 Patch 3.0: A Change of Pace (2/2)

Some of the spider's guts splatter into Fenrir's hair. Whatever doesn't land on the deck or in his hair gets all over his shirt.

Shogun then leans his head forward to lick the spider's squished body into his mouth, chews on it a few times, and swallows before returning to Rock.

Rock, not minding that her boyfriend of a flying fox just ate a spider, cuddles right back up against him.

”I bet your girlfriends wouldn't cuddle you if they saw you eat a spider,” Oleander says.

”I… every time… why can't I just keep my hair clean?” Fenrir asks as he gives up on life – well, maybe not life, but he's definitely giving up on trying to keep his hair clean. ”I never should have made it white.”

”I guess white ain't right.”


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Oleander shrugs and says, ”My superior dark hair doesn't have those problems.”

”What are you two talking about?” Rao asks.

”Olly being stupid. That's what. Anyways, I'm going to go jump in the water again to wash these spider guts off of me and out of my hair, and then I'm going to wake. I wasn't really planning on being in-game for this long,” Fenrir says.

”Want to stay anchored in the river here?” Oleander asks.

”Yeah, we might as well. Probably a bit safer here than out off the coast.”

”I think I'll take Shogun out to do some more looking around. See what me and the shortie are going to have to work with,” Rao says.

”Sounds good to me. Anyways, gonna go take a dip now. I'll probably see you two tomorrow.”

With that, the group splits up. Shogun takes Rao back onto land, Oleander and Corwin do lewd things near the ship's stern since that's their favorite spot, and Fenrir takes a dive in the river before going below deck and contemplating his choices.

He could climb back into the hammock with the girls, but he's pretty wet and he doubts that they are going to want to come into the game smelling like wet dogs.

Well, it's not like it matters. Going to sleep and logging out of the game is as simple as wishing for it, so Fenrir sits down with his back to the hull, tells Saya to wake him, and then Fenrir finds himself as Ryouta once more.

Only, something hurts.

A lot hurts.

Everything hurts.

Ryouta tries moving and instantly regrets it.

”Really? I pulled all my muscles?” he asks himself before grumbling and whining to himself.

All of the work over the past few days has caught up to him, and now his existence is pain.

”This sucks,” he groans some more. ”I wanted to cash in my sexual favors, but I'm not even in the mood now. It's no fun if I'm hurting the whole time and just lying here without doing anything myself.”

”You done already?” Cassandra asks from the doorway. ”And what are you whining about?”

Apparently, he was being louder than he thought he was. ”Yeah, and I think I pulled some muscles. Like, all my muscles,” he explains.

”Need a heating pad? I brought mine.”

”I need to not hurt everywhere.”

”Okay, but until then, want my heating pad?”

”Maybe later. What've you all been up to?”

”Organizing our clothes, decorating a bit – the boring stuff that you're bad at.”

Ryouta would feel offended if he didn't know that it was the truth.

”How were things in-game?” Cassandra asks.

”Good,” Ryouta answers. ”We got Rao to say he likes loli succubi, and we found a place to build the city. Once Rao and Tabs get everything planned out, we can start gathering materials and get to work.”

”You're so weird,” she says with a sigh. ”So, we just get done moving in real life, and now you want to do even more labor in-game? Are you a masochist?”

”Nah. That's Alice's thing. I'm just… yeah, I'm probably a masochist.” Ryouta tries to get up but groans and slumps back down.

”I'm bringing you the heating pad.”


”I didn't know I was dating an old man.”

”Don't forget my cane and dentures.”