197 Vol. 3 Epilogue The True Talk Show: Episode Three (1/2)
This program is brought to you by New Realities Incorporated. Fantasy Tales Online headsets are available starting at seventy dollars and will transport you into a world beyond your wildest imagination! Live the fantasy life that you have always wanted to live. Kill monsters, raid epic dungeons, fight against other players in massive wars, sail the high seas and climb the tallest mountains, or just live an average life as a farmer! There is a world full of possibilities awaiting you!
”Welcome back to another episode of The True Talk Show!” Oleander announces. ”I'm your host, Olly, and I'm joined by none other than the true best girl, Rock!”
Rock lifts one of her paws and barks. The studio audience goes wild as they cheer and shout for Rock, all of them wearing shirts with Rock's face on them.
”We've got some new faces to talk to this time around! While not as many new people were introduced this time around, the ones who were introduced are important! We also saw the exit from a controversial character. Will her exit be temporary, or is it permanent? Who knows! For now, let's get the show rolling with some interviews!”
The crowd claps as the spotlights shine on the entrance to the stage, but the clapping abruptly ends as soon as Rao walks out onto the stage. Instead, they boo.
”Oof. Tough crowd. Then again, you did start off super asshole-y,” Oleander tells Rao as he sits down on the couch.
”I apologized for that! And now I know better. I swear I won't do it again. Probably,” Rao says to the sound of the crowd's continued booing.
”Don't worry, this crowd mainly cares about the girls, so it's hard to get any love as a guy here.”
”What about you? People seem to like you from everything I've seen.”
”Yeah, but I'm basically a girl and I know how to be a top-tier bro, so you get the best of both worlds with me! You get the cutesy appearance and flirting of a girl, and you get the bromance that only a bro can offer!”
”Wouldn't guys stop caring after figuring out you're actually a guy though?”
”Some do, but for a whole bunch of them, that actually makes me even better! Wait, I'm supposed to be interviewing you! I mean sure, I love talking about myself, but you're the new guy! So, Rao Rao, what do you think of the ladies so far?”
”Guys like you even more when they find out you've got a dick? Weird, but whatever.” The crowd boos Rao even more. ”Anyways, uhh… I haven't really talked to Serra much yet, but she seems pretty funny. That Cassiel chick is just way too mean. I have no idea how Fenbro could handle a girl like her. It's like you take one wrong step around her and—”
”Careful, Rao. Cass Cass somehow has a secret provider of sharks to feed people to. You don't want to end up getting dunked into her shark tank.”
”See, that's exactly what I mean! Only a crazy—” Rao pauses to look around. ”B-bro, I just felt chills down my spine. I feel like I'm being watched.”
”That's just the sharks. Anyways, go on!”
”Ri-right… Nell seems crazy as well but at least she's nice from what I've seen. Just really mean and cold to me. It's like she refuses to even think of me as a human – like I'm just some ant to her. That girl with the cat ears was definitely the worst out of all of them. I mean, you could just look in her eyes and tell she was insane. Something wasn't right in her head.”
”Poor Aiko. As much as I hated her accent when she was Nyaiko, she needs some serious support and help. Let's hope that she gets better and comes back sometime! For now,” Oleander presses down on the red button which opens up the floor in front of the couch, springs said couch up, and tosses Rao down the hole.
”Broooo!” Rao shouts, his voice growing quieter as he falls deeper beneath the stage.
”How deep does the hole go? Nobody knows! Onto the next guest!”
This time, it is Azalabulia who walks onto the stage and is met with a mixed reception. Some of the audience is cringing just at the sight of her, some are checking out her perfect figure, and a few of them are even striking cool poses to copy her while cheering for her!
Azalabulia takes notice of her fans and strikes a cool pose with one hand stuck out in front of her and the other covering her left eye before saying, ”Heh, it only makes sense for somebody such as myself to—”
”Anyways!” Oleander cuts her off. ”I can only handle so much cringe, so let's keep your roleplaying to Fenny and the rest of them. How're you enjoying being a member of the crew so far?”
Azalabulia blinks a few times with reddened cheeks as she's still striking her pose but has been completely thrown off guard. Taking a seat on the couch which has been returned to its original position, nothing to hint at the floor in front of her hiding a neverending pit, she answers Oleander's question, ”It's – it's nice to play with other people for once.”
”I bet that cringy roleplay personality scared everybody else off, right?”
Azalabulia hangs her head as Oleander's words pierce her heart.
”It's alright. It's not like a flying fox thing and a dog made out of rock are more popular than you are.”
Her head hangs lower.
”Don't worry. At least Fenny and Cass Cass like you.”
Azalabulia lifts her head and looks at Oleander with excited eyes. ”They do? I – I mean, of course they do! How could they not? I—”
”Next question! What's up with the roleplaying anyways? Is there some secret reason why you like it so much, or do you do it just because?”
”Well… I—”