194 Vol. 3 pt. 64 Patch 11.0: A New Home (1/2)

”I'll take over for you in a bit then,” Fenrir tells Oleander.

”You better. Go figure out your apartment stuff, that's more important right now,” Oleander says. As playful and teasing as Oleander may like to be, he knows when to take things seriously.

”I shall come as well!” Nell says.

”I want to fish,” Serra says with one of the fishing rods already in hand.

”I'll stay with you,” Cassiel tells Serra. There's also the fact that she doesn't entirely trust Rao nor Azalabulia yet.

”Don't do lewd things to our bodies while we're here,” Serra tells Fenrir and Nell.

While Nell fangirls over the thought of such a thing happening, mainly happening to herself, Fenrir flicks Serra on her forehead and says, ”You know I wouldn't.”

”What if I wanted you to?”


”Hey, bro,” Rao says to Oleander, ”is there always this much flirting here? I'm starting to get jealous.”

”Pretty much. Just wait until my Cor is on. Then you'll really see some flirting,” Oleander answers.

Fenrir and Nell head below deck to get into their hammocks.

Only, there is a problem now that they've got two new crewmembers and Nyaiko.

”Somebody's going to have to be on the floor,” Fenrir says.

”You are silly, my hero. The solution is simple! We must simply share,” Nell says. ”The two of us may share a hammock, Cassiel and Serra may share another, Corwin and Oleander can share, and then our issue is resolved!”

”Could these hammocks even hold two people?” he asks while pulling on the nearest empty hammock.

”My hero, you and Rao are likely the heaviest ones here. I am not small myself, so as long as you and I may fit in a hammock together without it breaking, then all will be fine.”

”What do you mean you're not small?”

Nell whips her tail around and extends her wings.

”I doubt those add that much extra weight. Though, now that I'm looking at you… I am kind of worried about something else,” he says.

”What would that be?” Nell asks, her head tilted.

Fenrir points up at his jaw that she earlier gashed by accidentally stabbing him with one of her horns. ”I'm assuming you're going to be on top of me in the hammock, so please try not to accidentally impale my head with your horns in your sleep. I don't want to immerse one day and find out that I got killed in my sleep.”

Nell brings her hands over her mouth to giggle. ”I hope for both of our sakes that such a thing does not happen, but I cannot promise you that it will not.”

”You owe me if you kill me in my sleep.”

”Just what is it that I would owe you?”

”Uhhh, I'm not—”

”My body? Would you make me perform sexual favors to make it up for you? Would you make me work in a dark alley to make money to pay you back? Tie me up, naked, and toss me into the forest so that any wild—”


”Imprison me in a pillory in the center of a town for monsters so that they may—”

”Still no.”

”Make me use my tail on you?”


”I suppose that I can settle for being used in such a vanilla manner, my hero.”

”Just to make sure… you wouldn't actually want any of that to happen to you, right?”

”Of course not, my hero! It is all strictly fantasy. Now, if you could somehow play as a gang of monsters yourself all at once to take advantage of my body and violate the very soul of my being, then that would be lovely! However, I have no interest in actually partaking in any such activities with anybody but you, Serra, and Cassiel.”

”Alright, good. Was starting to get worried that you were going to leave us for a horde of rape-monsters or something.”

”You are truly silly, my hero, but it is endearing when you express jealousy.”

”I'm – I'm not jealous,” Fenrir says with a slight reddening of his cheeks.

Nell covers her mouth again so that he can't see her mischievous grinning. ”Are you sure you are not jealous, my hero? You are looking awfully red right now.”

Fenrir's face grows even more flushed now that it's been pointed out.

”First you were a fox, now you are a shy boy,” Nell teases.

”Wh-what's that about a fox? And I'm not shy! I just – any guy would get jealous hearing his girlfriend talking about how she wants to be used by a bunch of monsters,” Fenrir explains.

Nell ignores his first question and answers his second question by wrapping her arms around him. ”I apologize, my hero. I shall try to tone down my fantasies, and the ones I still have will revolve around you being the one ravaging me instead. Does that sound better?”