192 Vol. 3 pt. 62 Patch 11.0: A New Home (2/2)

”You know, Olly, we're not supposed to let everybody know that used to be us,” Fenrir says with a sigh.

”It hasn't been hurting us so far. Besides, with everything we've done in this game so far, we're basically just a Divine Brigade lite. All that's missing is taking down the biggest guilds, making people cry and write twenty-page long rant essays about us on game forums, and – actually, I bet that blonde asshole probably did that,” Oleander says.

”You guys were in the Divine Brigade?!” Azalabulia excitedly asks.

”I guess you could say that,” Fenrir answers.

”Yeah, Fenny here was the leader. I was second-in-command,” Oleander adds on.

”Come on, you don't have to tell people I'm the leader.”

”That you are the leader? Don't you mean were the leader?” Oleander teases.

”Y-yeah, I was the leader.”

”No way! Seriously? You guys have to be joking, right? The Divine Brigade broke up!” Azalabula says.

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”It was less of us breaking up and more of us leadership splitting away from most of the members,” Oleander says.

”Yeah, most of the members wanted to go in a direction that we didn't really care about, and they were way too needy, so we 'disbanded.' Really, me and Olly here, and one other guy who used to lead with us, came to this game,” Fenrir explains.

”If you were the leader,” Azalabulia says, looking at Fenrir, ”does that mean you were the Supreme Commander of Fluffy Puppies?!”

”Aha, it's… been a while since anybody has said that to my face,” Fenrir says while his girlfriends try to hold back their laughter.

”Bro, you used to call yourself that?” Rao asks.

”Yeah, but only because it pissed people off even more when somebody who called themselves that killed them. Would you be more embarrassed being killed by somebody with a super serious name, or that one?”

”I see your point. So, what's this thing with the divine whatever?”

”A guild we used to run.”

”They weren't just a guild! The Divine Brigade is the most notorious group in recent gaming history! Perhaps all of gaming history! They took down some of the biggest gaming guilds in the world from the inside! Everybody hated them and a couple of their members who got doxed even got into fights in real life, and won! They were the most skilled, powerful, sneaky, strategic, and evil players in history!” Azalabula explains while practically jumping up and down. ”And now their leader is my servant – my general!”

”Bro, you sound like were an asshole. Were you one of those guys that would go around ruining other people's fun, like destroying towns and shit of people who just wanted to build and be peaceful?” Rao asks.

Fenrir scratches the back of his head and lets out a nervous chuckle. ”Yeah… you could say that was us,” he answers.

”That's how we got popular! There was this steampunk MMO with a big focus on building cities and stuff, so we joined the biggest guild there, worked our way up the ranks until they trusted us and gave us some fun permissions, then we stole all their stuff, overloaded all of the city's power sources with energy until they exploded, kicked out all of the lower-ranking members so that the city's defenses turned on them, and then broke the defenses so their main rival could invade. Of course, their rival thought we were on their side the whole time and working as spies for them, so we got invited to their guild and promoted up the ranks as a reward! Then we fucked them, too,” Oleander explains with extravagant hand movements and a smug, proud smile.

”Bro,” Rao says.

”Yeah. We were assholes. B-but not anymore! Now we're good!” Fenrir says.

”When you're not commandeering a city's defenses,” Cassiel says.

”Or burning down villages and stealing boats,” Serra says.

”And using toxic flames to burn your enemies alive!” Nell adds on.

Rao looks like he's judging Fenrir more and more while Azalabulia looks more and more excited.

Then there's the fact that he's been leading their serpent friend on a rampage against all of rowboat-kind.

”Damn it, I'm still a bad guy, aren't I?” Fenrir asks.

”I guess it's better to be working for the bad guy then getting my stuff blown up by them,” Rao says with a shrug. ”Wait, this is just more proof that bad guys get all the girls!”

”My hero certainly is quite the villainous wolf! He even stole me away from a king and took me out to sea on his boat! Then, because of the implication of being alone with him on open waters, I was forced to do whatever he—”

”Hey now, don't make me sound that evil. There are lines even I won't cross,” Fenrir interrupts Nell.
