173 Vol. 3 pt. 43 Patch 8.0: The Temple in the Fores (1/2)
”W-woah-nya, nya two… I thought I had perverted fantasies-nya,” Nyaiko says, looking at Nell and Serra with wide eyes. While Nyaiko and Serra have known each other for some time in real life, she never learned about just how far Serra's perversion goes.
Now she knows.
Then there's Nell who manages to surpass Serra by far.
”Nell Nell's got me beat,” Serra says.
”That may be true, Serra, but you are admittedly much more bold than I am! I wish I could muster up the courage that you do,” Nell says.
”Imagine if nya could combine your fantasies,” Nyaiko says, looking at Nell, ”with your boldness-nya,” she says, looking at Serra.
”We'd be unstoppable,” Serra says with a confident, smug smile and crossed arms over her chest.
”As awe-inspiring as that sounds, I fear that nobody would be able to keep up with us if that were the case,” Nell says.
”Oh, there was something I wanted to say.”
”Yes, Serra?”
”We need to go on our own date sometime.”
”A-ah, is that so?”
”A girls only date. Cass Cass can come, too.”
”That does sound like it could be enjoyable. We could go out clothes shopping together, eat yummy sweets, share milkshakes, and – umm… I – I do not know what else there would be to do. I only know what I have seen in movies and have read.”
”Nya could have nyaughty fun!” Nyaiko proposes. ”Nyand I wanna come!”
”Pussies are always invited to a girls-only date,” Serra says.
Nell's eyes widen a bit before covering her mouth with one hand to laugh at Serra's crude humor.
”Nya? I don't – oohhh, because I'm a cat-nya!” Nyaiko says, holding a fist to the palm of her other hand as an imaginary lightbulb pops up over her head.
”We can also do lots of lewd things to Nell since she won't be able to stop us in real life,” Serra adds on.
Nell's eyes widen again, but this time a blush accompanies her surprised expression. ”I – I would not object to such a thing, but to hear it put that way! At – at least keep it a secret from me so that it is more of a surprise!” she says.
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”Got it. We'll do surprise lewd things to Nell Nell,” Serra tells Nyaiko.
”Nyahaha, I'll practice my rope-tying,” Nyaiko replies.
”And I'll ask one of my dads about some good stores to buy toys from.”
Nell's face is steadily growing brighter and hotter as the two discuss such plans right in front of her.
Back on the beach, Oleander has used one of his spells to summon vines to wrap around the strange man's ankles, binding him to the ground while Cassiel runs after them.
”H-hey! Come on! You're a guy! Bros before hoes!” the man shouts at Oleander only to get a tongue stuck out at him in response.
”Who do you think you're calling a ho, asshole?” Cassiel asks, standing directly behind the stranger with her sword drawn and pointed at him.
”I – I uhh, I was calling… err… her a ho!” he explains, pointing at Rock.
Rock isn't close enough to hear the insult, but she sneezes nonetheless which causes Shogun to lick the side of her face.
They go back to playing.
”Seriously, asshole? You're calling an innocent dog a ho because you're too cowardly to tell the truth? Do you want to be the most unlikeable, pathetic asshole in history?” Cassiel asks.
”I – uhh…”
”Don't worry. I'll heal you no matter how many times I stab you so that you don't die. I wouldn't want Rock's new friend to be upset.”
”Bro?” the man asks, turning around to look for Oleander.
Oleander is gone.
”Any-anybody?” he asks, looking around, but there is no help.
”I hope your pain setting isn't too high. Actually, I hope it is,” Cassiel says.
Looking the man over, Cassiel notices that he doesn't seem to have a single piece of armor or weaponry on him.
How does a guy like this, who apparently owns an exotic mount, not have any armor or weapons on him? Unless…
She tries to angle herself so that she can see under his jacket. It's too heavy and close to him for her to be able to spot anything hidden.