163 Vol. 3 pt. 33 Patch 6.0: A Royal Meal (2/2)

”I am your something else, my hero!”

”And I'm your hero.”

”I just said that, silly hero.”

”Could – could you just let me try to be smooth?”

”Nope!” Nell giggles. ”If you wish to be smooth then you must do so without giving me an opportunity to diminish it!”

”Then how about this?” Fenrir says, grabbing Nell by her shoulders and pulling her back against him.

With her face pressed up against his chest, she can smell his masculine scent, feel his warm against her, and she feels small and protected when pressed up against him like this. She can't help but blush and giggle against his form. Leaning her head up, she looks at him and says, ”My hero, I – ah! What – what happened?!”

Blood is dripping down from a gash on his jawline.

”I need to be more careful around those things,” Fenrir says, looking at her horn while wincing from the pain of just getting stabbed by one of her horns. Her horns curve and then stick straight up, so when she leaned her head up while he was so close to her, her horn tore right through his skin.

”Ah! I'm sorry! I – I wasn't thinking!” Nell apologizes over and over, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

”It's alright, don't worry about it. It was just an accident and we're both at fault,” Fenrir says, petting the top of her head between her horns.

A drop of his blood drips off from his wound and lands right on her cheek.

”Hang on,” he tells her, leaning down so that his face is directly in front of her own. Though, rather than kiss her this time, he sticks out his tongue and licks up the blood that he just dripped onto her. ”There we go. I'd feel bad if I got you dirty.”

Nell was feeling horrible a moment ago, but now she feels so hot and excited that steam is going to blow out of her ears at any moment. She's so, so torn between being confused why he had to lick her to clean his blood off of her cheek, and excited because he just licked blood off of her cheek which is so excitedly animalistic.

Fenrir blushes when he realizes that he just licked his own blood off of her. ”A-ah… sorry. I wasn't thinking, and it just seemed like the natural thing to do,” he explains. ”It's not the first time I've felt weird like that. I guess my feral instinct is starting to come out in more than just combat.”

”No, no! There is no need to apologize, my hero!” Nell frantically says, waving her hands around to dismiss his apology.

Fenrir looks down at her and it clicks. ”You liked that, didn't you?” he asks.

Her face turns brighter.

”So, while I have this gash on my jaw and am dripping blood everywhere, you're getting turned on because I licked blood off of you?”

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”I – I cannot help it! It was just so… wild!”

”So, you like it when I'm behaving like a wild animal?”

”I will not deny that, my he—”

Fenrir grabs her by her shoulders once more, walking her backward until he pushes her back up against the nearest tree.

With her body pinned to the tree, he lowers his head and looks directly into her eyes. He says nothing; all he does is stare into those excited, surprised eyes of Nell's.

Then, he leans his head forward and tilts it sideways so that he can get underneath her chin, letting his tongue slip out from his mouth to lick at her sensitive neck.

Nell's moan comes quickly enough that she does not even get a chance to try and hide it, but she does cover her mouth for the moans that come when Fenrir slowly drags his tongue up from her neck to jawline.

”And done,” Fenrir says, hopping backward away from her.

”Wh-what? You – you are done? Why did you? I—” Nell stutters out, much too excited to speak properly.

”That's what you get for teasing me and ruining my attempts at being smooth.”

Nell lowers her head and looks down at the ground, her entire body shaking.

Fenrir is about to ask her if something is wrong when she lifts her head and looks directly at him.

”My hero,” Nell says, her voice calm despite her expression being one bordering on lustful insanity, ”I do not believe that I will be able to hold myself back any longer.”

”What are you talking about?” he asks her.

Nell pulls her wings in close to her back so that removing her top is easy work.
