108 Vol 2. pt. 45 Patch 8.0: The Final Round (1/2)

Fenrir does not like how he is developing a habit of always being the last one to get in-game for these important events. His sleep schedule has just been so crazy lately with how late he has been staying up in-game and then having his girlfriends over to prevent him from sleeping in real life!

Once again, as soon as he gets above deck, he is attacked by Cassiel and Tabitha for being the last one to get in-game and almost being late. They both love to remind him of how close he comes to missing things. Though, while Cassiel is just being tsun and trying to make sure that he does not start slacking off, Tabitha does it because she doesn't want him being a sleepyhead to cause her to miss anything. There is no way that she is willing to miss out on the final round of the tournament just because he is tired, and without him, they cannot participate.

Serra and Rock are here to warmly welcome him, though. Then, once Cassiel sees Serra hugging him and Rock licking him and nuzzling against him, she relaxes and wants in on the attention.

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”You all ready?” Fenrir asks.

”I think so. Did you think up a plan?” Oleander asks.

”I couldn't, but I might just be too dependent on you always doing that, Olly. I know you've got to have some ideas.”

Oleander shrugs with his shoulders and hands. ”I might have thought up some potential plans.”

”See? I can always count on you to worry about the little things.”

”Oi,” Tabitha interjects, ”what about this is little?”

”You,” Fenrir answers.

He looks at her and only feels disappointment when she looks unimpressed at his remark rather than playfully offended. Lolis being upset about their size and wanting to be bigger has always been one of his favorite tropes in anime, but Tabitha is too confident in her appearance for something like that. After all, she did choose to look like this.

”Alright, alright. I'm just waking up still,” Fenrir says.

”Ya better hurry and wake up,” Tabitha says.

”Need to take notes from her,” Serra tells Cassiel.

Fenrir hopes that they take poor notes. He isn't sure if he could handle dating two wannabe copies of Tabitha.

”Everybody get some good work in?” Fenrir asks.

”Yeah, I think me and Bone got some good practice in,” Cassiel answers.

”Our baby is all ready! Got the engine up and runnin' and upgraded those new bolts of ours. Also made a new hooked bolt for catchin' the serpent,” Tabitha explains.

Serra gives a thumbs-up. ”Yeah, felt the skill improve a couple of times. Played with Rock a bunch, too,” she says.

”I think I can cast a spell or two more than before, but man, Fenny, training that sort of endurance is way more boring than training my endurance with Corwin,” Oleander explains while running a finger up along Corwin's back, causing Corwin to shiver and straighten up.

It takes Fenrir a couple of moments to remember what the odd feeling within him is. He can still sense Nell's exact position and how she is feeling within her heart.

She's still hopeful.

Part of him wants to go and try to rescue her right now so that he can have her presence buffing him up during this final round, but he knows that's basically impossible right now. One, he doesn't have the time to go and break her out of her prison. Two, how are they supposed to take on all of Ull's followers and where would they go?

Saving her has to come after the tournament.

Crowds gather around the piers once more.

Blackstache's ship is floating on the surface with its stern facing out of the city. Hanging over the water by heavy chains at its stern is what appears to be a box of sorts, but Fenrir can't tell what exactly it is as it is covered in a thick cloth.

Of course, it is safe to assume that it could only be one thing: the serpent that they will be fishing for the final round.

With owls circling above, the announcer from the previous rounds begins explaining the rules.

”Welcome to the final day of the tournament! Today, we shall all find out who the winner – who the ultimate fisher is!” the announcer declares.

Fenrir isn't so sure that whoever wins is really the ultimate fisher given how most of the tournament thus far has been about fighting and survival, but oh well.