102 Vol 2. pt. 39 Patch 7.0: The Defiance of a Wolf and a Serpen (2/2)
”So you really can control people?” Fenrir asks.
”Right!” Nell answers.
”How did it feel?” Serra asks.
”Weird. Like, I was still in my body, and I was able to try resisting but nothing happened. It was like… I was inside of a giant mecha on autopilot,” Fenrir explains.
The word ”mecha” causes Tabitha to look up from her work on a new engine, but when she sees no such thing, she returns to her work.
”In trouble if caught,” Bonekraka says. ”What if trick?”
”She's not tricking us. Also, Nell, sorry about what I said back on his ship. I wanted to save you right then and there, but I couldn't ever put others' lives at risk, even if they're virtual. No way would I let that prick ever even get near Serra or Cass,” Fenrir says. He feels Cassiel press back into him slightly more than before.
”No, no, it is beyond alright, my hero. You gave him the exact answer that I was hoping you would. I would not have wanted to be rescued by a man willing to offer his own wives in such a deal. Your answer to him – your defiance, it made me love you even more than I already do,” Nell explains, her cheeks flushed and voice soft.
”Oi, haven't ya only known him for like, a week?” Tabitha asks, peeking over at them.
”Every princess needs a hero to love!” Nell answers.
”In other words, you're thirsty for some wolf.”
Both Fenrir and Tabitha look concerned when they see the dramatic side of Nell take over her expression. With her hands on her cheeks, Nell squirms from side to side as she fantasizes about what Tabitha said. ”Just imagine it! A lonely princess on the run through the forest, escaping her cruel king, her gown and hair covered in dirt as she stumbles through a downpour, and then she trips and gets most of her dress torn away! Then, while on her hands and knees trying to get up, she hears the vicious snarling of a beast approaching from behind! That's when a wild wolf—”
Fenrir doesn't know whether she's referring to him as a wolf or if she is referring to an actual wolf.
”I'm goin' to stop ya right there,” Tabitha says, earning a disappointed pout from Nell.
”Hot,” Serra says.
”Oi, don't go encouragin' her delusions,” Tabitha says.
Cassiel stays silent, but Fenrir feels her pressing even more against him. She's also hanging her head even lower than before to make absolutely certain that nobody sees her face.
”Tabitha, we're surrounded by a bunch of perverts,” Fenrir says.
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”Don't try getting' in the same boat as me. Me and the green guy there are the ones surrounded by a bunch of deviants. Those two boy lovers, you and your harem of deviants – how could ya all be so shameless when around somebody who looks like a little kid?” Tabitha scolds them.
While Cassiel continues hiding her face, Serra and Nell both look at Tabitha and seem proud of their perverse minds.
But then Nell's expression turns serious.
”Something wrong?” Fenrir asks.
”As much as I would love to stay here with you all, I cannot. He will know to search here, and the lord of this city will be forced to allow him to search. I must leave before I am found here,” Nell explains.
”Why you come at all?” Bonekraka asks.
”I am here to give my hero a gift. It is a gift that only I can give, and it is something that I believe he is truly worthy of. None others have ever even caused me to consider entrusting it to them, and Ull does not even know the true extent of the blessing I can give you. If he did… I am sure that it would be impossible for me to ever escape.”
Cassiel finally looks up, intrigued by what Nell is saying.
”What gift are you talking about?” Fenrir asks.
”I was given this body by the Western Serpent, or as she prefers to be called, Manasa. Manasa turned me into her daughter and gave me the ability to choose a champion to protect me. I have chosen you, Fenrir, as my champion,” Nell explains.
Even Tabitha and Bonekraka are intrigued by this.
”What does that mean?” Fenrir asks.
Nell whispers something into Serra's ear. Serra nods. Nell then gets closer to Fenrir and Cassiel, whispers something into Cassiel's ear, and gets her permission as well.
”Fenrir, my hero,” Nell says, grabbing his attention so that he looks directly at her, and then presses her lips to his own.
The kiss feels like nothing he has ever felt before.
An intense energy flows through his body and modifies his very being.