90 Vol 2. pt. 27 Patch 5.0: Downtime, Plots, and Upgrades (1/2)

Thanks to the loot acquired from Fenrir's and Bonekraka's pursuers, the combatant members of the crew have gotten some upgrades.

Fenrir has a new sword with runic inscriptions designed into it, some sturdy chainmail to wear under his clothes, and a new leather vest that feels heavier and stronger than the last one he had. He's also got some new metal boots that appear to just be simply made of iron.

Bonekraka has two new axes hanging from his sides and what little pieces of armor and leather that can actually fit on him. The man who challenged the Lighting Witch may have been the same size as Bonekraka, but he barely wore anything other than a bear's pelt around his waist, steel boots, and some more furs on his shoulders, arms, and over his chest.

Cassiel has settled for a new sword and chainmail to wear underneath her current armor, but that's it.

Finally, while there may not be much for Oleander to take from the loot as far as weapons and armor go, he takes all three daggers from the crates and all of the pouches. Inside the pouches are coins, potions, and other reagents that he's sure he could find a use for.

”Tabs!” Fenrir shouts for Tabitha.

”What?!” Tabitha shouts back from below the deck.

”Come check this stuff out to see if there's anything you want before we sell the rest!”

Grumbling out of annoyance for being interrupted from working on The Shoebill's engine, Tabitha checks the out the crates' contents and shrugs. ”I mean, I don't really need any of this junk, but I could probably find somethin' to do with it if ya want to keep it around as scrap. Would probably just have to go get it melted down… actually, yeah, let's keep the metal stuff, and you can go sell everythin' else.”

”You've got it. Also, you going to tell us what you plan on doing with that tree yet?” Fenrir asks, looking over the side of the ship to see the tree just casually floating in the water next to them.

”Alright, alright! Ya keep askin', so I'll go ahead and spoil it for ya. What I'm thinkin' of doin' is tryin' to… install the tree into our baby here. I'm thinkin' that if I can manage to get some of this tree integrated into her hull somehow, then it might be able to perform repairs for us if we ever got shot up. Or we could try regrowin' it on its own and seein' if it can become a new ship. Got a preference, Cap'n?”

”They're both tempting, but I'd much rather see The Shoebill get stronger instead of a different ship. Just don't let the tree like, completely take over or anything like that. I like how she looks now, so I don't want her turning into some tree boat like what they had.”

”I'll see what I can do. The problem is, as much as I hate to admit this, that I might need some help. Ya mind goin' up to the scholars' office for me and askin' them some questions? I know they like ya up there.”

Fenrir scratches the side of his head. ”Actually, I was thinking of waking and relaxing in real life for a bit. Can you ask Olly or Corwin to do it?”

Tabitha shrugs. ”Sure, don't see why not. I'm not ready to start workin' with the tree yet anyways, so I can have them go out and ask questions after they run some errands for me. Enjoy your rest, Cap'n.”


”You alright?” Cassiel asks, poking the back of his shoulder.

Fenrir turns to face her and Serra. ”I'm tired still, and… don't really feel like being in-game right now,” he explains.

There is more than one reason for why he wanted to go and get drinks with Bonekraka.

Cassiel and Serra exchange a look and nod. ”Alright, just stay home and rest,” Cassiel says.

”I'll try.” He exchanges parting kisses with each of his girlfriends, and Rock, before heading below deck to wake from virtual reality once more. But, before he is fully out of it, he asks Saya a question, ”I thought that the game could detect when players are facing unhealthy amounts of stress and stop that?”

”We can, Onii-chan. But… you're distressed over fictional characters dying, and that isn't something that we are supposed to prevent from happening. If somebody is upset that a character in a movie, game, or book dies then that is seen as effective storytelling in most cases. If you care, it means that all of us AIs are doing our jobs,” Saya answers. Despite how informative and objective she is trying to sound, he can tell that there is something off hidden within her voice. ”Yeah, Onii-chan. I feel bad,” she tells him exactly what it is that he's picking up on.