33 Vol 1. pt. 33 Patch 6.0: The Voyage South (1/2)

Fenrir heads below deck where everybody else's characters are still sleeping. Somehow, Oleander's character has managed to crawl on top of Bonekraka in his hammock.

He decides not to question that.

With one hammock free, he picks up Serra's sleeping character and places her on it so that she: one, is out of his way while he looks through everything down here; and two, because he's a gentleman.

Well, sometimes he's a gentleman.

There are several heavy crates and barrels spread around.

Fenrir opens up the nearest crate and finds stacks of tanned animal hides in it. The next crate is full of bones, fangs, and other hard animal and monster parts. Tucked away in the farthest section are several sealed barrels. He gives them a kick to try and figure out what's inside of them. He is replied to with the sound of liquid swishing around. Whatever is in the barrels, it's liquid.

Probably shouldn't open those.

A few barrels with loose lids that don't sound like they are going to spill their contents if opened are up against the wall. Two of the barrels are full of what looks like red wine, and the other barrel has water in it. Fenrir dips his finger into the water and then brings it back to his lips to lick. No salt. This must be meant for drinking during voyages.

The rest of the crates are full of more of the same. There are just a bunch of containers full of various animal and monster parts. Hopefully, they will be able to sell all of this when they reach the city.

Fenrir heads back up. However, when he sees Cassiel on her knees trying to get Rock's attention, he decides to hide behind the wall and watch in secret.

”Come on… I'm sorry about fighting you first, alright? I thought you were a bad puppy, but now I know you're a good puppy. You're a good girl, aren't you? Who's a good girl? Whoooo's a gooood giiiirrrlll?” Cassiel asks, her voice growing softer as if she is talking to a baby.

Rock turns her head up at Cassiel and goes back to rolling the cannonball around the deck.

”Is it because I wouldn't pick you up earlier? I'm sorry, but I can't—”

”Can't what?” Fenrir asks, now standing in view.

Without saying a single word, Cassiel stands up, draws her sword, and points it at him without even looking at him.

”You have five seconds to throw yourself overboard,” Cassiel explains.

”Or what?” Fenrir asks.

”Or I chop you up and then throw you overboard.”

Fenrir is only saved when Rock growls at Cassiel. Seeing that she just made Rock dislike her even more, Cassiel lowers her sword and head.

She is defeated.

Fenrir makes eye contact with Rock and then points at Cassiel.

Rock understands the command and walks up to the defeated woman, sitting down in front of where she is looking to look up at her and whine with big puppy eyes.

”I don't see anything,” Fenrir says.

”You… won't tell the others, right?” Cassiel asks.

”Tell them about what? I don't know what you're talking about.”

Cassiel crouches down to pick up Rock, lifting the wolf pup up and cradling her in her arms.

Rock happily licks at the woman's face with her smooth, rocky-yet-oddly-warm tongue.

Cassiel just makes sure to keep her back turned to Fenrir so that he can't see the delighted expression on her face. ”What did you find down there?” she asks.

”A bunch of animal and monster skins and body parts, some barrels full of liquid, some food, and then water and wine. Need a drink? We can test out how strong the wine is on you,” Fenrir suggests.

”I don't drink.” Cassiel sounds serious.

”A waitress in a bar that doesn't drink?”

”I… can't drink.”

”Are you a lightweight or something?”

Her silence says everything he needs to know.

”Are you suuuuuurrreee you don't want a drink?” he asks.

”I said no, you bastard! A-ah, sorry, I didn't mean to shout by your ears…” she says, remembering that Rock is being held up in front of her face.

”I'm just teasing, don't worry. I wouldn't try pressuring you into doing anything you don't want to do.”

”You better not.”

”I promise I won't.”

”You better.”