22 Vol 1. pt. 22 Patch 5.0: All Your Ship Are Belong To Us (1/2)

After having Cassiel shout all manners of profanities at Fenrir for his suggestive remarks, the party sits around trying to figure out what to do to pass the time.

Fenrir, naturally, wants to fish.

Serra is content playing with Rock and keeping an eye on Cassiel.

Cassiel wants to try and hunt down more players from Coastedge.

Rock just wants to do Rock things.

Fortunately for Fenrir, he knows how to get underneath people's skin. Is it manipulative? Yes. More importantly, does it mean he gets to fish? Yes.

”I suppose I can see why you don't want to fish. You're probably just bad at it and let all the fish escape,” Fenrir teases Cassiel. Serra picks up on his plan and lets out a not-so-subtle giggle.

”I'd never let them escape! If I've been able to hunt monsters and players down, hunting a fish is nothing!” Cassiel shouts back.

This is going to be easy.

”It takes more skill to lure and reel in a fish than it does to sneakily thrust your pole into a man's rear. At least Olly will love you for that,” Fenrir continues. Serra's laugh is even more noticeable this time as she actually does try to hide it instead of just pretending to hide it.

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Clutching what remains of her spear in her hands, Cassiel looks like she's on the verge of snapping it into even more pieces. ”How many times do I—”

”I'll stop if you can catch more fish than me,” Fenrir casts his line.

It's a bite. She's hooked.

”Fine! How do I – how are we even supposed to do this?!” she angrily accepts the challenge.

”Go get me a stick and a flat stone so I can make a spear for you. I'll make myself one while you do that,” Fenrir explains, holding up the stick and rock that he found a few minutes ago and has been working on.

Cassiel storms off to look for the materials.

Now, when it comes to sharpening and shaping the rock that will be used as a spearhead, there is a problem. Fenrir's trusty rock has been turned into Rock. ”Hey, Name Pending,” he says, looking over at Rock.

”Name Pending?” Serra asks.

”Well, yeah. Can't just keep on calling her Rock. Isn't that too manly?”

”I – I don't think she cares,” Serra says, and Rock backs her up by barking.

If Rock is happy with being named Rock, then there's no way that Fenrir is going to change her name. ”Then I guess you'll stay Rock, Rock. Now, come over here.”

Rock happily runs over to him, sitting down and looking up at him with an obedient desire to serve.

First off, Rock is too cute to not get the top of its head rubbed before doing anything else. It is only after an adequate amount of petting her head that he asks for her help. ”I have no idea if you can do this or not, but do you think that you could… I don't even know how to ask this. Do you think you could bite and chew this thing into shape? Remember how I used you to make those first— wait,” Fenrir pauses and stands up. Walking next to the stream, he finds where he was trying to fish last night, looks into the bush that he was standing next to, and sure enough finds his spear.

”I forgot about this one. Oh well,” Fenrir says, returning to Rock. ”Remember how you helped me make this spearhead?” he points at the tip of the spear. Rock barks. ”Then do you think you could make this one look like that?” He holds out the flat rock he found. Rock sniffs it, paws at it, and finally looks up at Fenrir to give an approving bark. ”Good girl,” he says alongside a rub of her head.

Taking the flat rock into her mouth, she bites down on the edges with her jagged, stony teeth until it's shaped into a spearhead. Fenrir cringes when he hears her chewing and swallowing the chunks of rock that she bites off. He's not sure if that's good for her… but she is made out of rock. He gets an idea. While Rock is busy with the spearhead, he picks up as many nearby rocks that he can find.

He comes back to Rock sitting next to the spearhead with a wagging tail. Its sharpness and shape are even better than when he did it himself! ”You're seriously awesome, Rock. I wish I could take you into reality with me. I'd train you to make and bring me coffee,” Fenrir says.

Serra raises an eyebrow. ”Rock isn't one of those coffee robots,” she says.

”I know, but it'd still be nice. I either need a coffee robot or a cute wife to bring me coffee,” he replies, taking one of the rocks he just gathered and giving it to Rock. While Serra blushes and thinks about highly classified thoughts within her mind, Rock excitedly munches on the given rock and begs for another one when she sees that he's holding more. ”Makes sense. You're made out of rock, so you eat rocks. Wait, doesn't that make you a cannibal?” he asks Rock.

Rock tilts her head for a few seconds, tongue hanging out from her mouth, before going back to begging for more treats.

”You're too cute to say no to. You're definitely going to grow up and be super spoiled,” Fenrir says, placing two more rocks down while pocketing the rest.

By the time Cassiel returns, Rock is sleepily lying on Serra's lap with a full belly and Fenrir is holding two spears. He tosses one of them to Cassiel. ”Here, made you one already.”

”The hell did you make me gather this stuff for then, you bastard? Did you just make me go and look everywhere for nothing?!” Cassiel shouts.