31 Blood Sweat and Tears (1/1)
The next day, after the welcoming party and celebration of my birthday, I was still sleepy, but Kim Seok Jin asked me to get up because we are all going to Big Hit Entertainment for my new debut as the 8th member. Because the online classes has finished, I was in the same department like Kim Seok Jin, so I decided to get up and prepare myself.
”Mina, have you done?” asked Kim Seok Jin. He already dressed up, perfectly. ”I'm almost done.” I said. I come out from the bathroom, all mixed up with the costume that Kim Seok Jin had prepared for my new debut. ”Well, it looks good. Better you put on something so it looks fresh enough, your face is still sleepy. I'll wait for you.” said Kim Seok Jin. I nodded, and I do the make-up by myself. Kim Seok Jin watches me from behind. ”I think that's enough for the make-up, Mina. It's better.” said Kim Seok Jin. I got shocked and almost poured out my mascara into the table. ”It's okay, calm down, Mina.” said Kim Seok Jin, hugging me from behind. I just feel warm.
Kim Seok Jin helps me out, packing all the stuffs for my new debut, it takes long time. A few minutes later after packing up, Kim Seok Jin came closer to me, and he sits right next to me. ”Hold my hand, Mina.” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Waeyo, Oppa?” I asked, while holding his hands. ”Mina, listen. If PD-nim asked you something, don't be shocked, okay, just calmed down. I'll help you too. Don't be panic, okay?” said Kim Seok Jin. I nodded.
Things become cold in the room. He pulls my face, slowly, he closed his eyes, and leaned to my face. I just hold his face, and again, we shared the kiss again. It takes a long time to share it, suddenly, I feel something warm, Kim Seok Jin pulls me into his hug, while still sharing the kiss. ”Mina, how do you feel, after what we did?” asked Kim Seok Jin. ”I feel better, and calmed down, but Oppa have to help me too.” I said. ”Don't worry, Mina, I'll help you. Others will help you too.” said Kim Seok Jin.
A few minutes later, ”Knock-knock!!” said Kim Nam Joon. ”What?” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Come on, let's go. PD-nim is waiting already.” said Kim Nam Joon. ”Just wait at the car, tell others to go to the car first, wait for us.” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Mina, are you ready?” asked Kim Seok Jin. ”Ndee, I'm ready.” I said. ”Stand up, hold my hand, you have to eat your breakfast at the car. I'll pack it for you.” said Kim Seok Jin. I nodded, hesitantly. ”Let's go, Mina.” said Kim Seok Jin. I nodded and followed him.
”Hyung, why you're taking so long in the room? What are you doing with Mina-ssi?” asked Kim Tae Hyung. I was shy again, my face was chubby, eating my breakfast. ”Hyung calmed her down, today she will be meeting PD-nim.” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Oh... I see... Mina-ssi, we will help you! Don't worry! Just calm down!” they said. ”Ndeee, gomawoyo, sunbaenim oppa!” I said, smiling. ”Mina, finish your breakfast first. We will be arriving few minutes later.” said Kim Seok Jin. I nodded, and keep eating my breakfast.
”Mina, calm down okay?” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Ndee, oppa.” I said. We went to PD-Nim's office, inside the office, I was right behind Kim Seok Jin. PD-Nim walked behind Kim Seok Jin, looking at me, afraid. ”Mina, why are you hiding? It's okay, I'm not very strict. Let's just talk okay?” said PD-Nim. ”N-N-Ndee...” I said, still frightened. ”So, I have seen you in Youtube, covering some of their songs, I think I have saw your ability to dance and singing. Mina, I know why you are curious why you're the 8th member. We choose you, we don't want yourself alone, believe us. You're safe. Seok Jin and others will take care of you, along with us. I saw you yesterday, during the welcoming party and you look shy, but, I look at Kim Seok Jin and yourself comforting each other, yesterday I sent some of the photos to Kim Seok Jin, so he can sent it to you. I assigned him to be your forever partner, as I have told Seok Jin yesterday.” said PD-Nim.
”N-N-Ndee...” I said, still afraid. Kim Seok Jin gives signal to other members to go out from PD-Nim's office, leaving three of us alone. Kim Seok Jin sits next to me, comforting me with a hug. ”See? He's hugging you. Don't be scared, it's fine. So, in this debut, you don't need to show up for showing your dance and singing alone on stage, but, you'll be showing on the music video and performing in group. But, during the introduction, Seok Jin will introduce yourself, you need to show up your smile, to others. You can do it, Mina. Don't worry. Be brave, okay?” said PD-Nim. ”Ndee...” I said. ”Seok Jin, keep helping her, tell your other siblings to help you. Mina, you'll be getting some schedules, i think Kim Nam Joon has hold the schedule, you can take a look at your phone, or Seok Jin's phone. Okay, that's all for today, Mina, you have to be more brave, Seok Jin, help her.” said PD-Nim. ”Ndee... gomawo...” we said, bowing down to PD-Nim, and leave the office. We both come out, Kim Seok Jin holds my hands tightly. ”See? You're very calmed down when PD-Nim talks about you, and I'm right beside you. Now, shall we both go on a date?” asked Kim Seok Jin. ”Ndee oppa!” I said, smiling.
At night, Kim Seok Jin already prepared a special reservation place, and has prepared himself. I was already done too. Kim Seok Jin came closer and holds my hand. ”Let's go, Mina.” said Kim Seok Jin. I nodded, hesitantly, standing up, and hold his hand, going out from the bedroom. ”Hyung, where are you going?” asked Jeon Jung Kook. ”Take care of the dorm, don't messed up the room. Yoongi, take care of others while I'm gone. I'm not going longer, just only around the dorm.” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Ndee, Hyung!” they said.
”Open your eyes, Mina. We have arrived.” said Kim Seok Jin. I opened my eyes. ”Whoa, is this the place?” I asked. ”Yes, It's your favorite right?” asked Kim Seok Jin. ”Yes!! It's my favorite place!!” I said. ”Now, let's go inside, and we sit there. I've ordered some meals, and we just need to eat them.” said Kim Seok Jin, holding my hand. ”Ndee...” I said. A few minutes later, we have sit in the place, and the food has just arrived. Together we eat until the food has already finished. ”Oppa, can I paid it?” I asked. ”No need. I'll paid it for us.” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Ndee....” I said. Kim Seok Jin holds my hands, and we all go to the cashier, paid for the meals, and we went back to the dorm. ”Hyung! Where are you?” asked Kim Tae Hyung. ”We're on our way back to the dorm, Taehyung-ssi.” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Ndee, Hyung.” said Kim Tae Hyung.
That night, Yoongi was already sleep first, I was still surprised looking at the photos. I was about to charge my cell phone, ”Mina, let me charge it for you. Tomorrow you can look again.” said Kim Seok Jin. ”Ndee oppa.” I said. A few minutes later, Kim Seok Jin puts me to sleep, and he sleeps next to me. ”Mina, how do you feel?” asked Kim Seok Jin. ”I feel that I was getting brave, when we hugged and kissed each other. It was very warm shared together, oppa.” I said cheerfully. ”I'm glad to hear that, Mina. Let's go to sleep” said Kim Seok Jin.