Part 49 (1/2)

”We shall live many happy years yet, dear father, and when our time comes to depart, ill thank God for the happiness we have enjoyed, and look forward to greater”

”Your ti, solemnly

”I know that at any moment I may be called, but that does not affect my happiness, or di to the counsel of His will”

”I see thee in the shi+ning raiment of the blessed! I behold thee in the celestial city!” exclai

It was later than usual when the father and daughter separated that night It see her by caresses when sheonly when the clock warned thatto keep you up so long, Faith You should be bright and well for an excursion I intend to take with you to-o with hted The clear sky,” she added, walking to the , ”proraves will to-morrow's sun shi+ne? I wish mine was one of them”

”O, do not say so You will break ly You were not born to sufferto your Maker, ely you talk! You are ill”

”As well as I shall be in this life But do not be troubled To-e”

He was near the door when he uttered the last words; and now, as if not daring to trust hier conversation, he hastily opened it, and proceeded to his cha sadly over the conversation It did not escape her, that it was more incoherent than usual, but she had seen persons before under great religious distress of mind, whose peace was afterwards restored, and she doubted not that, in like manner, her father's doubts would be solved, and his spirit calht a petition on his behalf, she fell asleep


'Tis necessity To which the Gods lorious way


The next , who had not closed his eyes during the whole night, rose with the dawn to wander through his garden, which was a favorite resort His walk, at first rapid and irregular, as if he were trying to work off a nervous exciteradually slackened, until it became a firm, composed step With folded arms and compressed, resolved lips, he paced up and down the paths He was living in an interior world

He heard not the singing of the birds, which, in great nu around; he saw not the beautiful flowers, burdening the air with sweetness; nor the young fruit, whose progress, through the various stages of its growth, he had once watched with so much pleasure His mind went back to the tie; when they slept in the same bed, and associated in the sae days, and the face of the beautiful girl, who becaht of that fair face now for rave, into which he had seen the coffin lowered; then his thoughts reverted to his brother George, so brave, so generous, so strong once, but who presented hi ater Next came his mother, of whom his recollection was faint; and then his father, with insanity in his eyes He felt, as it were, their presence around him, but it was a companionshi+p which afforded no pleasure There see about hi their attempts to approach--a sullen sphere, which projected a dark shadow, only to the edge of which the spirits could come, and which theywas suffering under these strange delusions, Felix approached, to call hi backwards and forwards, with orderly and coe since the day before He had not, however, ventured to address hisordered away, and uncertain hoould be received, preferred to be spoken to first With this view, he drew nigh one of the flower-beds, which Ar, and pretended to busy hi up one of the rose bushes, then in full bloo did not see Felix as he passed, so deep was his reverie, but on retracing his steps, he observed a shadow on the path, which occasioned him to lift his eyes, when he discerned the black He stopped and spoke

”Felix,” he said, ”I was unkind to you yesterday I ask your pardon”

”O, Mr Ar with astonishs, it is no wonder you out of patience sometime”

”No, Felix; it was a fancied superiority that ood and faithful servant,” he continued, taking out his pocket-book, which he opened mechanically, as from the force of habit, ”and I wish I had it in ation But why do I open it?” he said, closing at the sa it to Felix ”You will find here what h I think there is little enjoy,” cried Felix, stepping back ”What for do I want h, and you will please keep it, sir, to give soht to despise it,” said Ar ”It shows a superiority of soul Now here is this poor black,” he went on soliloquizing, though all the time Felix stood before hienerality never learn Rich in his poverty here, an inheritor of the skies, I have only insulted him by so contemptible an offer” His head sunk upon his breast, his eyes fell upon the ground, his pocket-book dropped froro stooped and picked it up, saying, to hi act as if pocket-book chock full o' bank-bills grow like chick-weed, but I will take hiive hi's return from the end of the walk, Felix delivered himself of his errand, and his master directed his steps towards the house

He found his daughter with the breakfast apparatus before her, and looking as fresh and char itself

”You have shown better taste than I, father,” she said ”You have been enjoying the beauty of nature, while I was lying on a downy pillow”