Part 40 (1/2)
”So they should be, and so they are, but the facts, which I will not repeat, because it offends you, re man, to have precisely--precisely such a connection?”
”I should despise Tho but pride in his father I ahter of a republican, and care little for the distinctions which the tailor makes The noblest hearts are not always those which beat under the finest broadcloth”
”The rank is but the guinea staowd for a' that”
”Well, Anne,” said her brother, ”I never expected to take a lesson, in democracy, from you, nor fancied you were a politician before; but, it seehted, to detect Holden's merits What is it that has so i to tease ry You know, as well as I do, that fro frightened at hi pleased me better that when he took Faith and me into his arms, and told us stories out of the Bible I do believe I had then a presenti different from what he seemed”
”But you have shown an extraordinary interest in him lately Even now, your voice trembles, and your color is raised beyond the requirements of the occasion”
”How is it possible to avoid being excited, when ly of one who has every title to coh to soften your heart, to think of the wretchedness he suffered so ?
And now, that his--Oh, Willia into tears, ”I did not think you were so hard-hearted”
”My dear Anne!his arive h I am sorry they are so much interested”
”I will not affect toherself; ”but you are mistaken, if you suppose that Mr
Pownal has ever--has ever--spoken to me in a manner different fro with other ladies”
”Heaven be praised for that,” said her brother ”But I ought to have known you never would perht to have known that, had he done so, I should not have kept it a secret My father and mother, and you, would have been made acquainted with it”
”And, now, dear Annie, since things are as they are, I hope you will not give Pownal any encourageuise the fact, that he loves dearly to visit here”
”Encourage up at the imputation ”What do you take me for, William Bernard, that you venture to use such a word? A has described as crying out in despair, 'Who will have me?'
or a cherry, at which any bird can pick?”
”There spoke the spirit of et the position of our family in society, and that upon you and myself are centered the hopes of our parents”
”I trust I shall never forget my love and duty, or have any secrets froht to be acquainted with every emotion of my heart, nor am I ashamed they should be seen”
”The accomplishments of Pownal entitle him to move in the first society, I cannot deny that,” continued young Bernard, ”but, into connect himself with one of the first families in the country”
”You will continue to harp on that string, William, but my opinion differs from yours In our country there should be no distinctions but such as are created by goodness and intelligence”
”It all sounds very well in theory, but the application of the rule is impossible The dreamers of Utopian schemes may amuse themselves with such hallucinations, but practical people can only s the dreamers Nor will I believe that whatever is true and just is impracticable Does redder blood flow in the veins of the child cradled under a silken canopy, than in those of one rocked in a kneading-trough?”
”You have profited to some purpose by the French lessons of our father,” said Bernard, bitterly ”Principles like these may yet produce as much confusion in our fahty theatre”
”You are losing yourself in the clouds, dear brother But there can be no danger in following the guidance of one so wise and experienced as our father, nor does it becoly of any opinion he may adopt”
”I did not h I cannot always agree with hie of the little excite Do you think I can look on without being painfully interested, when I see my only sister about to throw herself away upon this obscure stranger, for you cannot conceal it from me that you love hier! You are unkind Williarant my love when it is asked for It does not become me, perhaps, to say it, but Mr Pownal is not here to answer for himself, and for that reason I will defend hiht not be proud of the love of so noble and pure a heart But you are not in a hu, ”and I will leave you until your returning good sense shall have driven away suspicions equally unfounded and unjust”