Part 37 (1/2)
”Go to h----l with your pity nobody asks you for it,” exclaiently, and do not profane thy lips with such language
Alas! thou hast been allowed to grow up like a wild aniard thee with affection But, surely, goodness can never be quite extinguished in one who has the form of humanity I see thou dost not know me?”
”Never set eyes on ye before, old square toes, and be d----d to you”
”Yet, I know thee, and, perhaps, the guilt is partly mine that thou art even nohat thou art Thou hast, then, forgotten the o, jumped off Coenties Slip, and, by the kindness of Providence, rescued a boy froot!” exclai
”No, d----ddevilish queer in your voice So you was the man, and I am the b'hoy Oh, what a cussed beast I am to insult you! Give us your hand I ask your pardon, sir I ask your pardon And,” he added, looking fiercely round, ”if there's a man here who crooks his thumb at ye, I swear I'll whip him within an inch of his life”
”Swear not at all,” said theI see, notwithstanding thy coarseness and vile language, thou art not all evil, and, if thou wilt colect, by putting thee in a situation where thou mayst become an useful man”
The boy hesitated Two i him in opposite directions He was afraid of the ridicule of his companion, and of the sneer which he saw on his face, and who, noas urging hi peculiarly attractive about the Quaker that was difficult to resist
The good Quaker read the indecision of his mind, and understood the cause ”Come,” he said, ”be a man, and choose for thyself like aas thou wilt, and shalt be free to leave at thy pleasure”
”That's fair,” said Haxall ”I'll go with you, sir Goodbye, Bill,” he exclai his hand But Bill, thrusting both his hands into his pockets, refused the hand, and answered conteo and snivel with Broadbri to say to such a mean-spirited devil”
”You're a mean devil yourself,” retorted Haxall, all his fiery passions kindling at the other's taunt
”Coently, ”return not railing for railing I trust the tier, will only be an incentive to examine thy bosombefore the conclusion of this conversation, the original cause of it had entered the house with Pownal, and, upon his departure, the little crowd had gradually dispersed, so that, when the benevolent Quaker left, with the boy who, very few persons re coood angel stood by his side to strengthen hiard it
When Holden and Pownal entered the house, the front part of which was used as a shop, they were received with great civility by a wo at the counter, and, upon their desire to speak with her husband, were shown by her into a back room, used as a parlor, and requested to be seated Her husband, she said, had stepped out a short tier than she expected, and would certainly be back in a few h, they were hardly seated before he ent person, and answered without suspicion or hesitation to the best of his ability, all the questions addressed to him, so soon as he understood their object But his infor at all about a person who had occupied the house more than twenty years before--nor was it, indeed, reasonable to suppose he should In all probability the nureat as of the years that had since elapsed: the name mentioned to him was a very common one: many such were to be found in the Directory, and the chances were that the house itself had repeatedly changed owners in a coentleest, the best course would be to exaister's office, and trace the title down to the time desired
In this way the name of the owner could, without difficulty, be discovered, and if he were alive he ht, perhaps, be able to inform them what had becoh that was hardly probable
The suggestion was plainly sensible, and had, indeed, occurred to Pownal frowhether the house described by Esther, still existed, than with the expectation ofany further discovery His anticipations had beenhad been made; there was every inducement to prosecute the search When, therefore, Holden and Pownal thanked the obliging shopkeeper for his politeness, and took their leave, both felt that their h the condition of theirconfident of success, the latter hoping for it
”I will call at the Register's office,” said the young man, ”and direct an examination to be made of the records We shall be able to obtain the result to-morrow, and until then you must endeavor to amuse yourself, my dear friend, as well as possible You know I sympathize with your ience, and heaven grant it a happy termination”
Pownal saw that the search was ister, and the title traced through several persons to the period when the house was occupied by the man named by Esther Upon further inquiry it was ascertained that the proprietor at that time was still alive, and one of the principal citizens of the place Holden lost no ti upon him, but was dooreat urbanity by the gentleman, one of the old school, who proffered every aid in his power, and made an examination of his papers to discover the name of his tenant He was successful in the search, and found that the naiven by Esther, but what had become of the man he was unable to say
Holden now determined to make the inquiry of every one of the saht The search he pursued with all the ardor of a vehement nature, stimulated by the importance of an object that lay so near his heart There was no street, or alley, or lane, where there was the slightest chance of success, unvisited by his unwearied feet And varied was the treat search: by some met with contempt and insult as a crazy old fool, whose fittest place was the lunatic asyluht not to be allowed to prowl about the streets, entering people's houses at unseasonable hours and plaguing them with foolish questions: by others with a careless indifference, and an obvious desire to be rid of him as soon as possible, but to the honor of human nature, be it said, by most with sy the poorer, that when it was necessary to mention the reason of his inquiry, he was treated with the entleness and consideration Whether it is that suffering had taught thereed had hardened the hearts of the richer, let the reader deterain, it was upon the women his tale made the tenderest impression Whatever maybe the condition of woman, however sad her experience in life, however deplorable her lot, however low she radation, it is hard to find one of her sex in whouished With her, kindness is an instinct The heart throbs of necessity to a story of sorrow, and the eye overfloith pity
But the diligence of Holden was in vain, and, at last, he was obliged to confess that he knew not what further to do, unless he took his staff in hand and wandered over the world in prosecution of his search
”And that will I do, Thomas,” he said, as one day he returned froht else can be done My trust is in the Lord, and He doth notof the heart, nor hath He made the revelation and put this confidence into my mind in vain I knohom I have trusted, and that He is faithful and true”
Whatever ht have been the opinion of Pownal, he was incapable of uttering a word to discourage Holden, or of inflicting unnecessary pain ”Why should I,” he said, ”dampen his enthusias his son, it is, after all, s more wonderful than such a discovery have happened By ed Disappointh I will not be its ill-omened herald”
He, therefore, said, in reply--
”Esther's story is certainly true Our researches corroborate its truth We have found the house, and a person of the naave, did live in it at the time she mentioned”
”They satisfy thee, Tho proof--an internal evidence--even as the sure word of prophecy It speaks todown, and bids ood cheer, for the day of deliverance draweth nigh