Part 19 (1/2)

Contrary, however, to what ht have been expected from his former submission, the prisoner required to see the written authority by which he was to be consigned to bonds, and refused to move until it had been shown, in which determination he was sustained by the bystanders Thus unexpectedly resisted, the constable had no alternative but to release Holden or produce the instru out a nuht for the document It was in vain; no warrant was to be found; and, after repeatedly shuffling the papers, he exclaimed: ”I declare I must have lost it”

Whether he discovered the loss then for the first time, or what is far more probable, did not anticipate its dehty as Holden, and meant to procure one afterwards, is not certainly known, but the fact is certain, he had no written authority to arrest

”You never had one Is this the way you treat a free A; you had better nant voices from the crohom a constable cannot be a popular character

”It's my opinion,” said the man in the fox skin cap, ”Basset has made himself liable for assault and battery What do you think, Captain?”

”I ain't clear on that point,” returned his cautious cohts, I say, and I've no notion of atook without law I' to proceed, and, indeed, unable to conceive hoithout Holden's assent, he could take him before the justice, now relinquished his prey, and endeavored to itation arose, none could say how, the persons coan to be swayed backwards and forwards in a strange ot tripped up, and before he could rise, several ht, so that when he became visible in the heap, he presented a most pitiable appearance His coat was torn, his neckerchief twisted so tight about his neck, that he was half choked, and his hat jammed out of all shape It is doubtful whether he would have escaped so cheaply, had it not been for Gladding, who, after he thought Basset had suffered sufficiently, came to his assistance

”I always stand by the law,” said To him to his feet, ”but I ad to take up a man without a warrant”

Basset's faculties were too confused to enter into a discussion of the subject then, and with ainst his tormentors, and, attended by Tom, he liratulations hich the crowd had greeted Holden on his escape from the clutches of the constable, but he waved theave some offence

”If I'd known the old felloas so proud,” said one, ”I guess Basset ht have taken him for all I cared”

”I sort o' sprained in the constable,”

said another, laughing, ”and it's een about as good as throay”

”Perhaps,” cried a third, ”when he's took agin, I'll be there to help, and perhaps I won't”

While these various speeches were being athered around Holden, and were expressing their mortification at the annoyance he had experienced, and their pleasure at his escape

”Why do the heathen rage, and the people i?” cried the enthusiast ”Surely their devices shall be brought to naught, and their counsels to no effect He that sitteth on the circle of the heavens shall laugh them to scorn, and spurn them in His displeasure

Because for Thy sake, I have borne reproach; shaer unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children”

He waited for no re up the pile of baskets which were tied together, threw them upon his back, and stalked over the ice in the direction of his cabin

On their way ho people discussed the events of the afternoon, dwelling on thewith Holden as on that which most occupied their minds

”It is with a painful interest,” said Pownal, ”that Iof ard I areat service to me, that I cannot listen to the tones of his voice without e of the wind through pine trees, that affects ,” said Faith ”There is to s the tears sometimes into my eyes before I am aware What is the cause, I do not know I never heard it spoken of till now, and did not suppose there was another affected like s,” cried Anne ”I flatter myself there is some poetry in me, but it takes a different shape

Nohen I see Father Holden, I begin to think of Jeremiah and Zachariah, and all the old prophets, but with no disposition to cry”

”Tears were never meant to dim those blue eyes, dear Anne,” said Faith


_Dogberry_--You are thought here to be the most senseless and fit man for the constable of the watch; therefore, bear you the lantern This is your charge; you shall corom men