Part 16 (1/2)

”nobody rollhiiven allBasset,”

said Tom, whose merriment increased the ht corinning

”Well, old Prier I ever did see,” said To; ”but take care you don't feel too proud after your ride Put a nigger on horseback, and you knohere he goes But what have you got there?” he inquired, seeing the General draw a paper out of his pocket

”Dis paper fall out ob Missa Basset hat when de ghost strike hiht, and I pick him up”

”Golly! if it ain't the warrant Priladder of this than if I found a good dinner”

”Well, what shall I do wid him?”

”Why, onit and cartridge-box; he can't do nothing without it; ithout the warrant, he's just like a cat without claws He daresn't touch a man without a warrant”

”If Missa Basset trow de paper away, I 'spose he don't want hi, and nobody can find fault widup a little piece ob waste paper, just to kindle de fire,” said Pri the warrant into the flames, where it was immediately consumed

”There, we've drawn Basset's eye-teeth now,” said Gladding ”Holden's as safe as you or , and, as he took leave, ht hand touching the end of his nose, and his fingers twinkling in the air, ”you're too old a fox to need teaching, but it will do no harm to say I advise you to keep as dark as your skin”

Such was the conversation that, on theafter the adventure of the island, took place at the cabin of Primus, and the reader will now perfectly understand (if, indeed, he has not before discovered it) the relation which the associates bore to the constable Yet, there was so felt only unood-nature of the negro (proverbial of the race) infused so hab no manners,” said Primus to himself, after the departure of his friend ”It is bery onpleasant to hear sich pussonal inflections But, probuer, he larn better”

How it got out, nobody could tell To about it, and Basset was equally positive he had not opened his ular that, before twelve o'clock the next day, rumors of the adventure had reached the ears of more than one-half the inhabitants of Hillsdale True, none were very accurate, nor did any two agree; for, as is apt to happen, in such cases, each one who told the story took care,in the repetition Hence, before noon, it was, like most of our modern literature, ”splendidly ee, then, that the doctor, in his et soh remained to satisfy him that an attempt to arrest Holden had been h he had heard of the disturbance at the conference, he hardly supposed that an offence which he regarded as so venial, would have drawn along such serious consequences But when he heard that generally assigned as the reason, having no words of his own to express his astonish treasury--

”'Can such things be, And overcome us like a summer cloud, Without our special wonder?'”

The quotation did not seem fully to answer the purpose, and he added, ”Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun: it shi+nes everywhere” This gave hily than his own anodyne drops; and, having thus recovered his equanis had heard the news

He found Miss Ar at home, but not her father

”You have heard the news, Faith, thisI suppose?” said the doctor

”No; we are not much like the Athenians Neither et the first edition What is it, doctor?”

But the doctor did not relish being called, by the remotest i Yankee is said to be, he stoutly repelled the imputation of inquisitiveness, as applied to himself or to his country, ”a slander invented by your porter-guzzling English Dutchmen What can you expect of people who are involved in a perpetual cloud either of their own raising or of theof Providence? They are adapted to circumstances It never was intended they should have more than one idea a week; it would be too much for their constitution; and therefore they ask no questions No wonder, then, they feel uncoet into a clear cli about their ears like a swarotten his own question, and not to have heard Miss Ar reht to be ashamed to meet me: if everybody else were like you, I should starve”

”All your own fault, dear doctor Your presence brings cheerfulness and health”

”To say nothing of the medicine Of that (in confidence between us), the less the better If I should ever becoh to prescribe any other than bread pills, be sure to throw them out of the

There, you have the secret of er, I think I shall be obliged to adopt the Emperor of China's plan, and require a salary for your health, on condition it shall stop when you are sick”

”I admire the Eeain, for I shall secure a greater nuwith curiosity This is always the ith your tor sex: