Part 11 (1/2)

After a pause, Ar said: ”If such are the evidences of justification and a saving faith, then have I had the they to me no confidence or holy joy? Why is my soul cast down, and why do I feel like one who stumbles towards a pit? Alas! ht of falling into His hands”

”It is prayer that opens heaven,” said Holden ”If thou wilt, ill unite our hearts in supplication Peradventure the Lord ”

A ; the three knelt down together, and Holden poured out a prayer, into which he concentrated his glowing feelings He described themselves as covered all over with crimes, like a leprosy; as willful and determined rebels; as not only unworthy of the least of God'srain, but deserving of the torments of the bottomless pit; but entreated that, devoid of all gravated offences ht be pardoned for the sake of One who had taken their burden upon Hiht be of the number of the elect, whom the foreordination of God had predestined to salvation He concluded with beseeching that the balht be poured into his afflicted brother's heart, that his ears ht be opened to hear the truth, and his eyes to see how near was the great and terrible day of the Lord, and that, as in ancient days chosen woht be made an instrument to proclaim His power abroad

As the three rose fro the prayer, to have passed over the little circle Holden was invested with an authority not felt before Neither his speech nor dress was as strange as formerly He had become a teacher to be honored It was the influence of a h shattered, exercised the control of a strong will, guided by an earnest fanaticise waxed pale, And chaunge of hew great passion did bewray, Yett still he strove to cloke his inward bale, And hide the smoke that did his fire display


The request of Mr Arhter, prevailed upon Holden to remain to tea, and afterwards to accoious purposes held usually on so of the week, was called Upon the conclusion of the service he was to return with theht at the house of his host It was not without difficulty he allowed his objections to be overruled, nor was he ever known before to have accepted such an invitation But it had see increased, so did hers over hihtest wish Perhaps, too, the events of the afternoon, by bringing his like those through which he had passed, had softened his sternness and disposed hi where the ”conference” met was of the humblest pretensions It was a weather-stained, unpainted wooden edifice of one story, standing at no great distance fro comfortably, probably a hundred people The interior was al coarsely plastered and dingy with smoke that had escaped from a cast-iron stove which stood in the centre of the room Benches with backs were placed parallel to one another, and facing a sort of rostrue betwixt the benches led

The inside as equally innocent of paint as the outside

On the arrival of Mr Ar with his companions, they found the room only partly occupied, nor had the exercises co to a custoular, but which, doubtless, was founded in a knowledge of the nature of youngwoe, and the feht be expected, only partly answered the purpose, being unable to arrest the glances which, with quite asspace These, however, were stolen, and ed in such a quiet way as not materially to affect the devotions of the elders

In coe, a breach of which would have violated propriety, Faith, withdrawing her ar her own sex on the right, while Mr Arht places on the left

The appearance of the Solitary entering the little place of worshi+p, striding up the passage with his usual air of dignity and co the principal h differing little, probably, in religious sentiments (except in one point) froious worshi+p He was, therefore, notwithstanding his frequent allusions to the Scriptures, considered generally ht of a heathen than of a Christian man, and the apparition of Plato or Socrates would hardly have excited more observation Many, in consequence, were the looks bent on him by those present, and those who afterwards came in

But of them, or of any sensation caused by his presence, he seemed utterly unconscious With arms folded and head drooped upon his chest, he shut his eyes and abandoned himself to meditation

”Massy on us,” whispered Miss Green, the hbor, Miss Thompson, the tailoress, ”if here ain't old Holden I wonder what fetches him here”

”And did you see!” said Miss Tho in like s I always did aduess,” said Miss Green, ”he feels kind o' aard Look how he's folded his ar or conference, if he was ever in such a place before; he don't kno to behave”

”There's no sort o' set about his clothes,” observed Miss Thompson

”They look as if he ood enough to go with Faith Ar's cloak” (which had been made by a rival artiste), responded Miss Green

”What dark colors she wears, no variety, and how dreadful old they make her look!”

”Hush!+” said Miss Tho the colloquy of the two spinsters a grave, respectable-looking man, so-desk, and opening the large Bible that lay upon it, selected a chapter, and now invited the attention of the audience to its contents Upon its conclusion he gave out a hymn, the tune of which was announced by another person, who i it pulled out a pitch-pipe fro note The singing proceeded principally fro the singers had been collected together, although scattered sounds also, of either ru e of the perforuerrilla passages were sadly out of tiht either provoke a sht, indeed, laugh at the wavering and undecided notes, but to the reflectingprofoundly pathetic in the feeble tribute to the praise of their Maker, of those whose voices in the ordinary course of naturewas ended, the person who had hitherto officiated invited Deacon Baldwin, calling him by name, tohis hands coation respectfully bent forward, or covered their faces with their handkerchiefs The prayer evidently ca that requires it should be recorded Another hy, upon the conclusion of which followed the sermon

The person who came forward to perfore, with a bull neck His features were harsh and severe, and staross animality of the mouth and chin too plainly revealed how many and desperate were the conflicts it must have cost hi-desk his clothes brushed Holden, who shrunk from the touch The Solitary looked up, but as if what he saas displeasing, he averted his face and shut his eyes

The first thing done by Davenport on reaching the desk, and casting a furtive glance around, was to draw an East India silk handkerchief out of his pocket, and having noticed a spittoon by his side, to blow his nose sonorously He then cleared his throat two or three tiularly enough, that the subject was prophecy, considered as evidence of the divine inspiration of the Scriptures