Part 20 (1/2)

shi+rley is surely a bankrupt, but is he a ? Can he be cleared of these charges? And what about the Wells National Bank? And where is Carson Wells? These are the things we must know if I am to live as a citizen or a criminal

”I will be in Denver for a few days We surely have more than sixty thousand dollars' worth of metal in those containers Some of it may be in bad shape Some of it may have to be rectified, as they term it, and that will cause delay Then, too, I am not certain if your lady friend in Denver can do her job effectively I wouldn't want to be caught in a disguise At any rate, I will be in Chicago or Bransford some day next week”

At the railway station Jim Gillisat the Denver platforo Welborn's read ”to Denver and return”



Because of duties inthe uncertain boundary lines that divided a defeated people from those who had triumphed, Captain shi+rley Wells was detained in the border lands of France and Geriment had returned to their hoeant of a company that became noted for its discipline within and its activities afield His promotion to a commission had been earned

shi+rley had entered the service as an enthusiastic youth In a few brief years he had grown to a serious-minded man A six-footer, deep-chested, broad of shoulders, he had the physical ability to enforce the decrees and orders of his superiors while the general ter formulated Patiently and firmly he worked with the peasantry of any district where he was assigned to gain their confidence and earn the praise of his superiors On July 2nd, 1921, his nation and the others interested having coeneral terroups was ended shi+rley Wells had been gratified in earning a commission, noas happy indeed to know that he was to return to civilian pursuits, for he ht have to work out sohteenafter an effective foray against the ene hira by a lack of replies to his letters, he doubted that one had been sent

Noas an orphan In letters from friends he learned that his elder brother, Carson, was in charge of the fao, and that he was connected with active interests in that city He learned, too, that Carson now lived in the ancient but beautiful hoirls ho enerations, still rendering the service that had made it fa soldier was deeply involved in the complications that come to all veterans who are hastily transferred back to civilian duties and are to encounter the radical changes that have beenforce in distant lands

However, shi+rley Wells noted little difference in conditions in the cities of Washi+ngton and Chicago as he hastened hos and streets appeared about as usual but the general populace appeared indifferent and unconcerned Unemployment prevailed, but he seemed to contact more women in business places than he did in for local for Bransford He was disappointed that he found no old-ti those ere bound for the suburbs The first person to recognize hi was casual as he trundled the truck of empty milk cans to the far end of the platform ”Maybe these London tweeds are taboo in this central zone,” he grumbled as he made his way up the shaded street to the business district

At the bank, he planned to walk right up to the receiver'sand ask old Powell if this was Tellson's bank and was Mr Tellson in? As a schoolboy he had often kidded the aged cashi+er as to the close reseloo located at Teed cashi+er's place was occupied by an alert young man who asked to be of service and shi+rley could only inquire if Carson was in

The aged wo cabinet turned quickly when she heard the voice of the inquirer She walked to the counter to get a better view ”Why, it's shi+rley!” she cried as she ran out in the corridor ”It's shi+rley!--twice as big!” Shely lifted her up to plant a kiss on either cheek ”That's the first--and best--welcome I've had since I landed in America, Aunt Carrie,” said he ”Now I feel that I am home”

Carson Wells cas of the brothers were not so effusive shi+rley was invited to the private room by his brother

”I want to loaf around for a week or two,” the veteran explained ”I want to hunt up a few old friends and hear 'e the war If you can find out where I can store soet ht”

”The housing situation is a little tight just now,” said Carson, ”but we should be able to find quarters soested of weekends and roo houses are full up I live in the three west rooms of our old home and Mr Breen and his family occupy the rest However, there's plenty of room at the farmhouse, and Davis, the tenant, certainly needs a lot of personal supervision, the way things have been going lately At ti house at the farm but my wife protests--”

”Are you married?” interrupted shi+rley ”And who is the fortunate lady?”

”Why, sure I'et our announceo last April”

shi+rley Wells occupied quarters at the family farmhome for nearly four years In the first feeeks he drove an ancient model back and forth to the little city to renew acquaintances The Aion, quartered in a souts

Here, two or three of the uni and coeneral public did not plan and build for their uses the ornate structure they had in mind

For a week or two he frequented the local movies, but compared with past experiences he failed to find the production up to the announce

Social affairs in the coroups” Luncheon clubs, such as Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions seemed to dominate coanizations took care of other cos