Vol 3 Chapter 6 (1/2)


at 11th of July 2019 06:06:24 AM

Chapter 6

I wouldn’t get stronger even if I got bald

“Ha ha, I didn’t mean to ask you to become a monkYou don’t need to protect your hair so fast” Yu Hui probably found led with her hands covering her mouth and said that

“I don’t? Oh, I understand nowI only need to study the Buddhist doctrineBut I don’t know anything of thatIt’s is, not to mention that it is written in Sanskrit which I don’t even kno to pronounce” To be honest, I kneas not a clever personI could forcethe Buddhist doctrine was a whole other level for meIt was too hard

“I know it is difficult for you to understand those Buddhist textsSo I won’t teach you the complicated ones, only one of the practical Buddhist doctrines which called ‘Counting Spell’You don’t even have to read any obscure textsThere’s only one thing you need to do”

“Counting Spell?” I had never heard of it

But it was good to know that it was easy

“You only need to count one to a hundred in your heartBut there are two restrictionsThe first restriction is that you have to pause three seconds every time after you count a nu else during the countingIf you violate any of the restrictions, you’ll have to start over until you finish counting a hundred numbers”

“Sounds pretty sihts?” It never occurred to me that the solution would be that ‘ordinary’So I asked Yu Hui doubtfully with my eyebrows raised

Yu Hui answered me with a smile, “Just have a try”

“I see, I’ll do it now” This spell ical effectPerhaps Yu Hui would do so to me when I counted

So I decided to have a try

I closed my eyes and started to count froot, I should have paused for three secondsThen I started over again

,,I didn’t know if I had paused for three seconds or notThe tiuessed I would have to start again

SeventeenWell, where was I?


Having tried about seven or eight times, I found myself even unable to count to twentySo I opened my eyes and said sullenly,

“This one is harder than I thought” I did have underesti Spell’

Thebut the numbers

I considered myself a steady man and wouldn’t letof only the numbers was still impossible for me

Because I needed to pause for three secondsAnd that was long enough forthe procedure, I had wondered if I had already paused for three seconds enough fro

It seemed that Yu Hui had already foreseen ed up,

“That’s why it could release you frohts and suppress those desires”

“You are rightIt actually workedIf I can count froht lose allas I counted numbers on a five minutes cycle, I would be able to control ht me sounded more like a way to distractthe Buddhist texts

What was more important was that it was quite simple so I could do it anytime

This method suited me well because I didn’t believe that I would recall any Buddhist texts in some critical conditions

However, there was still a defect of this ht? What if I don’t even have the chance to count?” I asked

Then Yu Hui nodded and answered, “If you really cannot control yourself, it’ll be hard for you to pull yourself out of that state on your ownSo if youyou need to do is to take great precaution”

“Then I’ on you, Yu HuiDon’t show any mercy on me by thenJust slap me on the face”

“I see”

Now I still had to set up a standard forSpell’?

Well, when I started to touch a girl? No, that would be too lateAfter thinking for a moment, I finally decided to closeat the body parts of girls

The parts which were alluring to , underwear, wellMaybe I should also includ the back, belly, as well asneck, collarbone

Come on! That was too hard!

Now I had to restrain irls’ bodiesI found that a real grindI ht just poke hth sense by being blind

“Puff” I didn’t want to seeirls around me latelySo I had to raise ood luck oht be caused bySpell’ is just a temporary hts?”

“There is one which could get it done once and foreverHoweverI wouldn’t suggest you to use it”

“Hmm? What kind offor a while, with her face turning red, Yu Hui turned her head and toldto my trousers, “You can also cut off that part of your body”