Chapter 76 (1/2)
For Shen Hanshen, who attaches so much importance to work efficiency, doing such work should be a great waste of time and life.
But now, he has been in this position for several months. It should not be just for the decision-making power of Lawton. After all, it seems that Shen Hanshen has his own company to be busy. Being the head of an appraisal department is far away from the top of the decision-making level. He basically belongs to a position that is difficult to do, which is not good enough for personal development.
So she doesn't understand the world of the rich.
When Shen Hanshen heard Lu Yun's words, he raised his eyebrows like a knife: ”I've found the person who takes care of me. I'm standing in front of you.”
Lu Yun frowned and looked at Ye Yinxin. He was very dissatisfied. Then he said to Shen Hanshen, ”why do I find Miss ye? The professional nurse I'm looking for is not better. I can take good care of your stomach. Besides, Miss Ye hasn't taken good care of herself. How can I take care of you?”
”You don't have to worry so much. She has to do it if she can't do it.” Shen Hanshen glanced at Ye Yinxin with indifference, and then frowned at him, ”I know my stomach, I don't need any special care.”
Shen Hanshen's irresponsible attitude towards his body makes Lu Yun very dissatisfied, but he has no way to persuade the stubborn Shen Hanshen. He can only turn his eyes and look at Ye Yinxin, but his voice is soft and makes people feel like Mu Chunfeng: ”then I can only ask Miss Ye. The doctor says that Hanshen's stomach is bad, and the cold is getting worse. Now he has a fever, Miss ye must take a lot of trouble. ”
His opposite look surprised Ye Yinxin at the speed of his face change. She didn't want to be fussy, but nodded her head in agreement.
”Although the food prepared in Huaxin hospital is very good, it doesn't have a very good effect on Hanshen's recuperation. I will arrange a special nutritionist to prepare the food and send it to the hospital. Hanshen, the caregiver will resign. I agree, but you have to listen to me.”
With such a strong tone, Shen Hanshen didn't refuse. He just looked at Lu Yun noncommittally.
”I also need to trouble Miss Ye. We must urge Hanshen to eat on time every day.” Lu Yun's face smiles gently, and ye Yinxin nods his head disorderly.
Before thinking about her, before she accidentally fell into the water, she did her duty every day and delivered meals to Shen Hanshen on time. However, this person is always choosy, this one doesn't eat, that one doesn't eat. Can such a picky person not have stomach trouble?
Lu Yun, who is not in a good mood, looks at her like this. He turns around and leaves without saying anything more.
”Come here!”
As soon as Shen Hanshen sees Lu Yun leaving, he immediately waves to Ye Yinxin.
Although Ye Yinxin is very reluctant, he slowly shakes his feet and walks to Shen Hanshen's bed.
Shen Hanshen leaned by the bed, with no expression on his face. His thick eyebrows were always wrinkled, and there were some shallow marks. He was like a little old man, but he always felt too serious when he was young.
Even at this time, it should be weak in the hospital bed, but it makes people feel as if they are in the office, facing their own tough boss.
”I want to eat fruit.” Shen Hanshen takes out his mobile phone, slides it in his hand, looks at the fluctuation line of the stock market, and commands her without looking at Ye Yinxin.
Ye Yinxin takes a look around. Shen Hanshen's ward is not as cold as hers. Some of them are fruits provided by the hospital.
Here he pours good fruit. There are several plates of good fruit, and all of them can be peeled fresh fruit. At first glance, they are peeled and put away today. You only need to open your mouth to eat them.
Chichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichi. In the heart scold of all want to go up to the sky, but on the surface is still very obedient leaf India heart, clever put fruit end to Shen Hanshen in front of.
Shen Hanshen fumbled with one hand and put it in her mouth. She was holding the plate all the time. Her face was so angry that she couldn't speak. She raised her eyebrows and ate a few more.