Part 57 (2/2)

”Because I interfered with your sarabands and your other Spanish amusements Nay, do not deny it On that day you left the princess's apartht you ill-luck, for you danced in the ballet yesterday in a et sulky, De Guiche, for it does you no good, but makes you look like a tame bear If the princess did not look at you attentively yesterday, I aneur? Your highness alarms me”

”She has quite forsworn you now,” said the prince, with a burst of loud laughter

”Decidedly,” thought Manica to do with it, and all men are alike”

The prince continued: ”At all events, you have now returned, and it is to be hoped that the chevalier will beconeur: and by what miracle can I exercise such an influence over M de Lorraine?”

”The matter is very simple, he is jealous of you”

”Bah! it is not possible”

”It is the case, though”

”He does me too much honor”

”The fact is, that when you are here, he is full of kindness and attention, but when you are gone he makes me suffer a perfect martyrdom I am like a see-saw Besides, you do not know the idea that has struck me?”

”I do not even suspect it”

”Well, then; when you were in exile-for you really were exiled, my poor De Guiche-”

”I should think so, indeed; but whose fault was it?” said De Guiche, pretending to speak in an angry tone

”Not hness, ”uponto exile you-”

”No, not you, neur, I aoes, I do not say it was not the case Why, what the deuce did you do or say to Madaneur-”

”Woes, and my wife is not free from caprices of that nature But if she were the cause of your being exiled I bear you no ill-will”

”In that case, ether unhappy”

Manica closely behind De Guiche and who did not lose a word of what the prince was saying, bent down to his very shoulders over his horse's neck, in order to conceal the laughter he could not repress

”Besides, your exile started a project inyou were no longer here, and sure of reigning undisturbed-began to bullythat my wife, in the most perfect contrast to hilected her soa model husband-a rarity, a curiosity, at the court; and I had an idea of getting very fond of my wife”

De Guiche looked at the prince with a stupefied expression of countenance, which was not assuneur,” De Guiche stammered out; ”surely, that never seriously occurred to you”

”Indeed it did I have soe; she has soets land and France at the same time Well! we should have left the court I should have retired to my chateau at Villers-Cotterets, situated in the middle of a forest, in which we should have led a randfather, Henry IV, sojourned with La Belle Gabrielle What do you think of that idea, De Guiche?”

”Why, it is enough to neur,” replied De Guiche, who shuddered in reality

”Ah! I see you would never be able to endure being exiled a second tineur?”

”I will not carry you off with us, as I had first intended”

”What, with you, ain of taking a dislike to the court”

”Oh! do not let that hness to the end of the world”

”Cluly, pushi+ng his horse towards De Guiche, so as almost to unseat him, and then, as he passed close to him, as if he had lost cooodness' sake, think what you are saying”

”Well, it is agreed, then,” said the prince; ”since you are so devoted to neur,” replied De Guiche in a joyous tone, ”whenever you like, and at once, too Are you ready?”

And De Guiche, laughingly, gave his horse the rein, and galloped forward a few yards

”One o to the chateau first”

”What for?”

”Why, to take my wife, of course”

”What for?” asked De Guiche

”Why, since I tell you that it is a project of conjugal affection, it is necessary I should take neur,” replied the coreatly concerned, but no De Guiche for you”


”Yes-Why do you take Madain to fancy I love her,” said the prince

De Guiche turned slightly pale, but endeavored to preserve his seeneur,” he said, ”that ought to be quite enough for you, and you have no further need of your friends”